5 things I learned from going on a running retreat – Runner’s World (UK)
5 things I learned from going on a running retreat Runner’s World (UK)
I write this article feeling unusually relaxed, happy and flexible. My glass is half full and there is something approaching a spring in my step. I have, you see, recently returned from a running retreat. The retreat in question, Running Forever, is the brainchild of Sam Murphy and Jeff Pyrah, and takes place in Rye, East Sussex. Over its four days, I learned much about running, nutrition and recovery. Here’s a quick summary…
It’s nice to be treated like an athlete
Aged 34, with a running career that peaked in a fourth-placed finish at Peckham Rye parkrun, I’ve had to grudgingly accept that I’m unlikely to make Team GB for Tokyo 2020. But that doesn’t mean that a non-Olympian like me can’t spend a long weekend feeling like one. What’s more, when your meals are made for you, expert advice is on hand and the biggest decision you have to make that day is whether to wear road or trail shoes, your energy and enthusiasm for running skyrockets. Over the four days, there were six runs – six! – including speed work, hill sessions and a long run. My legs were a little heavy on Monday morning, but I also felt rested and rejuvenated.
Lesson one: if you can simplify your life and prioritise rest, you’ll be surprised how far and well you can run. Tokyo, here I come!
Eat well, run well
Like everything else on the Forever Running retreat, the nutrition was meticulously planned. I use the term ‘nutrition’ rather than ‘food’ because the menu was specifically designed to provide us with the nutrients and energy we needed to get the most from the running sessions. Written on each day’s menu was an explainer of what we were eating and why. There was smoked salmon and scrambled eggs after a morning run (‘Eggs are a fantastic source of protein – 6g per medium egg’). And a roasted beetroot and goats cheese salad before the evening session (‘Extensive research shows beetroot boosts endurance performance’). While it may be unrealistic to have a personal chef and annotated menus at home, it is possible to base meals around the athletic demands of your day.
Lesson two: plan out your meals in advance. Prioritise carbohydrates pre-run, and ensure your post-run meal has a protein source.
Training should be sustainable
I don’t know about you, but I’d like to carry on running for quite a while. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I can’t imagine my life without running. But as runners we often take our bodies for granted, battling through injuries and resting only as a last resort. The Running Forever retreat showed me the folly of this approach. Sam and Jeff’s philosophy emphasises the importance of easy running (80 per cent of your runs should be at this pace) and runner-specific strength and conditioning. The latter of these isn’t necessarily about chucking heavy weights around, either. It’s about performing moves like lunges, squats and calf raises with proper form. Only add weight once your form is faultless.
Lesson three: Take a sustainable approach to your training. Your mind and body will thank you for it in the long-term. See you at London 2082, in the V90 category.
It’s time to show your feet some love
Our feet take a battering on our behalf. And how do we repay them? By stuffing them into ill-fitting day shoes? By grudgingly trimming the odd toenail? It’s little wonder they occasionally act up. The Running Forever retreat encouraged us, instead, to show our feet some love. This affection can take many forms: putting them in foot-friendly day shoes, strengthening them through exercises, even giving them a massage. The last of these is incredible, by the way, but something you really ought to administer yourself. There’s luxury, and then there’s cruelty to others.
Lesson four: Take 10 minutes a week to treat your feet to some TLC. It’s the least they deserve.
Runners are a remarkable bunch
If you want to be reminded of what an interesting and inspiring tribe we runners are, going on a running retreat is one way to do it. From super-quick sixty-somethings to running newbies, via ultrarunners and marathon hopefuls, our group had the lot. We were different in many ways – speed, geography, age, experience – but the unifying love of running meant that conversation flowed and lasting friendship were forged.
Lesson four: Running retreats can remind you of what makes runners great, and may give you a new set of friends in the process.
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