6 Things To Do Before A Big Race – Women’s Health
6 Things To Do Before A Big Race Women’s Health
City2Surf is not far away, so if you haven’t already, it is time to kick yourself into gear with your training and prep work.
Prep right for your next run – by Molly Katgay

City2Surf is not far away, so if you haven’t already, it is time to kick yourself into gear with your training and prep work.
Here are my top tips for you only a few weeks out from the big event.
1. Gradual loading is super important
Gymnasts don’t learn how to do a back handspring in a day, but a lot of beginner runners try to sprint a marathon in their first go. Slowly build up the kms, your joints will thank you!
2. Stick with it
Often, we put off our workouts (guilty) especially as they get harder. Schedule in your workouts and stick with them! You’ll see so much better results. Furthermore, when it comes to a running event, you need to be prepared by a certain date. Take this seriously so that you have less chance of getting injured on the big day.
3. Use a mantra
When I was running a lot of trail races, I would tell myself “every up hill has a down hill”. This kept me going, even when I thought there was nothing left in the tank.
4. Mix up your runs and don’t skip the weights
I can talk for about about how important weights are to any fitness routine. Lifting will help you become a stronger and more efficient runner. Also, don’t just smash out the same 5km course every day. Intelligent training and mixing up your runs with sprints, tempo, hills and long runs may be a better way to train and will definitely keep things interesting.
5. Nutrition
You know the sports car analogy, you can’t expect your body to perform on empty. Leading up to race day, I think about how will what I choose to eat serve my body and make my runs better. A few tips, don’t change your diet the day before or the day after your run, only eat things that you know agree with your stomach. I also up my protein intake in the weeks leading up to a big run as protein is important for both energy and recovery. My go to is the Nuzest Clean Lean Protein range as it is very clean, easy to digest and goes well in my smoothies.
6. Choose your kit for you, not for Instagram!
Just because you like that pair of shoes your friend wore for her race, doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be right for you. Experts at any store can help fit you for a great shoe. Also, speaking from experience, try to break in tips/leggings before the race. This will ensure your outfit is race day ready!
Happy running ladies! See you at the race