8 nutrition trends for runners in 2020 – Runner’s World (UK)
8 nutrition trends for runners in 2020 Runner’s World (UK)

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We ask our resident nutritionist, Kim Pearson, how to eat cleaner and smarter this year.
The 16:8 approach
We’ve come a long way since the 5:2 diet went global; there’s now a fasting regime to suit everyone. One of the most popular is the ‘16:8’, which involves eating all your meals in an eight-hour window and fasting for the remaining 16. This is handy if you’re trying to lose weight as part of your training, but make sure you schedule your runs inside the eight-hour window to allow for adequate postrun refuelling for recovery.
Plant power
The vegan movement is exploding, but before you cut out all animal products, consider the potential nutrient deficiencies in plant-only diets. It can be harder to consume optimal levels of nutrients, such as iron and B12, essential for energy production. That said, we could all benefit from cutting out processed meat and choosing organic, free range options. Whether it’s adopting meat-free Monday or simply adding more plant protein to your diet in the form of beans, lentils and quinoa, introducing more variety is rarely a bad thing.
Adaptogens can be used to combat fatigue, enhance mental performance and ease mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Ashwagandha, a herbal adaptogen, has been shown to lower cortisol levels, helping to reduce the impact of stress on the body. It can also increase energy levels and boost concentration.
Brain-boosting foods
Ensure you are mentally stronger going into your long-distance runs by eating foods that support cognitive function, such as those rich in omega-3 (oily fish), and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods(brightly coloured fruit and veg). Supplementing with the amino acid tyrosine supports production of the neurotransmitters noradrenaline and dopamine, which can help boost motivation.
Plant milks
Plant milks will become even more popular as we move into the new decade, with options such as almond, soy, rice, oat, coconut, cashew, hazelnut, hemp and even pea milk increasingly available. While many of these plant milks have health benefits (omega-3in hemp milk, for example), the protein content is often lower than in cow’s milk, meaning they aren’t a like-for-like recovery replacement.
On-the-go nutrition
It’s time to clean up your pre-run and postrun fuel game for 2020, so forget gels and drinks full of synthetic additives; instead, opt for DIY options (think apple and peanut butter pots or egg and spinach combos for a postrun protein hit), or if you want a complete race-fuel programme with zero effort, try natural brands such as Tailwind.
Biohacking is all about getting to know the needs of your body, and tailoring your diet and supplements to increase performance and reduce your risk of illness. It is now easier than ever to get to know your body’s specific needs and adjust your nutrition accordingly to boost your running performance. Start the process with an at-home gut microbiome test from atlasbiomed.com and a blood test from thriva.co.
Supercharged water
Staying hydrated is key to your running performance but drinking pint after pint of water is a challenge for many people. This year, try fruit- or vegetable-infusing water bottles, to which you can add lime, lemon, cucumber, mint or any number of other ingredients, or try a vitamin-packed ‘microdrink’ such as Waterdrop cubes, which you can drop into your water to add fruit and plant extracts, with no sugar.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your GP with any questions you may have regarding a medal condition.
Kim Pearson is a qualified nutritionist, with more than 10 years’ experience. She loves running and pasta in equal measure.
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