Benefits of Cross-Country Skiing Vs. Running | Cross-Country Skiing – Runner’s World
Doug Lanksy considered himself a runner since just about forever. But when he moved to Norway 18 years ago, then on to Sweden, it was practically a residency requirement that he switch to cross-country skiing for at least a few months of the year.
He did his best to adapt, and in a few months, he didn’t just survive the winters; he thrived. Earlier this year, he competed in his first Marcialonga, a 70-kilometer race in northeastern Italy. Despite a ninth-wave start spot, he managed to duck and weave past nearly 3,000 skiers on the narrow course to finish in 4 hours 14 minutes. Respectable considering the start position, but not as good as his 90-kilometer Vasaloppet or 54-kilometer Birkebeiner finishes.
At 48 years old, he came to cross-country skiing late in life, but he had a huge head start on the sport thanks to running. Sure, there were adjustments and some new equipment, but they were manageable. In the end, running gave him a strong base for cross-country skiing, and adding cross-country skiing to his training, in turn, made him a better runner. It can do the same for you—here’s how cross-country skiing vs. running stacks up and everything you need to know to get started.
The Different Types of Cross-Country Skiing
Like most sports, there are several subsets within cross-country skiing also known as Nordic skiing. Just as there are marathon runners and sprinters, there are two main styles of cross-country skiing: classic and skate skiing. Classic style is performed with a forward gliding motion similar to running, in which the skis are parallel to each other, and your heels are free.
Skate style is a newer form of cross-country skiing that requires a diagonal movement closer to in-line or ice skating. Other forms of cross-country skiing include light touring and back-country touring, but we’ll focus on classic skiing as it pertains to runners in this article.
The Benefits of Cross-Country Skiing for Runners
Cross-country skiing is well-known as a major calorie burner (a fit person like you can burn upwards of ), but one of the best and most obvious benefits of cross-country skiing compared to running is the low-impact factor. Cross-country skiing is low impact, making it a great cross-training option.
When running, the average impact forces are about , but “the conditions that you generally ski in are very soft, so it’s very easy on your body,” says Jack Hart, and ski instructor with over 35 years of experience. “There’s no strain on tendons, ligaments or muscles.” And Lansky agrees, as adding low-impact cross-country skiing to his routine helped calm a chronic calf strain injury.
While there are other low-impact sports you can use to cross-train, such as cycling or swimming, cross-country skiing will actually work many of the same muscles you need for running, while also being perfectly appropriate in the winter. “There is some crossover on the muscles that you use classic skiing; it’s quite close [to running], and you get the benefit of using your upper body, which we don’t use in running a whole lot,” Hart says.
Talk to any athlete who has ever stepped foot in cross-country skis, and they will tell you: It’s a killer cardio workout. “Cross-country skiing offers an opportunity for runners to use a completely different sport that is very challenging aerobically, whether you’re a beginner or whether you’re an enthusiast for the last 20 years, you can get an exceptionally good workout,” Hart says.
And thanks to all the cardiovascular strength you’ve built as a runner, you’re uniquely primed for XC skiing. “When it comes to getting my pulse up near threshold, nothing quite works as well as running, but I can keep my skiing pace up with far less effort than my non-running friends,” Lansky says.
Beyond the physical benefits, swapping your running shoes out for skis gives you a major mental reset. Hart says skiing is refreshening for your head because doing something different is really good for your mental attitude, especially when it’s snowy, damp, or cold and you’re not feeling motivated to run.
How Does It Translate?
If you’re used to heading out and running 10 miles on the weekend, you won’t want to cover the same distance on cross-country skis right away. Hart suggests reducing your usual running mileage by 50 to 70 percent (or 5 to 7 miles on skis in place of a 10-mile run) when cross-country skiing because you have to work harder, you’re using your upper body, and you (likely) don’t do it as often as you run.
“An hour Nordic skiing is equal to an hour and 15 to 20 minutes of running,” he says, which yes, means you get the same physical benefits as running in less time.
Cross-Country Skiing Equipment
While most outdoor sports tend to be gear-heavy activities, runners have a unique upper hand at embarking on cross-country skiing since most, if not all, of the winter running apparel you already to classic ski, especially when you’re just starting out. “The same gear that you were running in the winter is perfect because you’re doing the exact same thing: you want to move moisture away from your body; you need vents for breathability; and you need a little bit of wind protection,” Hart says. He also recommends medium wool socks and a light to medium running or skiing glove.
As for the skis themselves, they are more expensive than your average pair of running shoes, but the costs here are all relative. While they come in at a higher price tag than shoes, they last longer, and you’ll wear them down less quickly. Plus, cross-country skiing as a whole is much more affordable compared to Alpine or downhill skiing. Spending a day at your local Nordic center (usually about $20 to $25) comes in at a fraction of the cost of a lift ticket at downhill ski resorts, and the gear itself is lighter and more streamlined for easy storage.
If you’re new to the sport, Hart recommends just heading to for the day for a lesson. Here, you can learn about and rent gear, demo different skis, and practice various skiing styles before making any major purchases. If you wind up on XC skis just three to four times a year, Hart says it’s fine to rent gear. But if you find yourself craving more often, having some experience on the equipment first will help you make an informed decision.
As an inveterate gearhead, Lansky took great pleasure in having an excuse to acquire new sports equipment. His buying philosophy was formed when he made the newbie homeowner mistake of purchasing a cheap power drill, only to have it break after two weeks, forcing him to cough up for an expensive one. Better, he had reasoned, to simply get the expensive one first, so he went for the top-shelf cross-country gear on day one. He opted for Bjørn Dæhlie racing ski gloves, , and an assortment of waxes.
In the end, Lansky found his new mixed training worked so well, he’s surprised we don’t see Kenyans and Ethiopians making a seasonal transition from shoes to skis. (Well, not that surprised.) But it would be nice to see as if there’s one thing the sport needs, it’s a little ethnic diversity. “Even the Swedes are tired of watching Norwegians win,” he says.