Bridges Events May 24-30 – Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Bridges Events May 24-30 Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Event listings are a free, community *service* offered by Bridges. Listings will be printed if space permits. Submission deadline is two weeks before the publication …
Bridges events for the upcoming week.

Michael Charles plays Buds on Broadway May 28-30. Wendy Rae / SunMedia
Event listings are a free, community service offered by Bridges. Listings will be printed if space permits. Submission deadline is two weeks before the publication date. Please send submissions to bridges@thestarphoenix.com.
Fri., May 24
Piano Friday: Dennis Borycki / West of Mabou: The Bassment, 202 Fourth Ave. N.

Celtic band West of Mabou
Supplied photo
Riff Raff: Buds on Broadway, 817 Broadway Ave.
Bar Fly: Army & Navy Club, 359 First Ave. N.
The Rhythmaires: Fairfield Seniors’ Centre, 103 Fairmont Ct.
Ian Martens: McNally Robinson, 3130 Eighth St. E.
Nathaniel W. Hilts & The Fellas w/ Massey & The Fergusons: Capitol Music Club, 244 First Ave. N.
Snake River w/ The Foggy Notions: Amigos Cantina, 806 Dufferin Ave.
Red Blaze: Stan’s Place, 106-110 Ruth St. E.
Live Sax Show: Gregory Edmunds: Cut Casual Steak and Tap, 416 21st St. E.
Sat., May 25
Fernanda Cunha: The Bassment, 202 Fourth Ave. N.
Riff Raff: Buds on Broadway, 817 Broadway Ave.
Jam session / Bar Fly: Army & Navy Club, 359 First Ave. N.
Tom Reinhardt: Downtown Legion, 606 Spadina Cres. W.
The Dust Jackets: Nutana Legion, 3021 Louise St.
The Lost Keys: McNally Robinson, 3130 Eighth St. E.
Concert for Courage: The 100th Meridian: Louis’ Pub, 93 Campus Dr.
Orville Peck: Amigos Cantina, 806 Dufferin Ave.
Trampoline w/ The Radiant and Go Bwah: Black Cat Tavern, 801 Broadway Ave.
Red Blaze: Stan’s Place, 106-110 Ruth St. E.
Live Sax Show: Gregory Edmunds: Cut Casual Steak and Tap, 416 21st St. E.
Sun., May 26
Sunday night jam: Buds on Broadway, 817 Broadway Ave.
Tues., May 28
Michael Charles: Buds on Broadway, 817 Broadway Ave.

Michael Charles
Wendy Rae / SunMedia
Dopethrone, Chronobot, Lavagoat, Black Hell Oil: Black Cat Tavern, 801 Broadway Ave.
Wed., May 29
Michael Charles: Buds on Broadway, 817 Broadway Ave.
The Georgia Fats: The Bassment, 202 Fourth Ave. N.
Jam and Open Mic Session: Nutana Legion, 3021 Louise St.
Allan Rayman: Louis’ Pub, 93 Campus Dr.
Thurs., May 30
Michael Charles: Buds on Broadway, 817 Broadway Ave.
Avatar w/ Devin Townsend, Dance With the Dead, and ‘68: Coors Event Centre, 241 Second Ave. S.
Saskatoon Soaps 35th Anniversary: May 24, 9:30 p.m., at Broadway Theatre. The improv comedy troupe celebrates 35 years. With Kevin McDonald. Tickets at 306-652-6556, broadwaytheatre.ca.
Two Indians: Runs to June 9 at Studio 914, 914 20th St. W. Produced in association with GTNT. Two young cousins search for common ground during a ceremony to honour the lives of their friends who died tragically. Tickets at 306-384-7727, persephonetheatre.org.
Slim Chance: Friday nights, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the German Cultural Centre, 160 Cartwright St. E. Performing top of the charts oldies. Information at 306-244-6869.
Ladies Night Out: Spring Sparkle: May 24, 6 p.m., at the Western Development Museum, 2610 Lorne Ave. Presented by Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Saskatoon Ladies Night Out Committee. Buffet dinner, drinks, games, live and silent auctions, raffle, and prizes. Funds raised support Ducks Unlimited Canada. Tickets and information at ducks.ca or Facebook.
An Evening with Kevin McDonald: May 24, 7 p.m., at Broadway Theatre. The Canadian comedian performs. Featuring Kids in the Hall sketch Brain Candy and the Saskatoon Soaps. Tickets at 306-652-6556, broadwaytheatre.ca.

Comedian Kevin McDonald
Comedy Central
Then and Now: May 24, 7:30 p.m., at Cathedral of the Holy Family, 123 Nelson Rd. Joy of Vox performs. Tickets at joyofvox.com.
Growing in Faith: May 24, 7:30 p.m., at Augustana Church, 1201 Broadway Ave. S. Augustana Choir performs. With mezzo-soprano Sharon Buck and flutist Ann Salmon. A coffee reception will follow. Admission by freewill offering. Proceeds will benefit OUTSaskatoon and Augustana Parish Nursing.
Legendary Duos: May 24, 8 p.m., at Nutana Legion, 3021 Louise St. Hits from popular male-female duos in our time. Tickets at brownpapertickets.com, 306-374-6303, 800-838-3006.
Geocaching Event of the Year: May 24-25. A 24-hour cache-a-thon to find special geocaches. With a windup at Floral Community Centre. Everyone is welcome. Information at saskatoongeocachers.weebly.com.
Contemplative Arts Festival: Runs to May 26 at Grosvenor Park United Church, 407 Cumberland Ave. S. Open body, mind and spirit to a centring experience through creative expression. Speakers, art demonstrations, workshops, performances, discussion panels, and time for contemplative practices. Workshop tickets at cafsaskatoon.eventsmart.com. Information at cafsatgpuc.wordpress.com.
Westside Community Centre’s Clothing Depot: Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 3488 Fairlight Dr. Free clothing for all ages, free baked goods from a local bakery. They take donations of clothing, footwear, accessories and toys. Information at 306-222-8737.
Saskatoon Mini Maker Faire: May 25, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Prairieland Park, 503 Ruth St. W. A family-friendly showcase of creativity and innovation, and a celebration of makers. Exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, and hands-on activities. Tickets at eventbrite.com or at the door. Information at saskatoonmakerfaire.com.
Saskatoon EndoMarch: May 25, 1 p.m., starting at Augustana Lutheran Church, 1201 Broadway Ave. A walk for endometriosis and pelvic pain awareness on National Endometriosis Awareness Day. A reception will follow the walk, with personal stories, refreshments, and a raffle. Information on Facebook.
Epilepsy Saskatoon Support Group: Last Saturday each month, 1 to 3 p.m., at the W.A. Edwards Centre, 333 Fourth Ave. N. Anyone directly or indirectly affected by epilepsy is welcome. Refreshments and snacks are provided. Information on Facebook.
Tea & Bake Sale: May 25, 2 to 4 p.m., in Bethel United Lounge at Oliver Lodge, 1405 Faulkner Cres. Hosted by Oliver Lodge Auxiliary. Proceeds will fund special equipment and events to enhance the quality of life of Oliver Lodge residents.
Great Baroque Choruses: May 25, 7:30 p.m., at Knox United Church, 838 Spadina Cres. E. The Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra and the Saskatoon Symphony Chorus perform. Tickets at 306-653-5191, ontheboards.ca.
Gilbert Gottfried: May 25, 8 p.m., at Dakota Dunes Casino, 204 Dakota Dunes Way, Whitecap. Standup comedy. Tickets at dakotadunescasino.com.
Bloom: Rosebud Spring Show: May 25, 8 p.m., at Free Flow Dance Centre, 224 25th St. W. A burlesque show celebrating spring. Tickets at burlesque@sasktel.net. A 19+ event.
Meewasin Trail Bird Walks: Sundays in May, 7 to 9:30 a.m., starting at the parking lot north of Diefenbaker Centre at the U of S. Watch for birds along the Meewasin Trail. Information at saskatoonnature.org.
Saskatchewan Marathon: May 26, 9 a.m., in Diefenbaker Park. Hosted by Saskatoon Road Runners Association. Marathon, half-marathon, 10K, 5K, Marafun program for kids. Registration and information at saskmarathon.ca.
Bluegrass Brunch: Sundays, noon to 2 p.m., at Bon Temps Café, 223 Second Ave. S. Live music. Admission is free.
Walk for Lupus: May 26, 12:30 p.m. registration, 1 p.m. walk, at the River Landing Amphitheatre. Information and registration at idriedger@sasktel.net, 306-227-9562.
Walking Tour and Open House: May 26, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo. Hosted by The Friends of the Forestry Farm House. Tour starts at the Superintendent’s Residence at 2 p.m. Refreshments are available. Tour is free and donations are accepted. Information at 306-652-9801.
St. John Bosco Seniors Carpet Bowling Club: Sundays, 1:30 p.m., except long weekends, and Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., September to May. Information at 306-382-8021, 306-382-2953, 306-382-4606.
Buddhist Meditation: Sundays, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Guided meditation taught by the monks from the Buddha Meditation Centre of Saskatoon. Class is free. Information at meditationsaskatoon.org, 306-374-2840.
SJO Reimagines the Music of Steely Dan: May 26, 7:30 p.m., at Broadway Theatre. The Saskatoon Jazz Orchestra performs. Featuring saxophonist and conductor Ray Baril, guitarist Jim Head, and drummer Jamie Cooper. Tickets at 306-652-6556, broadwaytheatre.ca.
Tonight It’s Poetry: May 26, 8 p.m., at Amigos Cantina, 806 Dufferin Ave. Slam semifinals round two. Admission at the door.
NatureCity Festival: Runs to May 26 around Saskatoon. Presented by Wild About Saskatoon. Explore Saskatoon’s urban nature and learn about the wilderness around us. This year’s festival theme is I Spy with My Wild Eye. Information at wildaboutsaskatoon.org.
Weekly Bingo: Mondays, 12:30 p.m., at Army & Navy Club, 359 First Ave. N. With raffle draws. Everyone is welcome.
The Second City’s Cure for the Common Comedy: May 27, 7:30 p.m., at TCU Place. Toronto’s sketch and improv comedy theatre performs. Tickets at 306-975-7799, tcutickets.ca.
Canadian Light Source (CLS) Public Tours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2:30 p.m., at the Canadian Light Source, 44 Innovation Blvd. The synchrotron research facility is open to the public for tours. Preregistration is required. Contact 306-657-3644, outreach@lightsource.ca, lightsource.ca/tours.html.
Nutana Legion Weekly Events: Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., barbecue burger night. Information at 306-374-6303.
Magic City Chorus Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7 p.m., at St. Paul’s United Church, 454 Egbert Ave. The chorus is a four-part a cappella harmony group of singers and performers. New members of all voice ranges are welcome. Information at magiccitychorus.com, louiseburton21@gmail.com.
Saskatoon Brass Band Rehearsals: Saskatoon Brass Band rehearses Tuesdays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Saskatoon Youth Brass rehearses Thursdays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; and Bridge City Brass rehearses Thursdays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Information at 306-934-1470.
St. George’s Senior Citizen’s Club: Weekly at St. George’s Senior Citizen’s Centre, 1235 20th St. W. Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays, and card playing Wednesdays, 1 to 4 p.m. For seniors ages 55+. Information at 306-382-7657, 306-716-0204, 306-382-4390, 306-717-8773.
Free Community Soup Lunch: Wednesdays, noon, at St. Paul’s United Church, 454 Egbert Ave. Everyone is welcome.
Singing with Sylvia Classes: Wednesdays in May, 1:15 to 2 p.m., at the Storefront location at Confederation Mall. Singing classes for children. All fees will go toward The Saskatoon Food Bank fir infant formula. Registration and information at frodo@sasktel.net.
Carpet Bowling: Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m., at Mayfair United Church. Beginner and experienced adult players are welcome. Information at 306-651-2151.
Circle for Natural Healing: Every third Wednesday, 7 p.m., at Prairie Star Gallery, 1136 Eighth St. E. Engaging innate healing potential. Admission is by donation. Next session May 29. Information at 306-664-3331, circle.saskatoon@gmail.com.
All About Us: Weekly Wednesday suppers. A singles social group for people in their 50s to 70s. With movie nights, games nights, and events. No membership dues. Information at allaboutus@shaw.ca, 306-249-0254.
FASD Network Support Meetings: Wednesdays at the FASD Network office, 510 Cynthia St. An informative and engaging space for individuals living with FASD and their caregivers. Admission is free. Schedule and information at saskfasdnetwork.ca/events.
Choeur des Plaines Rehearsals: Wednesday evenings at l’École Canadienne-Française, 1407 Albert Ave. Saskatoon’s francophone choir rehearses. Men and women are welcome to join. Information at choeurdesplaines@sasktel.net, 306-343-9460.
Carpet Bowl: Thursdays, 12:15 p.m., at Nutana Legion Hall, 3021 Louise Ave. Hosted by the Nutana Senior Citizens Association. Lunch and coffee are available for a fee.
IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s: May 30, 5:30 p.m., at the River Landing Park Amphitheatre. A fun outdoor evening walk. Raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s Society of Saskatchewan. Register at walkforalzheimerssk.ca. Information at 306-949-4141, ahodel@alzheimer.sk.ca.
Ukrainian Supper and Silent Auction: May 30, 6 p.m., at Mayfair United Church, 902 33rd St. W. Supper catered by Touch of Ukraine. With a silent auction and entertainment by Holosy. Tickets at 306-382-6446, mayfairunitedchurch@gmail.com. Proceeds support the mission and ministry of Mayfair United Church.
Saskatoon Lions Band Rehearsals: Thursday evenings, 6 to 7:15 p.m., drummers until 8 p.m., adult drumline 7:30 to 9 p.m. The marching band is for ages 12-19. New members must have one year experience. Preregistration required at 306-249-5013, brenda.armstrong@sasktel.net.
Hometown HERoes: May 30, 7 to 9:30 p.m., at Louis’ Pub, 93 Campus Dr. Hosted by Soroptimist Saskatoon. Recognizing five local women who have achieved a dream that helps our community. Featuring Toon Town Big Band. Tickets at eventbrite.com or 306-250-3761.
Foxwarren: The Canadian band performs. With Hannah Cohen. May 30, 8 p.m., at Broadway Theatre. Tickets at 306-652-6556, broadwaytheatre.ca.

Foxwarren is (L-R) Darryl Kissick, Dallas Bryson, Avery Kissick and Andy Shauf.
Chris Graham / Supplied photo
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Meetings: Mornings, afternoons, or evenings at a number of chapters in Saskatoon. A support group for anyone wanting to lose weight. New members are welcome, and first meeting is free. Information at tops.org, 306-242-7180.
Weekly Activities for Seniors: Held regularly at Cosmo Senior’s Centre, 614 11th St. E. For 55 plus. Yoga, exercises, bridge, whist, cribbage and Kaiser. Potluck lunch the third Monday of the month, October to April. Drop-in fees at the door. New members are welcome. There is a membership fee. Schedule and information at 306-373-8693.
Al-Anon Group Meetings: Weekly meetings in Saskatoon. Open to anyone who has been affected by someone else’s drinking. Information at sk-alanon.ca, 306-665-3838.
English for Employment Class: Hosted by the Saskatoon Open Door Society. Improve English pronunciation and communication, and learn what you need to find work in Saskatoon. Information or registration at 306-250-4337, 306-653-4464, 306-250-4338, jhaugen@sods.sk.ca, ajunek@sods.sk.ca.
Woodshow ’19: May 25 to June 2 at The Galleria at Innovation Place, 15 Innovation Blvd. Presented by the Saskatchewan Woodworkers’ Guild. Works by guild members and a special showcase by local high school students. With a silent auction and door prizes. Admission is free. Information at saskwoodguild.ca.
AKA Artist-Run: Until June 24 at 424 20th St. W. Throw out your Masters: Risograph printing across North America. Locals Only by Justin Langlois, Alana Bartol, Vanessa Kwan, Lisa Hirmer and Holly Schmidt runs through June. Kris Alvarez’ performance Burnt Sienna with Lindsay Eekwol Knight, Manuela Valle-Castro, and Leigh Thomas May 30, 7 p.m.
Saskatchewan Craft Council: Until July 6 at 813 Broadway Ave. Dimensions 2019. Awards Gala May 31, 7 p.m., at Broadway Theatre. Reception May 31, 8:30 to 10 p.m.

Capliano Toby Cote is on display at the Saskatchewan Craft Council.
Grant Kernan / AK Photos

Greenman — The Keeper of the Forest by Carol Ewles is on display at the Saskatchewan Craft Council.
Grant Kernan / AK Photos
Darrell Bell Gallery: Until June 1 at 405-105 21st St. E. Seeing Red, a group exhibition.
Western Development Museum: Until June 2 at 2610 Lorne Ave. Canola: A Story of Canadian Innovation. Poles in the Canadian Mosaic: 150 Years of History travelling exhibit, runs to July 28.
SCYAP Gallery: Until June 6 at 253 Third Ave. S. The Individual: studies of old masters and original works by Anya Pekurovski.
Remai Modern: Until June 9 at 102 Spadina Cres. E. Amalie Atkins and The Diamond Eye Assembly in the Connect Gallery. New works from the Remai Modern Collection, including Luanne Martineau and Lynda Benglis.
Paved Arts: Until June 22 at 424 20th St. W. Lines of Flight: subterranean by Jessica Morgun and W.L. Altman.
Gallery on the Greens: Through June at 2325 Preston Ave., in Market Mall. Reflection of Form by Arbie Kepler.
Market Mall Children’s Playland Art Gallery: Through June at 2325 Preston Ave., in Market Mall. Butterflies Galore by Grades Five to Eight students in the SAGE Program at Silverspring School.
Ukrainian Museum of Canada: Until Sept. 29 at 910 Spadina Cres. E. The Stories Were Not Told: Canada’s First World War Internment Camps.
Children’s Play Centre: Daily at Lawson Heights Mall. A fun, safe, environment for preschool children to play. Adults must stay with and supervise children at all times.
Market Mall Children’s Play Centre: Daily just off the food court at Market Mall. This play area is free and has different level slides.
Movies for Mommies Family Friendly Screenings: The last Sunday of each month, 11 a.m., at Rainbow Cinemas. Parents can enjoy a movie with their children. Children of all ages are welcome. Register at moviesformommies.com.
Postnatal Yoga: Mondays, noon to 1 p.m., at Pregnancy and Parenting Health Centre, 248 Third Ave. S. Beginner to intermediate yoga designed to help with postpartum recovery. Register at birthrhythms.ca. No class on stat holidays.
Movies for Mommies Sensory Screenings: The last Monday of each month, 1 p.m., at Rainbow Cinemas. A sensory-friendly environment for individuals with autism spectrum disorder or other special needs. Movies play with decreased sound and increased lighting. All ages are welcome. Information at moviesformommies.com.
Prenatal Yoga: Mondays, 6 to 7 p.m., at Pregnancy and Parenting Health Centre, 248 Third Ave. S. Taught by a doula and certified yoga teacher. Call 306-251-0443 or email msjpriestley@gmail.com. No class on stat holidays.
Shop ‘n Stroll: Wednesdays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., meet in front of Customer Service at Lawson Heights Mall. Power-walking, body-sculpting moves and socializing for parents and babies. Preregister at runnersandbootiesfitness.com. No classes on stat holidays.
Stars and Strollers: Wednesdays, 1 p.m., at Centre Cinemas in The Centre. Choice of two movies each week in a baby-friendly environment.
Scooters: Thursdays, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m., October to May, at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1636 Acadia Dr. A drop-in indoor playgroup for children ages 0-5 and their parents/caregivers. Information at scooters@ebap.ca, emmanuelbaptist.ca/scooters, or Facebook.
Breastfeeding Cafe: Thursdays, 9:30 to 11 a.m., at Westwinds Primary Health Centre, 3311 Fairlight Dr. A drop-in support group for breastfeeding women.
Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes: Monthly classes, 6 to 8 p.m. at City Centre Family Physicians, 200-3211 Preston Ave. S. Taught by Registered Nurses/Lactation Consultants. Register at cindyandjana.com/classes.
Playgroup: Monthly and seasonal events. Hosted by Prairie Hearts Learning Community, a group of families inspired by Waldorf philosophy. Programming is aimed at children ages two to five, but all ages welcome. Information on their Facebook page.
Remai Modern: Ongoing regular art programs for all ages. Includes Creative Space on Saturdays and Scotiabank Something on Sundays. Find the calendar at remaimodern.org.
Saskatoon Public Library Programs: Ongoing daily programs for children and families. Find the calendar at saskatoonlibrary.ca.