Christmas Eve runners create route around Burghfield in shape of Rudolph – Get Reading
It’s been done all over the world but members of a Berkshire running club have certainly given other imaginative joggers a run for their money by creating their own reindeer-shaped route.
Members of Burghfield running club went on a festive run with a difference on Christmas Eve, by running a local route which formed to shape of a reindeer.
Kelly Doe, a member of the running club, was asked to come up with a festive running route in shape of an image by one of the other members.
And never to pass up a challenge, Kelly was happy to oblige.
Using the running online app, RunGo, Kelly cleverly mapped out the 2.7km route, in shape of Rudolph.
The route took around 10 members of the club on a festive journey around the local streets in the Burghfield area.
Bluebell Drive became part of the reindeer’s antlers, while runners jogged the longer length of Clay Hill Road to form Rudolph’s back.
The route started near Abboit’s Road – the reindeer’s nose – and also incorporated parts of Bannister Road, Jordan’s Lane and School Lane.
Kelly then shared the creative image of the route on running website and app Strava, which is a popular tool for runners to share their routes online.
Club member Ben Ash said: “Another member had requested a route for an image, and that’s what led to Kelly’s Reindeer Run.
“Kelly is an active member of the club and is always up for this sort of thing.
“She mapped out the route and then some members of the club met up and ran it on Christmas Eve.
“This sort of thing is done a lot and all over the world but I think this one is really impressive.
“It’s really clever because not only is it realistic but Kelly has managed to produce something really creative in a short distance.
“We are a really friendly and sociable club, of all abilities. We like to make our runs fun and interesting, particularly at this time of year.
“The next one will probably be an Easter bunny.”