Community Bulletin Board 02/10 | Sports – Longview Daily News
Community Bulletin Board 02/10 | Sports Longview Daily News
Community Bulletin Board 02/10
Vancouver Bicycle Club: The club has small group rides monthly for all ages and ability levels. For details, visit www.vbc-usa.com
Mint Valley Golf Course: Located at 4002 Pennsylvania St., the course can be reached at 360-442-5442.
Three Rivers Golf Course: Located at 2222 S. River Road. The course can be reached at 360-423-4653.
Lewis River Golf Course: Located at 3209 Old Lewis River Road in Woodland. The course can be reached at 360-225-8254.
Skyline Golf Course: Located at 20 Randal Drive, Cathlamet. The course can be reached at 360-795-0115.
Cowlitz Gun Club: The club holds trapshooting on Wednesdays at noon, and on the second, fourth and fifth Saturdays of each month at 10 a.m. The club is located at 869 S. Military Road in Winlock. On the first Wednesday of each month, Double Trap take place and then singles and handicap. All other Wednesdays and Saturdays are singles and handicap. Annie Oakley games are played on the other trap range during operating hours. For details, visit the website www.cowlitzgunclub.com.
Lewis and Clark Bowmen: The club is a local group of archers and bow hunters who provide local support to the sport of archery. For additional details or to join, visit the Web site www.lewisandclarkbowmen.com.
Lower Columbia Flyfishers: For details about club activities or joining, visit the website www.lowercolumbiaflyfishers.org
Clatskanie Rifle and Pistol Club: For details about events, call Range Master Gerry Simmons at 503-476-6252, or visit the website www.clatskanierifleandpistolclub.com.
Mount St. Helens Hiking Club: The group holds several hikes each month. For more information, call the hike leader listed or visit www.mtsthelensclub.org. Please notify hike leader in advance of your first hike, and for departure time and location. Degrees of difficulty are ‘E’ which is easier, shorter distances with relatively flat ground; ‘M’ is moderate distance with more elevation gain; ‘S’ is strenuous long distances with significant elevation gains.
Feb. 12: Jackson Bottom Wetlands (easy); drive 110 miles round trip; hike 4 miles on scenic wetland nature trail with little elevation gain; spend time at Wetlands Visitor Center, free admission, but $2 donation is suggested; Bruce: 360-425-0256.
Feb. 19: Lake Sacajawea (easy); walk around the entire lake (3 plus miles) or walk half the lake (1 plus miles) with little elevation gain; Trudy and Ed: 360-414-1160.
Feb. 22: Pacific Way Dike (easy); walk 3.2 to 5.2 miles round trip on level gravel path; Jenny: 586-872-8126.
Feb. 29: Greenleaf Overlook: (moderate/strenuous): drive 180 miles round trip; hike 7.6 miles round trip with 600 foot elevation gain on Tinamous Trail and Pacific Crest Trail past Gillette Lake to Greenleaf Overlook viewpoint; views of the Columbia River Gorge; Bruce: 360-425-0256.
HIKE CODE GUIDELINES — Easy: usually on relatively flat ground (up to 5 miles and/or less than 500 ft. e.g.)
Moderate: longer and more elevation gain (over 5 miles and/or over 500 ft. e.g.)
Strenuous: long hikes and/or elevation gain (over 8 miles and/or over 1200 ft. e.g.)
(SS): Snowshoe
(XC): Cross Country Ski
Cowlitz Valley Runners: A non-profit run club dedicated to promoting running as a sport and fitness exercise. For details, visit the club site cowlitzvalleyrunners.com
The Cowlitz Valley Runners group sponsors Saturday morning fun runs and other club events on a monthly basis.
All runs are open to the public and start at 8 a.m. unless otherwise indicated. The courses and possible costs are posted online at cowlitzvalleyrunners.com.
On the third Saturday of each month, the group and Cowlitz On the Move sponsor “Move It Saturday” where all bicyclists, rollerbladers, walkers and hikers are encouraged to participate in an hour of their favorite activities and then, if they have time, enjoy a cup of coffee and socialize.
Feb. 15: Red Leaf Organic Coffee, 209 West Main, Kelso; free.
Feb. 22: 8 a.m., across from Ostrander, 2705 Old Pacific Highway; coffee at Starbucks, 100 N. Minor Road; free.
Feb. 29: 8 a.m. Leap Year Run (2×2.9 miles), Starbucks, 843 Washington Way, Longview; free.
March 7: 8 a.m., Castle Rock Bakery, 160 Huntington Ave., Castle Rock, free.
March 13: 7 p.m. Electrifying Shamrock Run (5K), Lake Sacajawea at Elks Memorial Building, 2121 E. Kessler Blvd., Longview; a Longview Parks and Recreation event; participation fee.
Gaither Pool: Details on swim lessons, or to obtain a printable pool schedule, visit www.kelso.wednet.edu and click on the Gaither Pool tab. For additional details or costs, call 360-501-1855.
Briarcliff Pool: For details and availability, call 503-556-4217, or visit the website www.rainier.k12.or.us
Dick Mealy Memorial Pool: For details and availability, call 360-575-7709.
Southwest Washington YMCA: For details about swim programs, call 360-423-4770, or visit the website longviewymca.org.
Cowlitz Aces Volleyball Club: For club details, call 360-562-7575. Email Cowlitzacesvbc@gmail.com or visit www.acesvolleyballclub.com
HNA Lions Den Boxing Club: For details, visit the website www.facebook.com/pages/Hna-Lions-Den-Boxing-Club/465008443852830
Longview Boxing Club: The club is looking for boys or girls ages 10-13. Call Rich LeFever at 360-749-7259.
— The Daily News