Community Bulletin Board: the North and South Brunswick Sentinel (for February 19) – centraljersey.com
The Adams Athletic & Social Club will hold fish frys from 5-7 p.m. on Feb. 28 and March 13 at the Adams AC, 1210 Cozzens Lane, North Brunswick.
Options include fried or baked fish, fried shrimp or fried clams, all with French fries and cole slaw, for $14. A combo meal of all three fishes plus French fries and cole slaw is $16.
Eat in or take out. Free delivery.
Call 908-812-2435 to place an order for pick up.
A pasta dinner on Feb. 20 will benefit Judd Elementary School, 1601 Roosevelt Ave., North Brunswick. Fifth grade students will serve dinner. Seatings are at 5:45 p.m. or 7:15 p.m.
The menu includes pasta, meatballs, salad, garlic knots, bread, dessert and coffee.
Cost is $10 for adults or $6 for children when prepaid by visiting www.juddpto.com/pastadinner.
Price at the door is $12 for adults or $8 for children.
Email juddpto@hotmail.com for more information.
The 35th annual Rock-a-Thon is scheduled for 5 p.m. Feb. 28 to 5 p.m. Feb. 29 at North Brunswick Township High School, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick.
This 24-hour rocking chair marathon raises money for charities by having students get pledges and then rock the day and night away. Money will be raised for Hugs for Brady, The Thirst Project and the North Brunswick Food Bank.
Visitors are welcome from 5-8 p.m. on Feb. 28 and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 29.
Donation checks can be made out to NBTHS-Rock-a-Thon and mailed to the high school, attention Meg Wright.
The Italian American Social Club of North Brunswick will hold its annual spaghetti dinner from noon to 4 p.m. on March 15 at the club, 1090 Cozzens Lane, North Brunswick.
Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, coffee, tea and dessert will be served. The cost is $12 for adults and $5 for children under 12.
For tickets, call Tony Puleio at 732-249-1387, Sam Caramela at 732-247-7240 or Frank DiGiglio at 732-821-9787.
Tickets can also be purchased at the door.
The South Brunswick High School Wind Ensemble will perform their Music for All National Concert Bank repertoire at 7 p.m. on Feb. 28 at the high school, 750 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick.
General seating is $10.
Proceeds will sponsor the wind ensemble’s trip to the National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis.
The North Brunswick Humane Association (NBHA) will hold a dining fundraiser from noon to 8 p.m. on Feb. 22 at Stewart’s Restaurants, 647 Route 18 south, East Brunswick.
Menu includes vegetarian and vegan selections.
Ten percent of the bill will be donated to NBHA. Present the flier upon arrival, either printed or digitally.
Dine in only.
For more information, visit www.northbrunswickhumane.org.
North Brunswick Township Public Schools will hold kindergarten registration in March at the Board of Education office, Old Georges Road off Route 130, North Brunswick.
- Livingston Park Elementary: March 2-6; appointments also from 4-7 p.m. March 3 and 5. Call 732-289-3303.
- John Adams Elementary: March 9-13; appointments also from 4-7 p.m. March 10 and 12. Call 732-289-3103.
- Parsons Elementary: March 23-27; appointments also from 4-7 p.m. March 24 and 26. Call 732-289-3403.
- Judd Elementary: March 30 to April 3; appointments also from 4-7 p.m. March 31 and April 2. Call 732-289-3203.
Visit nbtschools.org for more information. Appointments are required.
CASA of Middlesex County is seeking volunteers to advocate for children in foster care.
Learn more about court appointed special advocates from 10-11 a.m. on Feb. 22 at Fiddleheads New American Bistro, 27 E. Railroad Ave. (Rte. 522), Jamesburg.
RSVP to Nora Siklosi Szabo at nora@casaofmiddlesexcounty.org
For more information, visit www.casaofmiddlesexcounty.org/events
The Education Foundation of South Brunswick will hold its inaugural Adult Spelling Bee Challenge at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 20 at South Brunswick High School, 750 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Teams of teachers and staff from South Brunswick schools will compete.
Tickets are $15 per person and can be purchased online at efsb.org or at the door.
Applications are being accepted for the Middlesex County Youth Conservation Corps for Spring 2020.
Work will take place at several parcels in Old Bridge, East Brunswick, South Brunswick and Monroe, as well as other county open spaces as needed. Activities include trail building, litter clean-up, invasive species removal and wildlife habitat improvements.
Workers will earn $11.50 per hour. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays, April 18 to June 6.
Applicants must be a least 16 years of age on start date; strong, enthusiastic, self-motivated, willing to work and learn as a part of a team; willing to get dirty and work outdoors in various weather conditions; able to walk several miles and stand for extended periods of time; able to kneel and lift materials greater than 25 pounds; able to use a variety of hand tools; and be able to read, understand and follow written instructions and maps.
Application deadline is Feb. 28. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to: Griffith Boyd, Middlesex County Office of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 661, New Brunswick 08903.
For more information, contact Boyd at 732-745-3064 or griffith.boyd@co.middlesex.nj.us.
The North Brunswick Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services’ Adult Drama Group will present its 50th performance, “Guys and Dolls,” at 8 p.m. March 5, 6 and 7 at North Brunswick Township High School, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick.
Tickets are $18 for adults or $15 for seniors and children under 12.
There will be a matinee performance at 2 p.m. on March 7. All seats $15.
For more information, visit www.northbrunswicknj.gov or call 732-247-0922, ext. 475.
The North Brunswick Township High School Band Parents Association will hold a wine tasting and dinner fundraiser to benefit the Raider Marching Band from 7-10 p.m. on March 6 at North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Co. No. 3, 1470 Cozzens Lane, North Brunswick.
Wine will be supplied by Hidden Lake Liquor and Bar.
The cost is $30 per person at the door. Must be 21 to attend.
For tickets, call Diana at 732-672-5560.
Donations are needed for a tricky tray auction to benefit South Brunswick High School Project Graduation.
Gift basket, gift card or monetary donations will be accepted. Drop off inside the main entrance of the high schooler send to SBHS c/o PG Tricky Tray, Attn: Lisa Carneglia, 750 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction 08852. To arrange a pickup, call Lisa at 732-239-6393 or Gina at 732-266-7927.
The tricky tray will be held on March 28 at Crossroads Middle School North, 635 Georges Road, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick. Doors open at 5 p.m. Calling begins at 7 p.m.
The Middlesex County Board of Elections is seeking poll workers for the Primary Election on June 2. In addition to receiving a stipend of $200 for the day, poll workers perform a valuable civic service by helping to ensure that every eligible voter can exercise their right to vote.
Any county resident who is 18 years or older, registered to vote in Middlesex County and can speak English is qualified to become a poll worker. High school students (16 or 17 years old) can serve as poll workers if they are a United States citizen, a resident of Middlesex County, can speak English and have written permission from his or her parent or guardian and high school representative.
While all individuals are welcome to apply, the county’s focus is recruiting poll workers to assist the county’s large demographics of voters who speak English and at least one of the following languages: Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Urdu, Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean.
No experience is needed. Before Election Day, each poll worker attends a single-session training course.
Those interested in becoming poll workers are advised to apply now in order to reserve a spot. For more information and to obtain an application, call the Middlesex County Board of Elections at 732-745-3471.
Tax forms are available at the South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick.
A new 1040 form for seniors only is now available.
Forms are located near the Information Services Desk. Ask a librarian for more assistance.
Applications are being accepted for plots in the North Brunswick Community Garden at the Pulda Farm, Old Georges Road off Route 130, North Brunswick.
Families can grow herbs, produce and flowers. A 10-foot by 10-foot plot costs $35.
Make checks payable to the Township of North Brunswick. Send to the Township of North Brunswick, Department of Parks & Recreation, ATTN: Community Garden Committee / Lou Ann Benson, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick 08902
Applications are due by March 30.
Visit northbrunswicknj.gov for the application and rules and regulations.
The North Brunswick Board of Education will hold a special meeting regarding the 2020-21 school budget and any other items that may come before the board at 9 a.m. on March 14 at the Board of Education Office, Maple Meade School, 300 Old Georges Road, North Brunswick.
Formal action may be taken.
The North Brunswick Township High School Class of 2022 gift basket auction will be held on March 20 at the school, 98 Raider Road, North Brunswick.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Snow date is March 27.
Pre-sale tickets are available for $30; includes free entry, a value pack of auction tickets and early access at 6 p.m.
At the door, entry fee will be $10 and auction ticket packs will be $35.
To order tickets, email NBTHSClassof2022@gmail.com or call Diana at 732-672-5560.
The Education Foundation of South Brunswick will hold a Ladies Night Dance Party at 7 p.m. on March 27 at Rasoi, 620 Georges Road, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick.
Tickets are $40 per person, and includes dinner and dancing.
For tickets, visit edfoundationsb.org.
Alborada Spanish Dance Theatre will celebrate its 25th anniversary with its 16th annual gala, Gala de Espana, from 4-8:30 p.m. on March 15 at Ria Mar, 25 Whitehead St., South River.
Honorees include Lisa Botalico, assistant director and principal dancer; Gisele Assi, Flamenco singer and principal dancer; Krystina Moreno, principal dancer; Teresa Rodriguez, Flamenco soloist; and Catarina Carrasco, featured dancer.
There will be an all-Spanish banquet with sangria and desserts. Dance to the music of Donny Pesce. Wear a Flamenco costume or Spanish-themed dress for a best outfit prize.
Tickets are $75 per person or $700 for a table of 10.
To order online, visit www.eventbrite.com.
For more information, call 732-598-3979.
Guidelines for the annual NAMI NJ (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Dara Axelrod Expressive Arts Mental Health Poetry Contest include:
* Poem should be in keeping with the theme of how your superpowers helped you battle your challenges with mental illness
* Poem must be typewritten. If sent electronically, do not send PDF files.
* Poem should be no longer than 40 lines.
* Fill out a media release form to accompany your entry.
* Provide a cover letter that includes your name, email (if available), mailing address and phone number.
The contest submission deadline is March 25.
Mail typed entries to NAMI NJ Poetry Contest, 1562 Route 130, North Brunswick 08902. Or, email your entry with the signed media release form to poetry@naminj.org.
April is the National Poetry Month and May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
United Way of Central Jersey received a grant from the Office of Faith Based Initiatives, a Division of Programs in the Department of State, which hosts the New Jersey Complete Count Commission to continue its advocacy efforts for a complete 2020 census count within Middlesex County.
United Way will focus on increasing the count of young children ages 0-5 and their families residing within neighborhoods designated as Hard to Count (HTC) based upon responses to the 2010 census.
United Way invites all potential community partners to meet at 10 a.m. on Feb. 21 at its office at 32 Ford Ave. in Milltown to outline the outreach plan approved by the Complete Count Commission and determine the specific outreach schedule in terms of kiosk and mobile support center locations and rotation among partners.
One in 8 Middlesex County residents are food insecure – meaning they don’t have reliable, affordable access to nutritious foods and necessities.
The holidays are over but the need for food donations has not ended. MCFOODS (Middlesex County Food Organization and Outreach Distribution Services) is running low on items such as macaroni and cheese, rice, spaghetti, peanut butter, tuna fish, canned fruits and vegetables.
Consider hosting a food drive with your business, school, civic group or athletic team. MCFOODS can provide containers and transportation of items back to the warehouse. A flyer is attached that can be used or personalized to promote a collection.
Individual donations can be dropped off at the libraries in East Brunswick, Edison, Metuchen, Monroe, Piscataway, Plainsboro and Woodbridge.
MCFOODS is also in need of volunteers to help at the warehouse, offer professional expertise, assist at local events and host a food drive.
For more information, contact Jennifer Apostol, MCFOODS director, by calling 609-409-5033, emailing ja@mciauth.com or visiting www.mciauth.com.
Registration is open for the Spring 2020 South Brunswick Citizen Police Academy.
Attendees will learn a variety of police topics including criminal law, traffic enforcement, first aid, patrol tactics and criminal investigations. Students take part in hands on training on how police process crime scenes, from photographing to dusting for fingerprints. In the final practical’s, participants take on roles as police officers and apply the knowledge they learned from the class to handle various situations.
The new session will begin on March 12. Classes will be held every Thursday night in the training center at police headquarters for 11 weeks from 6:30-9:30 p.m. There will be no class on April 16th for Spring Break.
Graduation from the academy is set for May 28.
The academy size is limited, so residents are encouraged to complete their application as soon as possible. Community members must complete an application and go through a screening process. Interested community members should contact Julie Trammell at CPA@sbtnj.net. Applications must be submitted by Feb 20.
The Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office will hold an 8-week-long Sheriff’s Civilian Academy for residents of Middlesex County in the spring.
The Sheriff’s Civilian Academy is designed to educate Middlesex County residents on the various functions and duties of the Sheriff’s Office.
Applications are being accepted for the program, which will be held at the Middlesex County Fire Academy in Sayreville.
The first session is scheduled for 7-9 p.m. on April 14. Classes will continue weekly on Tuesdays. One Saturday class will be held. The program culminates with a graduation ceremony scheduled for June 2.
Each session will highlight functions of Sheriff’s Office including: Defensive Tactics, K-9, Transportation, SWAT, Courts, Civil Process and Foreclosures among others. Participants also will tour the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office and the Main Courthouse located in New Brunswick.
Applications are due no later than Feb. 28. Applicants must be at least at 18 years old, reside within the County of Middlesex, have no felony convictions, not be wanted for any crime, and submit to a limited background check.
For more information, contact Sgt. Frank Sautner at 732-745-5909 or frank.sautner@co.middlesex.nj.us.
For more information on the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office, call 732-745-3382.
Five Guys will hold a community night from 5-8 p.m. on Feb. 24 at its North Brunswick location in the Shoppes at North Brunswick, 507 Shoppes Blvd., to benefit the North Brunswick Township High School Class of 2022.
Five Guys will donate 10% of purchases back to the school.
Elvis Presley will visit the Farrington Room of the East Brunswick Elks Lodge at 7 p.m. on Feb. 21.
Mike Holland will perform during the dinner show.
Cost is $15 for the show, or $25 for dinner and show.
Pre-purchased tickets offer a $2 discount on either package.
The lodge is located at 21 Oakmont Ave., East Brunswick.
For tickets, contact Aimee Schneider at 732-207-3774 or smile2laugh2@gmail.com.
Five spectacular gardens will enhance the 31st annual New Jersey Home & Garden Show Feb. 21-23 at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison.
The show added “& Garden” to its name this year, and 4,500-square-feet of landscape design, plants, water features and more.
The highlight will be TV personality Doug Wilson of “Trading Spaces” sharing tips on how to achieve high-end flair on realistic budgets.
Attendees can take painting classes, browse and purchase the work of artisans and craftsmen, enjoy a model Tiny Home and study life-size mood boards designed for small rooms. In addition to a classic car auction, visitors will meet more than 200 remodelers, contractors, interior designers, landscapers, and kitchen and bath designers.
Hours are 3-8 p.m. on Feb. 21, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Feb. 22 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Feb. 23.
Tickets are $10 for adults; children 16 and under are free.
For more information, visit www.newjerseyhomeshow.com or www.facebook.com/NJHomeShow/
South Asian Mental Health Awareness in Jersey (SAMHAJ) Central Jersey Support Group will hold a Hearts & Minds Presentation from 7-8 p.m. on March 5 at the NAMI NJ office, 1562 Route 130, North Brunswick.
The live presentation focuses on inner and outer wellness for people living with mental illness. Hearts & Minds seeks to raise awareness and provide information on medical self-advocacy, smoking cessation, addiction, healthy eating, exercise and diabetes.
The support group will meet from 8-9 p.m.
For more information, visit naminj.org.
The North Brunswick Democratic Organization is accepting resumes to screen for the two council seats up for election in 2020. All potential candidates must be a resident of North Brunswick and a registered Democrat.
Any individual wishing to place his or her name before the organization for consideration of said office must submit a resume limited to two typed pages and should include the prospective candidate’s name, home address, home telephone number, and present occupation.
All resumes must be received by March 15. Mail to North Brunswick Democratic Organization, 8 Golden Valley Dr., North Brunswick 08902.
The Adams Athletic & Social Club will hold a fish fry from 5-7 p.m. on March 13 at the Adams AC, 1210 Cozzens Lane, North Brunswick.
Options include fried or baked fish, fried shrimp or fried clams, all with French fries and cole slaw, for $14. A combo meal of all three fishes plus French fries and cole slaw is $16.
Eat in or take out. Free delivery.
Call 908-812-2435 to place an order for pick up.
Guidelines for the annual NAMI NJ (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Dara Axelrod Expressive Arts Mental Health Poetry Contest include:
* Poem should be in keeping with the theme of how your superpowers helped you battle your challenges with mental illness
* Poem must be typewritten. If sent electronically, do not send PDF files.
* Poem should be no longer than 40 lines.
* Fill out a media release form to accompany your entry.
* Provide a cover letter that includes your name, email (if available), mailing address and phone number.
The contest submission deadline is March 25.
Mail typed entries to NAMI NJ Poetry Contest, 1562 Route 130, North Brunswick 08902. Or, email your entry with the signed media release form to poetry@naminj.org.
April is the National Poetry Month and May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Jamesburg Presbyterian Church will hold a Merit Badge Fair on March 28, open to all Boy Scouts of America scouts.
Each class has a $15 non-refundable registration fee. Separate transactions are required for registering each sibling.
Each scout will receive one free lunch; additional food and snacks available for sale.
Scouts must be prepared. Bring a signed blue card, printed merit badge workbook for each class, pen and paper. Scouts should be dressed in Class A uniform.
If prerequisites are not completed, a partial completion will be given.
For more information, visit www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0a4daea62ca5ff2-merit. Do not call the church.
North Brunswick Township is accepting submissions for its Veterans Park Memorial Paver Donation Project.
Any resident who has a family member who served in the United States military during a wartime period can honor them at Veterans Park on Roosevelt Avenue with a 4-inch-by-8-inch brick engraved with their name, branch of service, rank, conflict and period of service.
All engraving will be done in upper case. There is a maximum of three lines with 15 letters/spaces/punctuation marks per line.
Checks in the amount of $75 should be made payable to the Township of North Brunswick and mailed with the name, mailing address, telephone and email to the Veterans Paver Donation Project, c/o the Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick 08902.
For more information, call Lou Ann Benson at 732-247-0922, ext. 475.
The Township of North Brunswick will continue honoring veterans with a secondary street signs at township roads.
Applications for wartime veterans are received throughout the year. The honored veterans must be a past or current resident of North Brunswick.
The requirements can be found at www.northbrunswicknj.gov; on Facebook; or at the Municipal Building at the Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, 710 Hermann Road, North Brunswick.
For more information, contact Lou Ann Benson at lbenson@northbrunswicknj.gov.
Registration is open for the 44th annual Rutgers Home Gardeners School, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 21 at the Rutgers University Cook/Douglass campus in New Brunswick.
The Home Gardeners School is 40 individual workshop sessions that cover an array of horticulture topics. This format allows attendees to select the workshops that are most relevant to their gardening interests and create their own personalized schedule for a day of learning. Expert speakers from commercial horticulture and landscape design firms, as well as faculty and staff from Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE), will cover topics including landscape design, common problems and solutions, annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, beekeeping, hardscaping, best management practices and deer control methods.
The registration fee is $95, but early registration is $80 is being offered through Feb. 29. An additional discounted fee of $70 is available for Master Gardeners (certificate required) through Feb. 29.
Participants can purchase a $14 box lunch when registering or bring their own bag lunch.
Attendees are asked to bring food donations for Rutgers Against Hunger (RAH) or pet items for Scarlet Paws Rescue.
For more information or to register, visit www.cpe.rutgers.edu/hgs or call the Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education at 848-932-9271.
The Township of North Brunswick has created an opportunity for ice skating across the street from the Municipal Building, 710 Hermann Road.
The ice skating rink will be open through March 1. Hours of operation will be weekdays from 5:30-8:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1:30-8:30 p.m.
Skates may be rented for $3 if sizes are available. Call the Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services at 732-247-0922, ext. 475 weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to ensure there are no changes in operational times.
The rink will also be open for birthday parties.
For more information and training videos, visit northbrunswicknj.gov.
A tricky tray to benefit South Brunswick High School Project Graduation will be held on March 28 at Crossroads Middle School North, 635 Georges Road, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick.
Doors open at 5 p.m. Calling begins at 7 p.m.
Gift basket, gift card or monetary donations will be accepted. Drop off inside the main entrance of the high schooler send to SBHS c/o PG Tricky Tray, Attn: Lisa Carneglia, 750 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction 08852. To arrange a pickup, call Lisa at 732-239-6393 or Gina at 732-266-7927.
The South Brunswick High School Viking Closet will hold its ninth annual prom dress event on March 21.
In preparation, prom dresses and accessories will be collected through March at the school, 750 Ridge Road, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick. Hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays while school is in session.
Semi-formal dresses, shoes, jewelry, purses, makeup kits, hair care products and monetary donations will be accepted, as will gift certificates to be included in a free raffle.
The 74th annual Bernie Cohn Golf Classic will be held on May 14 at Forsgate Country Club, 375 Forsgate Dr., Monroe, by the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Tee off is 9 a.m.
Sign up at mcrcc.org.
The Antonia Maria Foundation and Day One Sober Living will hold their 2020 spring gala, Celebrate a New Day, from 7-11 p.m. on April 3 at the South Gate Manor, 260 South St., Freehold.
The second annual gala will launch the partnership with Day One to help revolutionize sober living care for women in New Jersey. Together, the two organizations will be opening Leo’s House, a recovery home for women following in the footsteps of Gracie’s House. Both are located in North Brunswick.
For information on tickets or sponsorship, call 732-823-8350.
Fight the Stigma, a mental health awareness 5K hosted by the North Brunswick Soccer Club, will be held on April 19. The event begins at 9 a.m. at Community Park, 2053 Route 130 south, North Brunswick. Check in begins at 8 a.m.
There will be free refreshments for all racers.
Team discount for five or more participants.
One hundred percent of proceeds will benefit Minding Your Mind. For more information, visit www.mindingyourmind.org.
To register or to make a donation, visit www.mha5k.org or runsignup.com/MHA5K.
For more information, email mentalhealthawareness5k@gmail.com.
The 2020 Progressive Insurance Saltwater Fishing Expo will showcase more than 200 exhibitors selling saltwater fishing products, from new boats and kayaks to an array of accessories including fishing rods, reels and lures, from noon to 8 p.m. on March 13, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on March 14 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 15 at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison.
The annual event includes a seminar on filleting and preparing fish, a Fishing 101 Interactive Center, a 50-foot casting pond, a fishing simulator and free fishing for children 11 and younger.
Tickets are $13 for adults, $3 for children ages 6-11, and free for children 5 and younger when accompanied by an adult. All children 11 and under will receive free admission on March 15. Rods Go Free on March 13 – anyone named Rod or any variation of the name will receive free admission with a valid form of ID.
Tickets are on sale at saltwater.sportshows.com/.
The Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo will be held March 27-29 at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison.
Reiki, crystals, psychic readings, workshops and aura photography.
Hours are 5-9 p.m. on March 27, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on March 28 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 29.
Free tote for the first 150 attendees at the door on March 28 and 29.
For more information and tickets, visit www.heartofonenessholisticexpo.com.
Teens across the state can begin submitting entries for the 25th Annual New Jersey Teen Media Contest, which highlights NJ Human Services’ mission to support families.
The contest, run by Human Services’ Division of Family Development, is open to all New Jersey middle and high school-aged students. This year, the contest will accept entries in the hand-painted/hand-drawn and written word categories.
This year’s challenge to teens is to illustrate through art, including the written word, a valuable life lesson or moment that you will never forget. Teens are invited to show when parents and other loved ones provided valuable life lessons and teaching moments.
All entries must be postmarked no later than March 11. Staff from the Division of Family Development and its Office of Child Support Services will judge the contest. Winners will be selected in first, second, and third places in both the middle and high school groups, for each of the two entry categories, with each receiving a prize package at an awards ceremony in May.
Winning entries will be included in the 2021 Office of Child Support Calendar and be placed on display in the New Jersey State House in Trenton shortly after the awards event. A number of honorable mention entries will be selected for possible inclusion in the State House exhibit and possibly the calendar.
The 2020 calendar can be viewed or downloaded from the contest homepage, www.NJTeenMedia.org to serve as inspiration for the teens. The website also provides the official rules, frequently asked questions, entry forms, a look at the winners and honorable mentions from previous contests and other important contest information.
Entries can be submitted via the students’ art or English/language arts teachers, if their school is registered. Teachers and administrators can register their school by visiting www.NJTeenMedia.org or by contacting Matthew Cossel at 973-799-0200 or info@winningstrat.com. Teens whose schools are not registered can submit entries directly.
For complete submission guidelines, visit www.NJTeenMedia.org. For more information about child support services, call 1-877-NJKIDS1 or visit www.NJChildSupport.org.
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar launched its fourth annual Above and “BEE”yond Teacher Essay Contest, which will recognize top teachers nominated by their students.
The contest is offered at Applebee’s restaurants in New Jersey owned and operated by local franchisee Doherty Enterprises: Brick, Bridgewater, Butler, Clark, Clifton, Edison, Flemington, Garfield, Hackensack, Hackettstown, Hillsborough, Howell, Jersey City, Jersey Gardens, Kearny, Lacey, Linden, Manahawkin, Manalapan, Manchester, Middletown, Milltown, Mt. Olive, Newark, Newton, North Bergen, Northvale, Ocean, Paramus, Parsippany, Phillipsburg, Piscataway, Rockaway, Tinton Falls, Totowa, Union and Wall.
Applebee’s will award four winners from separate regions with a $500 sponsorship check to use toward their classroom for the 2020-21 school year, along with an end-of-year party for their current class.
To nominate a teacher, students must submit an essay in-person at their local Applebee’s explaining why their teacher deserves to be Teacher of the Year. Students who enter will receive a free ice cream certificate (one per entrant).
Contest submissions will be accepted through March 1. Winners will be announced on April 6.
For more information about, visit www.dohertyinc.com/community-connection.
The 74th annual Bernie Cohn Golf Classic will be held on May 14 at Forsgate Country Club, 375 Forsgate Dr., Monroe, by the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Tee off is 9 a.m.
Sign up at mcrcc.org.
Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County will hold its One Community Gala for 2020 at 5 p.m. on June 14 at Classical Caterers at Congregation B’Nai Tikvah, 1001 Finnegans Lane, North Brunswick.
Dinner, dancing and auction.
Honorees include community leaders David and Ellen Rabinowitz, BCB Bank and Vincent Davis, and Bill Neary.
Sponsorship opportunities and journal ads are available.
For more information, email JeanieJ@jfsmiddlesex.org or JudyC@jfsmiddlesex.org, or call 732-777-1940.
The fourth annual Celebrate Middlesex County event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 13 at Roosevelt Park, Parsonage Road, Edison.
Enjoy roller skating, a fishing derby, live music, entertainment, food trucks and hands-on activities.
For more information, visit middlesexcountynj.gov/celebrate.