Coronavirus | Running During COVID-19 – Runner’s World
Coronavirus | Running During COVID-19 Runner’s World
This is a rapidly developing situation and local restrictions may vary. For the most up-to-date information, check your local health department and trusted news outlets, the , and World Health Organization (WHO) regularly.
It started with SLACK (as so many office debates do): Long time test editor Matt Phillips threw out a question to the staff, nearly all of whom ride or run or both:
I’m struggling with a huge (for me) question—should I ride my bike? It’s an inherently dangerous activity and if I crash like I did a few years ago, I’ll need to go the hospital, which would strain an already strained resource.
Running is less inherently risky, of course. But we face our own set of personal and societal quandaries during this time of fear and social distance. And Runner’s World staffers had plenty to say during the 40 minute passionate, sometimes heated, but overwhelmingly heartfelt response thread that followed, as everyone chimed in on what running means to them right now and how they’ve adjusted their routines to keep themselves and others safe during these unprecedented times.
We know we’re not the only ones wrestling with these tremendously difficult questions and coming up with ever-changing answers as we take in the news of the world each day.
Here’s an inside look at how we’re running right now and why. If nothing else, we hope it helps you know you’re not alone. Stay safe. Stay sane. We’re right here with you.
Jeff Dengate, Runner-In-Chief
I see a lot of people suggesting that we should just keep 6 feet between our running partners. But now’s not the time for groups. Every run should be done on your own. Sure, I miss my lunch runs with Runner’s World colleagues, but I’ll sacrifice that and run totally alone until this virus is no longer a threat. But, even though I’ve been solo, I’ve drawn some criticism from some people saying I should stay home entirely. That’s nonsense. I’ll keep running. All indications are that it’s safe to do with proper distance as long as I keep to myself. There certainly are other risks. I could have a heart attack out there while running. Then again, a lot of us will anyway just sitting on the couch. If it comes down to it, I’ll run with a wristband that says “just leave me here to die” rather than give up the ability to run.
Watch: How we coped with race cancellations and challenged each other virtually:
Jess Movold, Runner’s World+ Coach
Now, more than ever, my time to run has become the opportunity for me to find peace, feel clarity, and get a chance to take some deep breaths in and out. I view the moments that I get to walk outside and feel the sunshine and fresh air as a chance to express the gratitude I have for a healthy body and sound mind. My running routine has changed recently because running for me is very meditative, but now I am constantly aware of my surroundings and my concern with proximity of other runners while keeping social distance my main focus and priority. That has changed my running routes and levels of intensity, but it has not changed the fact that running for me is a chance to de-stress and reconnect inwardly to my mind and my body.
Hailey Middlebrook, digital editor
I was training for the New Jersey Half Marathon in April, but since that was postponed to the fall, I have been relaxing a bit on my mileage (doing 25 to 30 miles per week instead of 35) and going more by feel. Instead of doing the 13-mile long run I had planned for last Saturday, I cut it down to 9 miles and did some strides afterward just for fun. I know from experience that I only have a 2- to 3-month window that I can sustain super hard training before I start getting burned out or injured, so because I don’t have any races in the near future, it’s best for me to dial back a bit right now and just enjoy running for the sake of running. I’ve also been incorporating more biking and yoga into my weekly routine to cross-train since I can’t access the pool I normally swim in 2 to 3 times per week. Instead of my typical 30-minute swim, I’ll bike for 30 minutes on the trainer or do a 30-minute power yoga YouTube class.
The outbreak has also made me realize how fortunate I am to have my health and still be able to do the sport I love when others around the world aren’t allowed to (or are unable to) leave their homes at all. When I’m on a run now and it starts feeling hard or I get stressed that I’m not going fast enough, I check myself and remember to be grateful to be out here at all. For me, the stress relief of running is far better than any fitness I get from it!
Patrick Heine, Video Producer
I’m taking some forced rest, with occasional solo runs and other solo activity like skateboarding near my apartment. To be totally honest, I’m having a really hard time getting out on the trails. Recent runs have seen record numbers of hikers, and in much larger groups than normal, on the trails I usually run. I’ve basically seen the opposite of what people are being instructed to do, and it’s nearly impossible to pass with any sort of distance. With a significant other that works at a hospital, I can’t risk catching the virus
Molly Ritterbeck, Fitness, Training & Health Director
My exercise routine is way different now and it changes daily based on recommendations from CDC, the state of certain parks and outdoor areas here in New York City, and my own mental state. Some days, I’ve been so overwhelmed, I’ve tried to embrace this time as forced rest and recovery. Other days, I have to get outside.
I was training for a half marathon in early April, but since it was canceled, I’ve reduced my volume and resumed riding my bike (alone) a few days a week for low-impact cardio. I only run once or twice a week now, just a few miles for stress relief. The parks in New York City are too crowded so I’ve tried to avoid them. Other days, I do at-home workouts I edit/create on runnersworld.com, Coach Jess’ Livestream bodyweight workouts, stream SkyTing yoga classes, follow workouts from the Nike NTC training club app, or just go for long walks with my boyfriend on back streets as to avoid crowds.
Most of all, I’ve been practicing being kind and patient with myself during this time. I am usually very structured with daily workouts and constantly on the go, but it’s just not possible right now, and I’m trying to embrace that and appreciate that I am healthy and safe and have a lot to be grateful for.
Selene Yeager (me), Contributing Writer
I have a decades’-long, off-and-on-again love affair with running. This has definitely brought me back to an “on” phase as the trails and solitude and simplicity of putting one foot in front of the other beckon. I’ve never felt confident enough in my running ability to run with a group, so solo running is not new to me. What is new is the overwhelming gratitude I have that I still can and passing it on.
Matt Allyn, Features Director
I’m working around [my baby] Rose’s schedule, so daybreak runs aren’t an option. That’s when she gets up. I have been going out to run about every other day, but found I have to avoid the city parks and promenades as they’re too crowded to reliably stay six feet apart. Instead, I’ve been running through the industrial area near us—auto body shops, construction materials, a bagel factory (at least that smells good)—that never sees much traffic. Our apartment building closed its gym, so I’ve been doing strength or yoga on a yoga mat in our living room. Or when it’s nice out, I go up to our building’s roof. I don’t have any dumbbells or legit weights, but I filled a backpack with enough books to hit 30 pounds.
Amanda Furrer, test editor
When the Boston Marathon was postponed along with all other races I had planned to run, I took the Pollyanna approach, adding on more mileage and some strength training, twisting it around to make loftier goals. It’s an opportunity to focus on areas I’ve procrastinated on and stuff I skipped over, such as stretching and foam rolling, using my busy schedule as a lame excuse. I’ll admit, I get creepy-crawly zombie-pocalyse vibes when I run around my neighborhood. I usually pass the local liquor store with its “Closed Until Further Notice” signs, and when I see a lone person waiting to cross at a traffic light, I completely swerve off the sidewalk. The funny thing is, I notice some of them swerve the other way onto the grass. It’s like we’re afraid of each other. I hate how that paranoia is not without reason.
Amy Wolff, Photo Director
In terms of my workouts, nothing has changed although I’m a little less motivated. I had been training for a half marathon at the end of March. I’m still doing the miles, though not training “as hard.” Still doing a track day once a week with a friend, though we are running 6 feet apart.
Bette Canter, Deputy Editor
My home state of New Jersey is currently under a stay-at-home order, but because running outside for exercise has not been outright banned, I continue to do so—just with a few adjustments. I frequently run in groups, so as soon as the CDC recommended against that, I said farewell to my running buddies and charged my iPod shuffle in anticipation of some solo runs. I’ve been running early in the morning, as I find there are fewer runners out, and I almost always head to a local state park (I check every morning to make sure it’s still open!) because I feel there’s more space to maintain the advised distance from other runners. I have type 1 diabetes, and while my blood glucose levels are well-managed, the chronic illness will add another level of complexity if I were to contract COVID-19. However running (or any sort of cardio) is crucial to my blood sugar management (and my mental health), so I will keep on (safely!) running until I no longer can.
Caroline Dorey-Stein, Assistant Special Projects Editor
After my spring races went out the window, I am focusing more on my general fitness and strength. Instead of two high intensity sessions a week, I’m rotating between the track, fartlek, or a tempo of some sort once a week, a long run, and three easy, 5- to 8-mile runs. This week, for instance, is a fartlek—15 minute easy warm-up, 3 minutes on/2 minutes off x 4, 15-minute cool-down. The goal is to keep the motivation rolling but not dial in on any specific race distance workouts since I’m not sure when I’ll be on the start line again. It’s also getting to be smoothie weather! I bought a bunch of frozen spinach and berries to eliminate extra trips to the grocery store battle fields.
Colin McSherry, Senior Art Director
I’ve used the time to take my son (stir-crazy soccer player) out for runs and we just talk about random things, nothing too hard, just away from video games for a bit.
“The Fit Chick” Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.