Current Adirondack Outdoor Conditions (July 25) – – Adirondack Almanack
Current Adirondack Outdoor Conditions (July 25) – Adirondack Almanack
This weekly report of outdoor recreation conditions in the Adirondacks is compiled each Thursday afternoon and fully updated by Friday afternoon. Contribute …
This weekly report of outdoor recreation conditions in the Adirondacks is compiled each Thursday afternoon and fully updated by Friday afternoon.
Contribute Your Knowledge: Add a comment below, or send your observations, corrections, updates, and suggestions to adklmanack@gmail.com.
Learn and practice the seven Leave No Trace principles. Carry out what you have carried in. Do not leave gear, food, or other items at lean-tos and campsites. Do not litter. Take the free online Leave No Trace course here.
BE PREPARED! Start slow, gain experience. Carry proper safety equipment and weather protection and bring plenty of water and lights, and a map. When on the trail, stay together, monitor the time, and be prepared to turn back. Accidents happen to the most experienced people. Be prepared to spend an unplanned night in the woods in cold temperatures. Always carry food, a space blanket, emergency whistle, first aid kit, fire making tools, extra clothing layers and socks, a map and compass, and the knowledge to use them. Inform someone of your itinerary and before entering the backcountry or launching a boat check the National Weather Service watches, warnings, and advisories here. Follow Adirondack weather forecasts at Burlington and Albany and consult the High Elevation, Recreation, or Lake Champlain forecasts.
July 25th, 2019 – SPECIAL NOTICES
HAZARDOUS WEATHER: Low temperatures are expected tonight from the mid-50s to near 50 degrees in the cold hollows of the Adirondacks. Friday and Saturday’s highs are expected to be in the low to mid 80s, nearer 90 on Sunday. Isolated afternoon showers or thunderstorms are possible, mainly over high terrain; afternoon showers are possible around the region on Sunday. Check the latest National Weather Service local weather warnings, watches and advisories here.
ROUTE 73 ROAD CLOSURE SUNDAY: The Lake Placid Ironman will be held on Sunday, July 28, 2019. Road closures and road restrictions will cause traffic delays on roads in the Lake Placid, Keene, and Wilmington area. Cascade Mountain Trailhead Parking Areas, Pitchoff Mountain Trailhead Parking Areas, and the Cascade Lakes Day Use Area along Route 73 will be closed during the race. Tips for hikers on race day:
- Choose alternative hikes outside of the race course.
- Be aware of cyclists and runners on the road.
- Plan for travel delays along main roads.
- Be aware of slow-moving vehicles and spectators.
ROUTE 73 – HIGH PEAKS PARKING & SHUTTLE INFO: State Route 73 between Chapel Pond and the Rooster Comb Trailhead has been closed to roadside parking making access to popular climbing areas and hiking trailheads in that area more restricted, especially at the climbing areas north of Chapel Pond and near the AMR and Roaring Brook Parking Areas. Access to the Garden Trailhead is by shuttle only. The Town of Keene operates a shuttle for hikers between the Marcy Field Parking Area and the Garden Trailhead, 7 am to 7 pm. The Town of Keene website has the most up to date shuttle schedule. More information about the closure can be found HERE. The Porter and Little Porter Trail from the Garden in Keene remains closed by the landowner – approach Porter Mountain via the trail from Marcy Field.
AVOID THE CROWDS / LIMIT OVERUSE: The High Peaks are experiencing a notable increase in visitor-ship, which is exacerbated at this time of year. You can avoid the crowds and parking difficulties, and help protect the Adirondack Park, by visiting one of the many less busy places, or by visiting on weekdays when there is less demand. Hikes Outside the Adirondack High Peaks and Adirondack hikes under 2,500 feet list a variety of alternate hikes. The Adirondack Almanack publishes regular suggestions for less visited hikes and paddles here.
LIGHTNING: Thunderstorms are expected. There is NO safe place outside in a thunderstorm, follow local weather closely and avoid storms. You should never be above treeline or on water when there is lightning. Hundreds of people are killed or permanently injured each year by being struck by lightning. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance and should seek safe shelter immediately. If you are caught outdoors away from the safety of cars or buildings, then avoid open fields, hill-tops, and isolated trees, and stay away from water. Check the latest National Weather Service local weather watches, warnings and advisories here and Mountain Forecasts here.
MUD: Expect to encounter mud – many trails and back country roads remain muddy in places. Protect trails and trail-side vegetation by walking through mud on the trail, not around it. Wear waterproof boots and pack extra wool socks. Expect to get your feet wet and muddy.
TICKS & OTHER BITING INSECTS: Ticks, black flies, and mosquitoes are very active at this time. People and pets are especially susceptible to ticks and other biting insects from mid-May through July. Ticks can carry Lyme disease as well as Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Borrelia miyamotoi disease, Ehrlichiosis, and Powasson virus. Follow these steps to minimize the nuisance of biting insects: Wear light colored long sleeve shirts and long pants; Tuck shirts into pants, button or rubber band sleeves at the wrist, and tuck the bottom of pant legs into your socks; Pack a head net to wear when insects are abundant; and use an insect repellent. More tips to avoid getting bit can be found here. While tick bites can happen year-round, even on 40-plus degree days in the winter, both people and pets are especially susceptible in mid-May through July, when nymphs are out seeking a host. The young ticks are small and more difficult to spot. More information on tick borne diseases can be found here.
SEASONAL ACCESS ROADS: Most seasonal access roads are open. Roads that are closed, or recently reopened are listed below in the Recent Changes by region. Seasonal access roads are dirt and gravel roads that can be rough. Roads may be narrow – use caution, drive slowly, and watch for oncoming vehicles. Four-wheel drive SUVs, pick-up trucks, and other high clearance vehicles are recommended for driving on seasonal backcountry access roads.
BEAR ADVISORY: While preparing for your camping or hiking trip, check area notices for active bear advisories. If there are active bears present where you are planning to go, either choose an alternative trip or thoroughly educate yourself on how to reduce your chance of a bear encounter with proper food storage, disposal of food waste, and then what to do if you happen to encounter a bear. Learn more about avoiding bears.
WATERS LEVELS: Waters are at normal summertime lows. Low water paddle routes may be more difficult; use caution in shallow areas. Rivers and streams can still have powerful and dangerous currents, especially after rain storms, and even at familiar swimming holes. The following streamgage readings were observed on Thursday afternoon. Follow the latest river forecasts here and USGS stream gages here. Check the latest National Weather Service local weather watches, warnings and advisories here.
Moose River at McKeever – 2.37 ft (7/25): 3.21 ft (7/18)
Raquette River at Piercefield – 4.15 ft (7/25): 4.67 ft (7/18)
AuSable River at Ausable Forks – 1.25 ft (7/25): 1.54 ft (7/18)
Hudson River at North Creek – 2.78 ft (7/25): 3.05 ft (7/18)
Schroon River at Riverbank (Route 11) – 2.17 ft (7/25): 2.71 ft (7/18)
Lake Champlain North of Whitehall – 95.97 ft (7/25): 96.50 ft (7/18)
WATER TEMPERATURES: Most waters are in the mid-60s to mid-70s, with the warmest waters near 80. Wear a personal flotation device.
The following water temperatures were recently reported:
Arbutus Lake, Newcomb (average) – about 67 degrees (7/25)
Lake Champlain (average) – about 70 degrees (7/25)
Lake George (Warner Bay) – 75 degrees (7/25)
Ausable River (Wilmington) – about 70 degrees (7/25)
Mirror Lake (Lake Placid) – 75 degrees (7/25)
PADDLERS & BOATERS: Waters are normal summertime lows. Low water paddle routes may be more difficult; use caution in shallow areas. Follow the latest river forecasts here and USGS stream gages here. Check the latest National Weather Service local weather watches, warnings and advisories here. Wear a personal flotation device (PFD) (required before May 1, and for all children under 12 at all times).
SUN AND MOON SATURDAY: Sunrise Saturday in Lake Placid will be at 5:37 am and sunset at 8:26 pm, providing 14 hours and 49 minutes of sunlight. The Moon will rise at 1:24 am Saturday morning, and set at 4:14 pm, Saturday afternoon. It will be about 25% illuminated.
FIRE DANGER: The fire danger is LOW in the Adirondack Park, but MODERATE in the St. Lawrence Valley. Check the DEC Fire Danger Risk Map for the latest fire conditions.
DO NOT RELY ON TECHNOLOGY: Do not depend on electronic technology in the backcountry. Cell phone coverage is spotty at best and often non-existent. GPS signal can be poor under heavy tree cover. Batteries can expire quickly. Plan and prepare carefully before entering the backcountry and always carry a map and compass – and know how to use them.
BIKE TRAILS: Stewards for the region’s bike trails are asking riders to follow trail reports closely and stay off wet trails. Reports of mountain bike trail conditions in the Wilmington Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, and networks in the Adirondack Tri-Lakes Region are reported by BETA on TrailForks.com.
AVOID MINES AND CAVES WHERE BATS ARE PRESENT: DEC has urged outdoor adventurers to suspend exploration of cave and mine sites that may serve as seasonal homes for hibernating bats. Human disturbances are especially harmful to the State’s bat population since the arrival of the disease known as white-nose syndrome, which has killed more than 90 percent of bats at hibernation sites in New York. All posted notices restricting the use of caves and mines should be followed. If you encounter hibernating bats while underground, DEC encourages you to leave the area as quickly and quietly as possible. Anyone entering a northern long-eared bat hibernation site from October 1 through April 30, the typical period of hibernation for bats, may be subject to prosecution. Learn more here.
KEEP PETS LEASHED: Keep your pet under control. Restrain your pet on a leash when others approach. Collect and bury droppings away from water, trails and camp sites. Keep your pet away from drinking water sources. Dogs must be leashed in the Eastern Zone of the High Peaks when on trails, at primitive tent sites, at lean-to sites, everywhere above 4,000 feet, or at other areas where the public congregates. Dogs should be kept leashed everywhere in the Adirondack Park for the safety of your dog, the protection of wildlife and rare plants, and out of courtesy to fellow recreationists.
GROUP SIZE RESTRICTIONS: Large groups have significantly more impact on the trails, natural resources and other users. DEC regulation restricts group size in the High Peaks Wilderness (which now includes the former Dix Mountain Wilderness) to no more than 15 hikers (day users) or 8 campers (overnight users) and encourages this practice to be followed in other areas. Outside the High Peaks Wilderness, DEC regulation requires a temporary permit be issued to authorize organized events of more than twenty people; camping at the same location for more than three nights; or camping in groups of more than 10 people.
VOLUNTEER FOR TRAIL WORK: No matter what your sport, if you’re a trail user consider contributing your efforts to one of the many organizations dedicated to maintaining the region’s network of thousands of miles of trails.
REPORT MOOSE SIGHTINGS: DEC is asking the public to report moose sightings and observations. DEC and its research partners use these public sightings as indices of moose distribution and abundance in New York. This is part of a multi-year research project to obtain information on the status of New York State’s moose population, health of the moose, and the factors that influence moose survival and reproductive rate. Use the moose sighting form.
* indicates new or recent items.
Including Dix Mountain, Giant Mountain, Hurricane Mountain, Jay Mountain, McKenzie Mountain, Sentinel Range Wildernesses, Lake Placid, and Wilmington
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
Bear Canisters Required: Overnight visitors to the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness are required to use bear canisters, which can be rented or purchased at the High Peaks Information Center, or at the Mountaineer in Keene Valley. For more information visit the DEC website.
Bike Trails: Stewards for the region’s bike trails are asking riders to follow trail reports closely and stay off wet trails. Reports of mountain bike trail conditions in the Wilmington Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, and networks in the Adirondack Tri-Lakes Region are reported by BETA on TrailForks.com.
** Route 73: Parking is prohibited, and tickets are being issued, on a four-mile section of State Route 73 between Chapel Pond and the Rooster Comb Trailhead, especially near the AMR and and Roaring Brook Parking area (trailhead for Giant), and the climbing areas north of Chapel Pond. Parking will still be allowed at trailheads and other designated pull-offs. Hikers can discover and visit numerous hiking opportunities in the area or visit on weekdays when there is less demand. Hikes Outside the Adirondack High Peaks lists a dozen alternate hikes.
Garden Trailhead Parking Lot Closed (Spring and Summer 2019): The Garden Parking Lot at the Garden Trailhead – one of the main access points to the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness and the nearest trailhead to Johns Brook Lodge is closed to replace the Johns Brook Bridge, construction is expected to be completed in early September. No vehicles or pedestrians are able to cross the bridge. Hikers and backpackers should gain access to the Garden Trailhead by parking at Marcy Field Parking Lot and using the Town of Keene Shuttle between the Marcy Field Parking Lot and the Garden Trailhead. This will be the only means for accessing the Garden Trailhead during the closure. Public use of the private detour is prohibited. The Town of Keene plans to operate the Shuttle from 7 am to 7 pm, weekends only. The cost will be $10 round-trip per person ($13 Canadian). However, due to the current lack of bus drivers this schedule may be reduced. The town’s website has the most up to date shuttle schedule. More information about the closure can be found HERE.
Garden-Porter Mtn. Trail – Cascade Mtn.: The Porter and Little Porter Trail from the Garden in Keene are closed due to the decision of a private landowner. A reroute is being planned. As this will limit access to Cascade via Porter – further crowding the Route 73 Cascade trailhead – approach Porter Mountain via the trail from Marcy Field until the reroute is complete.
** Adirondack Mountain Reserve / Ausable Club: Parking is prohibited along the Ausable Club Road and at the trailhead. Hikers planning to use the AMR parking lots and hike any of the nearby trails should identify alternate hikes before arriving as the lots will fill quickly.
Owls Head: Owls Head in Keene is open to hikers mid-week only. The public is prohibited from parking on the private road leading to the trailhead between 4 pm Friday and 7 am Monday. The trail to the summit of Owls Head is not an official DEC trail nor is there an easement for public use of the trail. Public use of the trail is at the landowner’s discretion.
* Lake Placid Ironman: Cascade Mountain Trailhead Parking Areas, Pitchoff Mountain Trailhead Parking Areas, and the Cascade Lakes Day Use Area along Route 73 will be closed during the race on Sunday from 5 am to 4 pm. The 20th annual IRONMAN Lake Placid triathlon will take place from 6:25 am to midnight Sunday, July 28. Road closures and road restrictions will cause traffic delays on roads in the Lake Placid, Keene, and Wilmington area. The triathlon route includes a 2.4-mile swim in Mirror Lake, a 112-mile bike ride through Lake Placid, Keene, Upper Jay, Jay, Black Brook, and Wilmington and a 26.2-mile run in and around the Lake Placid village. Temporary road closures will begin at 5 am. The following are all estimated times based on New York State Police traffic control. Use caution and expect delays.
- Road closures (Route 86) Southbound in to Lake Placid from Wilmington beginning at 7 am until 6:30 pm.
- Route 86 westbound from Jay to Wilmington will close from 7 am to 6 pm.
- Route 9N will close Northbound from Keene to Jay at 6 am until 5 pm.
- Haselton Road will be closed in both directions from Bilhuber Road to the Black Brook town line from 8 am to 5 pm.
- Haselton Road from Route 86 to Bilhuber Road will be open only Northbound from 8 am to 5 pm.
- Road closures (Route 73) south/eastbound from Lake Placid to Keene beginning at 5 am until 4 pm.
* Mt. Van Hoevenberg East Trail: The new Mt. Van Hoevenberg East Trail is now open to public use. The 1.7-mile trail, located in the town of North Elba, Essex County, climbs 920 feet to the 2,940-feet summit of the trail. The trailhead is located the Olympic Sports Complex, while the summit is located in the High Peaks Wilderness.
* Upper Works Improvements Planned: The Open Space Institute has announced improvements at Tahawus and the Upper Works Trailhead which provides southern access to the High Peaks from Newcomb. Plans include expanding the Upper Works Trailhead parking area; renovating the now stabilized MacNaughton Cottage, built in 1845; providing space for guide equipment; adding additional interpretive signage, and continuing preservation efforts at the blast furnace. You can read more about OSI’s effort to increase High Peaks access from Newcomb at Adirondack Explorer. Read about the history of the area here at Adirondack Almanack and learn what’s been happening over the last few years here.
* Boreas Ponds (7/25): Work on Gulf Brook Road continues. The road is closed to motor vehicles on Monday through Thursday. Hikers, bikers, and horseback riders may use the road but must use caution in active work areas and follow the instructions of staff. The road is open to the Fly Pond Gate on Friday through Sunday.
* Increased Bear Activity (7/18): There has been increased bear activity at Marcy Dam and near the Feldspar Lean-to at the junction of Feldspar Brook and the Opalescent River. Avoid problems with bears: Cook early, Secure canister immediately after taking food out, and Consider bear spray for unexpected close encounters. The use of bear-resistant canisters is required for overnight users in the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness between April 1 and November 30. All food, toiletries and garbage must be stored in bear-resistant canisters. DEC encourages the use of bear-resistant canisters throughout the Adirondacks.
Bradley Pond Trail – Upper Works (5/23): The roadway on the Bradley Pond Trail has been washed out by the Harkness Lake Outlet approximately a half mile from the parking lot. Hikers will be unable to cross the outlet when water levels are high.
* Rock Climbing Routes (7/25): All rock climbing routes on the Upper and Lower Washbowl Cliffs are open. (7/25)
Ouluska Brook Bridge: The bridge over Ouluska Brook on the Northville-Placid Trail has collapsed into the brook. Crossing the brook is possible only during low water conditions.
Including Aldrich Pond Wild Forest, Bog River Complex, Cranberry Lake Wild Forest, Five Ponds & Pepperbox Wildernesses, Watson’s East Triangle Wild Forest, William C. Whitney & Round Lake Wilderness
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
Aldrich Pond Wild Forest (6/13): All seasonal access roads, including Streeter Lake Road, are open to public motor vehicle access.
Bog River Complex (6/13): All seasonal access roads are open to public motor vehicle use including the access road to Lows Lake/Hitchens Pond Waterway Access Site.
Including Grass River Complex, Raquette Boreal Complex, Whitehill Wild Forest, Horseshoe Lake Wild Forest,
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
Colton Dam Releases: Every summer whitewater releases by Brookfield Renewable Power at Stone Valley attract expert kayakers from the eastern United States and Canada to run the whitewater section of the Raquette River below the Colton Dam. The three remaining release days this summer are August 17 and 31, and September 2. Spectators are invited to watch the paddlers from trails along both sides of the river during the releases. On good weather days an information tent is set up near the trailhead on Riverside Drive to provide trail maps and orient visitors.
Grass River Complex: The roads are in reasonable but no maintenance has been done at this time. Only high clearance vehicles are appropriate for use at this time. Caution should be used when driving on the roads. The Pleasant Lake Access Road on the Grass River Conservation Easement Tract and the Allen Pond and Spruce Mountain Access Roads on the Tooley Pond Conservation Easement are all open to public motor vehicle use.
Including the Saranc Lake and Paul Smith’s Area, DeBar Mountain Wild Forest, Kushaqua Tract, Santa Clara Tract, Saranac Lakes and the St. Regis Canoe Area
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
* Bike Trails: Stewards for the region’s bike trails are asking riders to follow trail reports closely, and stay off wet trails. Reports of mountain bike trail conditions in the Wilmington Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, and networks in the Adirondack Tri-Lakes Region are reported by BETA on TrailForks.com.
Kushaqua Tract (7/3): Mountain Pond Road is open for motor vehicle use.
* Spider Creek – Route 30 Culvert: The Department of Transportation is replacing the culvert on State Route 30 at Spider Creek. Spider Creek is the waterway that flows out of Follensby Clear Pond to Fish Creek Ponds. During the construction watercraft will not be able to pass through the culvert. A temporary canoe carry to bypass the culvert may be established, but people visiting the area should consider using existing canoe routes that avoid this culvert entirely. The culvert may be closed for the entire 2019 construction season. When construction is complete, the culvert can be used once again for paddling.
Including Chazy Highlands Wild Forest, Lake Champlain Islands Complex, Sable Highlands Tract, Taylor Pond Complex, Wilmington Wild Forest, Five Mile Conservation Easement Tract, Gold Mine Conservation Easement Tract
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
* Bike Trails: Stewards for the region’s bike trails are asking riders to follow trail reports closely, and stay off wet trails. Reports of mountain bike trail conditions in the Wilmington Wild Forest, Saranac Lakes Wild Forest, and networks in the Adirondack Tri-Lakes Region are reported by BETA on TrailForks.com.
Sable Highlands Tract (5/23): Piney Ridge Road and D&H Road are open to public motor vehicle use. Both roads have some minor washouts, but should be passable by four-wheel drive SUVs, pick-up trucks, and other high clearance vehicles. There also some trees bent or handing over the road. Drivers should use caution and proceed slowly
Sable Highlands Tract: The gate on Barnes Pond Road is closed until the 2019 Big Game Hunting Season. Hikers may still use the road to access the six campsites along the road.
* Rock Climing Routes (7/25): All climbing routes on Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain, including those on the Main Face, are open.
* Terry Mountain State Forest (7/3): Terry Mountain Road in the Terry Mountain State Forest remains closed.
Including the Old Forge Area, Black River Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Pigeon Lake Wilderness
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
* Browns Tract Trail Logging Closure (7/1): There is a temporary closure of the southern end of the Browns Tract Trail on the John Brown Tract Conservation Easement (CE) to allow the owners of the land to harvest timber. The closure began on Monday, July 1, 2019 and will last approximately three weeks. The 3,078-acre John Brown Tract CE is currently owned by Heartwood Forestry Fund. The owners signed an agreement with DEC to allow the public to use the property, including trails, for recreation while retaining the right to practice forest management, including the authority to close portions of the property to public use during sustainable timber harvesting operations. Call DEC’s Herkimer office at 315-866-6330 for more information.
Black River Wild Forest Trails (5/30): Wolf Lake Landing Road which provides access to Bear Lake and Woodhull Lake is open to public motor vehicle use to the gate just before Woodhull Lake. Beaver Lake had flooded and damaged the road. Roadway may still be soft in places, stay in the center of roadway surface. The bridge across the inlet to Bear Lake on the Bear Lake Trail is currently out, all users should be prepared to ford the stream or cross elsewhere. Stone Dam Trail north of Stone Dam Lake to its intersection with the Chub Pond Trail is overgrown and can be hard to find and follow.
Independence River Wild Forest Trails: The Erie Canal Trail Bridge over Otter Creek has been damaged and is closed indefinitely. Horses may ford Otter Creek at the old bridge site.
Including Blue Mountain Wild Forest, Township 19 Easement, Township 20 Easement, Blue Ridge Wilderness, Moose River Plains Complex, Perkins Clearing/Speculator Tree Farm Easement, Sargent Ponds Wild Forest, West Canada Lakes Wilderness
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
New Northville-Placid Spur to Long Lake: A new 2.2-mile spur trail connects the Northville-Placid Trail to the hamlet of Long Lake. The spur trail provides ease of access to food, supplies, and lodging for backpackers through-hiking the NPT and enhances the local economy. Located in the Blue Mountain Wild Forest, the spur trail connects with the NPT approximately 1.9 miles south of Route 28N. The connection is marked with yellow trail markers. The trail terminates at a gravel parking lot at the intersection of State Route 30/28N, South Hill Road, and Pavilion Lane. Overall, using the spur trail eliminates an estimated 1.4 miles of hiking, including 1.3 miles of hiking on the shoulder of the state highway. In the winter, cross-country skiers can ski from Long Lake to the Three Brook Ski Loop Trail along the NPT and back for a pleasant 5.5-mile round trip ski.
Blue Mountain: The access road to the radio towers on Blue Mountain is a private road. The use of the road by people other than authorized personnel with administrative duties is prohibited and is considered trespassing.
* Blue Mountain Wild Forest (7/25): The O’Neill Flow and Barker Pond Roads remain closed due to extremely muddy conditions.
* Moose River Plains Complex (7/25): Rock Dam Road is open to public motor vehicle access. The shoulders of the road remain soft. Use caution when using the road. Four-wheel drive vehicles are recommended.
Northville-Placid Trail (1/3): A logging operation is occurring on the conservation easement lands along the Northville-Placid Trail south of Tirrell Pond. Logging equipment will be crossing the Northville-Placid Trail at one location. There is a 100-foot buffer on either side of the trail outside of that crossing. Be attentive for logging activity when on that section of trail. A broken foot bridge spanning Lamphere Brook in the West Canada Wilderness was replaced with a new 35-foot bridge in the fall of 2018.
Otter Brook Truck Trail: Crews from the Student Conservation Association Adirondack Corps cleaned and brushed out an approximate seven-mile section of the Otter Brook Truck Trail from the gate off the Otter Brook Road to a mile east of the intersection with the trail to Lost Pond. DEC expects to clean and brush out the remainder of the trail between the trail to Lost Pond and the Moose River Plains Road in the summer of 2019. (9/27)
Including Indian Lake, Newcomb, Camp Santanoni, Essex Chain Lakes, Hoffman Notch, Hudson Gorge, Jessup River, Siamese Ponds and the Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest (6/13): The new Wolf Pond Trail and Wolf Pond Lean-to are open to public use. The 2.3-mile Wolf Pond Trail may be access from Boreas River/Wolf Pond Parking Area on the Blue Ridge Road near the bridge over the Boreas River.The gently rolling and easy to navigate trail crosses Wolf Pond Brook and proceeds northeast. The trail ends at the outlet of Wolf Pond and the new lean-to is located up a short spur trail on the south-western side of the pond. Wolf Pond provides scenic views of the High Peaks and surrounding mountains as well as excellent fishing opportunities. The 59-acre pond is home to stocked wild strain brook trout.
Goodnow Flow Road: Goodnow Flow Road is a private road beyond the intersection with the Chain Lakes Road North and should not be used by the public.
Siamese Ponds Wilderness: The former site of the 55 foot bridge over the East Branch of the Sacandaga River on the Botheration Pond Loop Trail is now a foot crossing (rock hopping). Hikers may have trouble crossing during times of high water following heavy rain or during spring snow melt. Wear trail crampons and use hiking poles with steel or carbide tips when traversing ice covered rocks. A 30-foot bridge on the Puffer Pond Trail over a tributary to the Thirteenth Lake south of the lake has collapsed and cannot be crossed (2018).
Including Hammond Pond Wild Forest, North Creek, Schroon Lake, the Lake George Valley, Pharaoh Lake Wilderness, Lake Champlain, Split Rock Wild Forest, and Champlain Area Trails Society Trails
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
* Rock Climbing Routes (7/25): Shelving Rock Mountain: All rock climbing routes are open including Carhartt Wall. All routes on the Main Wall are open. Sleeping Beauty Mountain: All rock climbing routes are open. Potash Mountain: Potash Cliff, Haley’s Nose (18) and Goes Both Ways (19) as described on page 86 of Adirondack Rock Volume 2, A Rock Climbers Guide, Second Edition, are closed. In addition, the 4th class scramble to access the Pitch 1 ledge of most routes, is closed. All open routes must be led ground-up.
* Lake George Wild Forest (7/3): Gay Pond Road is closed due to the large amount of blowdown on the road caused by a recent wind event.
Goose Pond Trail: The bridge over Alder Brook on the Goose Pond Trail has been repaired and is ready for use.
Shelving Rock Road: Shelving Rock Road is open.
Dacy Clearing Road: Dacy Clearing Road is open.
* I-87 Essex County Northway Bridge Construction; Oversize Truck Detour: Motorists are advised to watch for reduced lane widths on the southbound bridge carrying the Adirondack Northway (Interstate 87) over Underpass Road in the town of Chesterfield, Essex County, between Exit 34 and Exit 33. As part of this bridge rehabilitation project, southbound oversized trucks will be detoured off the Northway at Exit 34 through mid-July. Southbound oversized trucks should then follow the detour from Route 9N northbound to Route 9 southbound, where they can re-enter the Northway at Exit 33. Also, Underpass Road underneath the Northway will be closed through October, with a signed detour posted. Motorists are urged to slow down and drive responsibly through the work zone and to avoid distractions while driving. For up-to-date travel information, call 511, visit the 511NY website.
Including Ferris Lake Wild Forest, Shaker Mountain Wild Forest, Silver Lake Wilderness, Wilcox Lake Wild Forest
These are recent changes, older changes for this area can be found here.
* Crane Mountain: Rock climbing routes on Crane Mountain are closed to protect peregrine falcon nest sites as follows: The Amphitheater section of the Black Arches Wall along with routes Hang Time and Black Arch Arête on the Main Wall are closed. All other routes are open.
* Wilcox Lake Wild Forest (7/3): Pumpkin Hollow Road remains closed.
Ferris Lake Wild Forest: Powley Road is open and passable. It is still soft in spots – some soft spots are marked hazardous. Drivers should use 4-wheel drive vehicles and use caution.
Jockeybush Lake Trail: Hikers on the Jockeybush Lake Trail may have difficulty crossing the Jockeybush Lake Outlet during high waters following periods of rain.
Northville-Placid Trail: A new lean-to has been constructed by DEC staff along the trail just north of the West Stony Creek crossing. (2018)
Northville Placid Trail: The trail is brushy between Silver Lake and Mud Lake and may be difficult to follow in areas. This section is scheduled to cleaned and brushed out in Summer 2019.
Be sure to properly prepare and plan before entering the backcountry. Visit DEC’s Hiking Safety webpage and Adirondack Trail Information webpage for more information about where you intend to travel. Check the Adirondack Almanack Outdoor Conditions Reports each Thursday afternoon. A map of the Adirondack Park can be found here; active alerts are updated by noon Friday here.
This weekly report of outdoor recreation conditions in the Adirondacks is compiled by Adirondack Almanack founder and editor John Warren for publication each Thursday afternoon. John’s condensed version for radio can be heard Friday mornings on WSLP Lake Placid, and the stations of North Country Public Radio.
The NYS Trails Supporter Patch is available for $5 at all outlets where sporting licenses are sold, on-line and via telephone at 1 (866) 933-2257. Patch proceeds help maintain and enhance non-motorized trails throughout New York State.
Tags: boating, camping, fishing, High Peaks, hiking, Paddling, Tourism