Everything you need to know about the Windsor Half Marathon – Runner’s World (UK)
Everything you need to know about the Windsor Half Marathon Runner’s World (UK)

Windsor Half Marathon
With days to go until this year’s Windsor Half Marathon, whether you’re running or spectating, here’s what you need to know.
When is the Windsor half marathon?
The Windsor half marathon takes place on Sunday 29 September 2019.
What time does the race start?
The race starts at 10am, however runners should arrive earlier to ensure they have time to locate their start pen. Any runner who is more than 10 minutes late will not be allowed to start the race.
What is the route for the Windsor half?
The route for the Windsor half marathon can be seen on the event website map here. The course is all on road, with some hilly sections.
Where does the Windsor half start and finish?
The race starts and finishes on the famous long walk, with Windsor Castle as the backdrop.
When will I receive my number and timing chip?
All race numbers have now been posted out to runners. Information posted on the event Twitter account on 20 September informs runners who haven’t received their race pack to ensure they get to the start line early, to ensure they have time to pick up another at the Administration Marquee. The race pack includes your number, which also has the timing chip on the back.
What will the weather be like for the Windsor half marathon?
At the moment, the weather for Sunday is looking to be rain showers, with highs of 18 degrees celsius and lows of 11.
How can I get to the start line of the Windsor half marathon?
There are travel instructions for runners travelling by car and by train on the event website. It’s advised that runners travelling by car allow extra time for congestion and parking.
Will I be able to drop a bag off?
Yes, there is a free bag drop near the start line.
Are headphones allowed on the race course?
Although they are not recommended due to health and safety reasons, headphones are permitted on the Windsor half marathon course. The Windsor half marathon is a two lap course, so there will be points where race marshals will need to direct runners, so if headphones are used, runner should still be able to hear instructions.
Is there still time to enter the race?
Entries to the 2019 half marathon have now closed.
I’m injured, can I defer or give my race number to a friend?
Unfortunately, the window for runners to defer or transfer their race place in the event of injury has now passed and refunds cannot be offered to runners unable to attend. Any runner who competes in another person’s race without having transferred before 2 September 2019 will be disqualified. If you wish to contact race organisers, the number is 01782 388128.