Flick Fact: 13 million pounds of Beer Nuts … and yet, ever seen a … – The Pantagraph

Flick Fact: 13 million pounds of Beer Nuts … and yet, ever seen a …  The Pantagraph

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The Beer Nuts plant at 103 N. Robinson St. in Bloomington is in October 2021. 



Question: Beer Nuts are loved worldwide, all processed at its Robinson Street address near downtown Bloomington. Yet, have you EVER seen a peanut truck pulling into town?

Answer: It is amazing we don’t see more peanut trucks, isn’t it? When at the high point of Beer Nuts output in the 1970s, the company was processing 13 million pounds of nuts per year. That’s 6½ tons of nuts! “While we are not near that mark today, we have grown substantially in the last decade,” says Andy Shirk, Beer Nuts president. “I think we will get back to 13 million and past that in the coming years.”


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