Follow this nine-week marathon training guide to get ready for London – Metro.co.uk

The London Marathon is just around the corner and (Coronavirus depending) it’s time to get ready for the starting line.
If it’s your first marathon – or even your fifth – you’re probably starting to feel a little bit nervous now. So if you want to give your training a final push before the big day, we have just the thing for you.
Running expert Chris Antoni has put together a training programme for participants who are entering those tough final nine weeks of training.
The detailed nine-week programme helps to build strength, stamina for long distances and routines to increase hypertrophy (which is an increase and growth of muscle cells).
With just eight weeks to go until the London Marathon 2020 on Sunday 26 April, Chris says: ‘It is essential for runners to build their stamina to achieve the 26.2-mile distance, but it is also vital that participants build up their hypertrophy through strength exercises which can include press-ups, planks, barbells and dumbbells.
‘As you reach the latter part of the training plan, it’s important to stay motivated, and sometimes that can be the hardest battle. Look back and see what you have achieved already; you should be proud of yourself.’
Week 1
This week the heart will be pumping harder and faster due to some more tempo running.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – 45 minutes easy run
Wednesday – Hypertrophy and Volume Training (see below for details)
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Run 50 minutes – 10 minutes easy jog, (60-second tempo running, 1-minute jog, 1-minute walk) x10, 10-minute easy jog
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Yasso Run – 6x800m
Week 2
The next few weeks are all about the long run, building your capacity to run the London Marathon. Do not worry about covering the race distance before the event, just trust the training. Practice your hydration and fuel strategies on your long runs.
Monday – Hypertrophy and Volume Training
Tuesday – 45-minute easy run
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Run 30 minutes – 10-minute easy run, (4-minute tempo run, 2-minute easy jog, 1-minute walk) x4
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Hill sprints x10
Sunday – Run 2 hours – (28-minute run – 2-minute walk) x4. Goal distance 10-12 miles

Week 3
Try doing a half marathon to help familiarise yourself with race day routines such as the pre-meal, race clothing and hydration strategies.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – Hypertrophy and Volume Training
Wednesday – 6x800m at max and then run 4-6 minute recovery jog
Thursday – 30-minute easy run
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Run a half marathon (13 miles) to see what time you get
Week 4
Start getting to know your race pace.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – Run 60 minutes – 10-minute easy run, (5-minute tempo run, 3-minute easy run/walk recovery) x5, 10-minute easy run
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – 45-minute easy run
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Run 2hrs 30 minutes – (28-minute easy run, 2-minute walk) x5, or distance goal of 14-16 miles. Include a few miles at target marathon pace
Week 5
Three more weeks before we run less and sharpen up.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – High Volume Functional Training (see below for details)
Wednesday – Easy 30-minute run
Thursday – Run 50 minutes – (10 minutes easy run, 5-minute tempo run,) x4, 10-minute hills run
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Run 3hrs – (28-minute easy run, 2-minute walk) x6, or distance goal of 16-18 miles. Include a few miles at target marathon

Week 6
Keep those miles ticking over, we have a long one at the end of this week.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – 55-minute easy run
Wednesday – High Volume Functional Training
Thursday – Yasso 800 – 8x800m
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Run 3hrs 30 minutes – distance goal of 18-20 miles, up the tempo for the last 6 miles.
Include a few miles at target marathon pace. Remember, people run at different paces so the distance covered will vary.
Week 7
Mix of speed and distances this week.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – 12x400m recovery walk 2 minutes
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Run 50 Minutes – 10-minute easy run, (3 minutes at target marathon pace, 3 mins faster) x5, 10-minute easy run
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Run 15 miles or around 1 and a half hours
Week 8
Doing less this week and recovering from the hard work you have put in.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – Easy 30 minutes + hills
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – 50 minutes (tempo run 15 minutes easy 10 minutes marathon race pace) x2
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – 70-minute easy run
Week 9
Relax and look back at how far you have come. Nothing too strenuous this week.
Monday – Rest
Tuesday – Easy 30 minute + hills
Wednesday – Rest
Thursday – Easy 40 minutes
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Easy 30 minutes
Sunday – Rest
Hypertrophy and volume phase (weeks 1-3)
Barbell or dumbbell squats 10/12 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Stability ball hamstring curl 10/12 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Leg extension 15,15,15 (Drop set each time drop the weight down after completing 15 reps) x3, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Military press 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Press-ups 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Plyometric lunges 10 reps each leg, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Calf raises 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
High volume and functional strength phase (weeks 5 and 6)
Dumbbell or bodyweight squat jumps 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Lateral lunges 10 reps each leg, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Alternating weighted step-ups with dumbbells 20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Military press 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Press-ups 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Plank – 45 seconds-1 minute, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
Seated rows – 15/20 reps, 3 sets, 30-45 sec rest
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