Getting to know Arlington’s Rebecca Fastiggi: Track fashionista, rap connoisseur – Poughkeepsie Journal
Getting to know Arlington’s Rebecca Fastiggi: Track fashionista, rap connoisseur Poughkeepsie Journal
The Arlington track and field team chatted about topics ranging from fashion, the challenges of being stuck on a bus, and odd quotes from their coach. Poughkeepsie Journal
As the Arlington High School track and field team prepared for the North Shore Invitational this weekend and the Section 1 state qualifying meet next week, the Journal chatted with Rebecca Fastiggi, a middle-distance and relay standout.
The senior took second in the 1,000 meters to help the Admirals win a league title last month, after also helping lead the cross country team to a league championship. She was part of the squad that took third place in the state Federation cross country meet.
Fastiggi is a longtime member of the Arlington running program who has followed in the footsteps of her older sister, and she has become a vocal leader for this group. As the team began to lock in for its postseason competition, we discussed with her the important matters like fashion, music, Netflix documentaries and wearing jewelry to practice.
A few track-related items slipped in there, too.
What’s your favorite strange thing that coach Steve Arnett has said?
“There’s too many. He makes a lot of references to his grandma and how she was so strict. He talks about when he used to work in a safari park and compares runners to animals. He leaves us scratching our heads sometimes. But it’s funny. We know he’s just old.”
Do you listen to music before you run?
“Before I race, I listen to a lot of rap. It changes based on the week, but I listen to a lot of 21 Savage, Lil TJay, Lil Tecca and Juice Wrld.”
How often is your last name mispronounced?
“Often. Especially at meets when they’re announcing the runners. Nobody gets it right.”
(Note: It’s “Fast-ee-jee.”)
What’s it like being part of a program with such a track record?
“I think it’s inspiring to be part of something that’s so accomplished. It inspires us to keep pushing to live up to the teams that came before us. There is some pressure, but it’s the good kind that motivates us. It’s never felt overwhelming.”
How and why did you get into running?
“My older sister, Amanda, was on the team. She’s five years older than me, so I was in fourth grade when she was a freshman and she was a big influence on me. We were really close. She mostly competed in field events — she did high jump, long jump and triple jump — but that’s what got me interested in track and field. She encouraged me and would always run with me when I first started.”
► Arlington girls place 3rd at state Federation cross country meet
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How good was Amanda?
“She was pretty average. Don’t tell her I said that.”
Is running cross country as grueling as it looks?
“Yeah. Cross country is definitely hard. It’s really painful some days, but it’s rewarding when you finish a race. Although you might be puking and feel awful, there’s this feeling of accomplishment because you got through it. I had some idea what it would be like before I started because I’d watched my sister do it, but I didn’t understand the extent or know how much dedication it would take to race well.”
Ever question your decision to run cross country?
“I’ve had that thought many times. A lot of times when we go on these crazy, long runs I’m like, ‘Why am I here?’ But I’m surrounded by my best friends, so that helps, and there’s this urge to want to overcome a challenge.”
If you weren’t a runner, would you be into another sport?
“I think I would’ve played basketball. I played a lot when I was younger but quit when I started running seriously in ninth grade.”
What’s your favorite sport to watch?
“I love watching hockey, although I just got into it. No favorite team, but I love the physicality and stick skills. I love that they can hit each other, but I’m impressed with how well they maneuver on ice.”
Favorite TV show?
“‘Gossip Girl.’ It’s old, but I binge it on Netflix.”
What else is in your Netflix rotation?
“I’ve been watching ‘You’ and ‘The Office,’ and I watch a lot of Netflix documentaries. I loved the Fyre Festival one.”
Who’s your funniest teammate?
“It would probably be Raven Stanet. She’s very quiet and laid-back, then out of nowhere she’ll make a funny comment about something. It’s great because it catches you off guard.”
Who’s your most serious teammate?
“Definitely Jalyssa Smith. She’s always super motivated and intense. If someone says they don’t have it today, she’ll be like, ‘Don’t say that! You’ve got this! You can do it!’”
If the team was desperate and you had to do a field event for points, which would it be and how would you do?
“I would pick triple jump because I have long legs, so I think I’d be able to jump pretty far. I briefly did triple jump in middle school.”
If you could be any person for a day, who would it be?
“I would like to be a U.S. president for a day. Not any particular president, but one of them. Because I want to find out all the national secrets. I’m pretty good at keeping secrets, so I wouldn’t blab about it the next day, but I’d just want to know. I like finding things out.”
Favorite subject?
“Social studies and history. I don’t like math at all. I’m bad at it. But my grades are pretty good. I take three AP classes.”
What’s the most memorable moment with the team?
“When we went to cross country camp in August, we really bonded and had a good time. We go to Stroudsburg Cross Country Camp in Pennsylvania. It’s this remote, rural part of Pennsylvania that’s empty and your phone doesn’t even get service. It helps with bonding. We get up early, go for a run, then do a second run, and then we have the rest of the day to ourselves to play games and talk.”
Do you have a pre-race routine?
“The day of, I like to use my rope and my roller. Go for a warmup, drink a ton of water. I have a 32-ounce flask and I drink two of them. Then, in the hour before my race, I won’t eat or drink anything.”
What do you eat before and after a competition?
“Before a race, I’ll just have a Clif Bar. Between events, I’ll have berries. When I get home, I like to have ice cream. I finally feel like I can indulge because I have plenty of time before the next race. I like vanilla ice cream.”
After a race, what’s your day like?
“Normally after a race, I’m really tired. I’ll go home, shower and then go to sleep. Just relax and not do anything.”
What do you want to be when you grow up?
“I want to study fashion design in college and become a fashion designer. I really like Oscar de la Renta. Everything they make is really nice.”
So, who’s the most fashionable person on your team?
“I would say I’m the one who worries about it the most. I’m always concerned with, ‘Which uniform are we wearing for this? Does my outfit for practice look right?’ And my teammates roll their eyes at me.”
What are your thoughts on the Arlington uniforms?
“I think we all agree that it needs an upgrade. I would make a lot of changes and modernize it.”
Stephen Haynes: shaynes@poughkeepsiejournal.com, 845-437-4826, Twitter: @StephenHaynes4