GPs warn runners and cyclists exercising they need to observe social distancing – Irish Examiner
Cyclists, runners and walkers are being urged socially distance themselves from the people they are exercising with.
Leading GPs have warned groups of runners and cyclists exercising they need to observe social distancing.
They are concerned many are not putting enough distance themselves from the people they are cycling, running or walking with.
Recently National Parks and Wildlife Service rangers said large groups of people visiting public parks were not observing social distancing.
Chris Regan, who runs Abbey Striders AC near Mallow, said: “It’s something that will have to change.
“There is a psychological aspect to running alongside another runner, as well as there being the whole close group therapy aspect.
But we all have to come up with a different way of doing this now because of the risks.
While the chances of catching a virus outdoors are significantly reduced, health chiefs recommend people still keep a space between them and other people of two metres.
As well as reducing the number of people they meet every day, the HSE recommends people should also reduce interactions with others outside the workplace and home.
Dublin GP Maitiu O Tuathail said: “People running in packs need to observe social distancing just as much as anybody else is or should be.
“Social distancing is for everyone, not just for people in their own home or in shops.
“We have to reduce our social interaction significantly but obviously we can’t pause our lives.
“Those people who are running in groups or cycling in close groups are not adhering to the advice they are being given – to stay two metres between other people.
“It is hugely important people adhere to social distancing irrespective of what they are doing, whether it is running or cycling or swimming or walking in public parks.”
MyCorkGP practice partner Dr Nick Flynn said: “If you are running, you are going to be generating sweat, spit and sweat and cough. So it is essential people adhere to social distancing.
“Why on earth would anybody take any chances in the current circumstances?
“Of course running is important, of course running as part of the team is important.
“But they can and should just as easily also distance themselves and run in a single line two metres apart.”
- Useful information
- The HSE have developed an information pack on how to protect yourself and others from coronavirus. Read it
- Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus who has been in close contact with a confirmed case in the last 14 days should isolate themselves from other people – this means going into a different, well-ventilated room alone, with a phone; phone their GP, or emergency department;
- GPs Out of Hours services are not in a position to order testing for patients with normal cold and flu-like symptoms. HSELive is an information line and similarly not in a position to order testing for members of the public. The public is asked to reserve 112/999 for medical emergencies at all times.
- ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Ireland. The support line will be open seven days a week, 8am-8pm, by calling 0818 222 024