Happenings in the lakes area – Detroit Lakes Online
Happenings in the lakes area Detroit Lakes Online
E-Bike Demonstrations: West Central Climate Action, the DL Bike Shop and local bicycle owners are getting together to host a presentation on e-bikes and climate change at 10:30 a.m. in the Detroit Lakes Public Library, 1000 Washington Ave. Tri-athlete Mark Andersen will be talking about the science behind climate change, and how we can protect nature by going electric. Local bike owners will also be giving an outdoor e-bike demonstration as part of the presentation. For more information, contact Polly Daggett Andersen at pollyandersen@gmail.com.
Taste of Lund: The congregation of Lund Lutheran Church will host its 16th annual Taste of Lund festival, starting at 9 a.m. and continuing until the food is gone. Enjoy Scandinavian delicacies including lefse, lutefisk, rommegrot, sandbakkels, crepes, Swedish almond cakes, rosettes, krumkake and more. Tickets are $1 for two samples. There will also be a bake sale. The church is located nine miles north of Detroit Lakes on Richwood Road.
Sunday, September 29
Tamarac Fall Festival: Join the staff and volunteers of Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge for a day of celebrating nature and the beauty of Tamarac. There will be guided tours, activity stations, a puppet show, conservation demonstrations, a photo contest exhibit and more! Take the nature challenge and win a prize. There is no admission fee, but the Friends of Tamarac will be serving up lunch, with proceeds to benefit the Refuge’s environmental education programs.
Kenya Missionary Presentation: Pastor Timothy Mundiah, a missionary from Kenya, will be speaking at Community Alliance Church,
Monday, September 30
Plant, Pest & Gardening Clinic: The Becker County Master Gardeners will be hosting their final Plant, Pest & Gardening Clinic of the season from 9 a.m. to noon at the local University of Minnesota Extension office, 1120 Eighth St. SE, Detroit Lakes. For more information, contact the Extension office at 218-846-7328, ext. 7105.
Tuesday, October 1
Health Talk: Naturopathic physician Dr. Joan Waters of Practical Health Solutions will be giving a presentation titled “‘Food Sensitivities and How to Resolve Them’” at 6 p.m. in the Healing Hub, 115 Willow St. W., Detroit Lakes. Call 970-482-2010 or visit www.practicalhealthsolutions.com for more information.
Senior Driver Safety Class: A defensive driving four-hour refresher class for seniors will be held at the Frazee High School Media Center (enter door No. 16) from 5 to 9 p.m. Cost is $20 (no workbooks and no tests). Please call Denise Lillis at 218-346-3336 to register.
Women of the ELCA Fall Gathering: All women are invited to attend the Women of the ELCA Conference 6 fall gathering at Calvary Lutheran Church, 619 3rd Ave. SW, Perham, co-hosted by the ladies of Calvary Lutheran Church, Perham, and Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Sebeka. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Cost to attend is $10. Sue Ellwanger will be the speaker. A lunch will be served.
Wednesday, October 3
Mestifonia Concert: The Detroit Lakes Public Library is inviting the community to a performance by Mestifonía, a Minnesota-based band that blends Colombian, Bolivian, and American talent in a unique setlist of styles from the Iberian Peninsula and South America, starting at 7 p.m. This performance is offered free of charge thanks to funding from the Minnesota Legacy Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. For more information on this and other LARL events and services, contact the Detroit Lakes Public Library at 218-847-2168 or online at www.larl.org.
Chamber Splash Awards: The Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce will host the inaugural Splash Awards at 3 p.m. in the Holiday Inn Detroit Lakes. Winners in seven categories will be presented; everyone is welcome to attend the celebration. Tickets are still available at the Detroit Lakes Chamber Office at a cost of $35 each. Call 218-847-9202 for more information.
Saturday, October 5
Damien Fall Home Tour: The Damien Society once again hosts its Fall Home Tour, featuring five unique and beautiful lake area homes, starting at noon. This is a fundraiser for area charities. Advance tickets for the tour are $20 and may be purchased at the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce, Central Market, Mainstream Boutique, Beautiful Junque or through Damien members. They may also be purchased on the day of the tour for $25, at any of the five featured homes. A map of the homes and their addresses are included with the tickets.
Coat Giveaway: Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 1401 Madison Ave., Detroit Lakes, will host a winter coat and clothing giveaway from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Anyone in need may stop to pick up winter coats, hats, shoes, mittens, sweatshirts or other warm clothing. A great variety of sizes, from children up to adult, will be available, though some may be restricted to one per family member. There is no charge, though only bags provided at the church may be used.
I Outran the Hairy Man 5K: The fun-loving residents of Vergas have embraced the Hairy Man legend and incorporated it into an annual 5K run on the Vergas Trail. The 5th annual event gets underway at 5 p.m.; registration starts at 3 p.m. and runners must be registered by 4 p.m. to participate. The run starts at 32884 Camp Cherith Road, Frazee. There will also be a scavenger hunt at 3 p.m. followed by music and a bonfire from 4-8 p.m., with food sold from 3-8 p.m. The 5K registration fee is $40; mail entry form and fee to Julie at the Vergas City Office, PO Box 32, Vergas MN 56587. Make checks out to Vergas Trail. Medals will be awarded at the bonfire held after the race.
Sunday, October 6
Holy Rosary School Marathon: Holy Rosary Catholic School will host its 47th Marathon for Nonpublic Education event beginning at 1 p.m. in the school parking lot, 1043 Lake Ave., Detroit Lakes. Holy Rosary students, faculty and staff have been seeking pledges for their quest to walk, run or bike 11 miles around Big and Little Detroit Lake; anyone can join in for a suggested $10 donation. For more information please contact Terri Paskey at 218-847-5306.
St. Ann’s Fall Festival: St. Ann’s Catholic Church of Waubun will host its Fall Festival from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Waubun Community Center. There will be a ham and meatball dinner served at a cost of $10 for adults and $5 for kids ages 6-12; preschoolers can eat for free. Carry out meals are available. There will also be a country store, bake sale and raffle drawing as part of the festivities.
Hegland Church Supper: Hegland Lutheran Church in rural Hawley will host its annual Roast Beef Supper from 4 to 7 p.m., featuring a full dinner with all the trimmings. Cost is $12 for adults, $6 for children ages 6-12, and free for all children age 5 and under. Also featured will be garden canned goods and a bake sale. From Highway 10, the church is located three miles south on Highway 32 and a half mile west on 40th Avenue South.
Pink the Rink Skating Event: Girls in the lakes area who are interested in hockey are invited to come to Detroit Lakes’ Kent Freeman Arena between 4 and 6 p.m. to try out the sport. This event is hosted by Skate Like a Girl Detroit Lakes, a nonprofit organization of hockey loving people trying to promote girls hockey in the community. There is no cost to attend, though there is limited equipment available.
Health Resources Fundraising Banquet: Health Resources will host its annual fundraising banquet from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Community Alliance Church, 408 Elm St. W., Detroit Lakes. There is no cost to attend the banquet, but an RSVP by Oct. 1 is required. Call 218-844-8822 for more information.
Monday, October 7
Free Blood Pressure Screening: Naturopathic physician Dr. Joan Waters of Practical Health Solutions will be offering a free blood pressure screening and adrenal function assessment at the Healing Hub, 115 Willow St. W., Detroit Lakes, from 3 to 7 p.m. Call 970-482-2010 or visit www.practicalhealthsolutions.com for more information.
Unmasking Brain Injury Art Event: Trinity Lutheran Church in Detroit Lakes will be hosting an “Unmasking Brain Injury” art event from 7 to 9 p.m. Those who have experienced a traumatic brain injury or stroke, or know someone who has, are invited to come paint a ceramic mask as a means of expressing their thoughts and emotions regarding living with a brain injury or stroke. There is no cost to participate in this event, which is being hosted by the church at 1401 Madison Ave., Detroit Lakes, and the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance. To participate, please RSVP Mark Berg at 218-849-4337.
Tuesday, October 8
Free Foot Bath Demonstration: Naturopathic physician Dr. Joan Waters of Practical Health Solutions will be offering free peloid foot bath demonstrations in the Healing Hub, 115 Willow St. W., Detroit Lakes, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Pre-register in advance by calling 970-482-2010 or visit www.practicalhealthsolutions.com for more information.
Wednesday, October 9
UMC Rummage Sale: United Methodist Church of Detroit Lakes will host a rummage sale from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the church (855 Pembina Trail, Detroit Lakes). Coffee and coffee cake available for purchase.
Christian Women’s Club: The Detroit Lakes Christian Women’s Club will hold its monthly meeting starting at noon in the Detroit Lakes Holiday Inn on Highway 10 East. Theme is “Walking in Style into the Fall,” featuring guest speaker Joyce Buseman of Centerville, S.D., who will discuss “Insurance for a Secure Future.” Cost is $12.50 for the lunch and program. Call Norma, 218-846-1977, or Esther, 847-5443, by Sunday, Oct. 6, to reserve your spot. Nursery is also available by contacting Diane at 847-2165.
Brown Bag Lunch: The Becker County Museum’s October Brown Bag Lunch presentation will highlight “Local Legends & Lore,” featuring the museum’s programming director, Emily Buermann, who is also a member of a local paranormal investigation group. There is no admission fee for the museum during Brown Bag Lunch events. Bring your own lunch or call the Museum at 218-847-2938 to reserve a box lunch for $8.
Saturday, October 12
Quilt Expo: The Lakes Area Quilt Guild will hold a Quilt Expo from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Washington Square Mall in Detroit Lakes. Quilts, bags, table runners, art quilts and rugs will be displayed. Watch demonstrations of strip/string piecing, square within a square, one block wonder, towels with prairie points and Accuquilt. See a slide show on the “History and Trends in Quilting” at 1 p.m., followed at 1:45 by a “Group Quilt Show and Tell,” where quilters are invited to show a quilt. There is no cost to attend. Hometown Crafts and Red Pine Quilt Shop will display completed kits and provide coupons. Enjoy a day of learning about quilts and consider becoming a member of the Lakes Area Quilters!
Harvest Moon Festival: The Detroit Lakes Lions will host this special beer tasting festival from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Shorewood Pub. Sample dozens of different beers, stroll through the silent auction, and for those who would like to stay for supper, there will be a fish fry for an additional charge. Tickets are available at the door for $20, or in advance from any Lions member for $15. Proceeds benefit local charities and the Lions’ Eyes for Mexico project.
These Happenings section items or events do not have a specific date, or take place on more than one day.
Maplewood Leaf Days: Every year, the Friends of Maplewood host a multi-day celebration in honor of the fall colors at Maplewood State Park. This year’s Leaf Days will be held over two weekends, Sept. 28-29 and Oct. 5-6, with most activities taking place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. There will be wagon rides, guided hikes and other activities for all ages. Food, clothing and maple syrup will be sold at the picnic shelter. The park is located several miles southeast of Pelican Rapids off Highway 108. For more information, visit www.friendsofmaplewood.org.
Local Al-Anon and Alateen Meetings: Several weekly meetings of Al-Anon Family Groups (AFGs) and Alateen support groups take place in the lakes area. The Lakes Fellowship AFG meets at 5 p.m. every Monday at First Lutheran Church, 912 Lake Ave., Detroit Lakes; the Perham Al-Anon group meets at 7 p.m. on Mondays in the Perham Alano Club, 43452 County Highway 34; The Detroit Lakes AFG meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday in the Detroit Lakes Alano Club, 827 Summit Ave.; the Keep It Simple AFG meets every Thursday at noon in Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 1025 Lake Ave. (enter south door), Detroit Lakes; and the Detroit Lakes Alateen group meets every Thursday at 8 p.m. in the DL Alano Club. For more information visit www.minnesotanorth-al-anon.org.
Lakes Area Farmers Market: The Lakes Area Farmers Market remains open through the end of October at Detroit Lakes’ Peoples Park (behind Zorbaz). Hours are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Tuesday and Saturday. For more information visit www.lakesareafarmersmarket.com or call 661-345-7450.
Memory Cafe of the Lakes: Memory Cafe of the Lakes is a free place to gather, open to those with mild to moderate memory problems and their care partner. It is a place to come together to share social experiences in a supportive environment. You will have a chance to develop new friendships over coffee, treats, music, art, fellowship and guest speakers. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at Detroit Lakes’ Community Alliance Church. For more information call Kathy Kallis, 218-849-0631; Jenna Miller, 218-844-8376; Sue Sorensen, 218-841-0371; or Brenda Labine, 218-844-7157.
Volunteer Respite Care: Become a respite care volunteer! For those 17 years and older interested in providing basic companion and supervision to older adults to relieve their primary caregivers. AmeriCorps volunteers receive a $200 per month stipend and after completing 450 hours in a year, receive a $1,600 educational grant. Community volunteers, individuals willing to help on a minimal basis, also welcome! Please contact Laura Rasmussen at 218-220-7517 or laura.rasmussen@lssmn.org if you are interested in learning more.
Outdoor Pickleball: Detroit Lakes Area Pickleball hosts organized play from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. every Monday through Friday at the Peoples Park outdoor courts (Saturday mornings are also busy). All players are welcome. Courts are marked by skill level. park north of the courts during Tuesday and Saturday Farmers Market. The new courts are open to the public at all times. On rain days, 2-4 courts are available at the DLCCC, depending on program scheduling. Check the gym door for details. To get more information about lessons, events and socials email DLpickleball@gmail.com or like the DL Pickleball page on Facebook.
Lakes Area Adoption Support: Lakes Area Adoption Support is an adoption support group for anyone who has adopted or who is in the process of adoption. Meetings are the last Tuesday of each month at Audubon Elementary School from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Child care available.
Overeaters Anonymous: Two local chapters of Overeaters Anonymous, a 12-step food addiction recovery program, meet weekly in Detroit Lakes: One group meets on Sundays at 6 p.m. in Community Alliance Church, while the other meets on Tuesdays from noon to 1 p.m. at First Lutheran Church. No diets, weigh-ins, or fees. All are welcome! For more information on the Community Alliance group, call 701-388-7585. For more information on the First Lutheran group, contact Donna at 218-329-5335.
Eagles Bingo: Bingo is back at the Detroit Lakes Eagles Club, 112 W. Holmes St., every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Call 218-847-5267 for more information.
Mom’s Morning Out: A Mom’s Morning Out meeting is held every Thursday morning, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at La Barista in the Washington Square Mall. You and your little one are invited to come visit with other breastfeeding moms and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee or tea. A breastfeeding and infant care expert will be present to answer questions. For more information or to sign up call 218-314-7051.
Birthing class: Essentia Health St. Mary’s hosts childbirth preparation classes for expectant mothers in their sixth to seventh month of pregnancy. Topics include Labor & Delivery, Cesarean Birth, Role of the Labor Companion, Newborn Care, Unexpected Outcomes, Breast & Bottle Feeding, Postpartum Period, Breathing Patterns & Relaxation Techniques. Suggested donation is $40 for all five classes. Classes are Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 218-314-7051.
Eagles Pinochle: Every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. there will be pinochle at the Eagles Club at 112 W. Holmes St. in Detroit Lakes. Members, guests and friends welcome. For questions call Gordy Martinson at 218-841-2940.
Caregiver discussion group: A caregiver discussion group is held the first Tuesday of every month at 10 a.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church, Detroit Lakes. Are you caring for a friend or family member age 60 or older? Join other caregivers for education, sharing, problem-solving and refreshments. Facilitated by Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota. All are welcome. Contact Laura Rasmussen at 218-220-7517 with questions.
Adult Children of Alcoholics: The Alano Club of Detroit Lakes (827 Summit Ave.) will host a weekly meeting of Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families (ACoA) every Sunday at 8 p.m. For more information contact Gina B at 218-849-3649.
Library Storytime: Children ages 3 through kindergarten are invited to the Detroit Lakes Library on Thursday and Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m. for exciting stories and activities that are more fun than a barrel of monkeys. For more information, call 847-2168 or visit your library at 1000 Washington Ave. Information is also available online at www.larl.org.
TOPS meetings: Take Off Pounds Sensibly members help each other stay on track to their weight loss goal. No diets, no food to buy and no workouts to follow. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Minnesota TOPS Chapter 30 meets Mondays in Trinity Lutheran Church choir room in Detroit Lakes. Weigh in is at 4:15 p.m., followed by meeting at 4:30. TOPS Chapter 940 meets on Thursdays at 9 a.m., also at Trinity Lutheran. TOPS 1251 of Lake Park meets every Tuesday at the Lake Park Lutheran Church, with weigh-in starting at 12 noon, followed by the meeting at 12:30. Come and join us as we help each other reach our weight goals as we improve our health. New members welcome. For more information call 218-532-2883, or 218-532-5882.
Celebrate Recovery: Celebrate Recovery, for hurts, habits and hang-ups, is held every Monday at Christian Fellowship Church, 28048 Meadow Drive, Detroit Lakes. It begins with supper at 5:30 p.m., followed by large group and small group at 6:30. Contact Cleo Smith at 701-367-3313 for more information.
L.A. Moms group: Lakes Area (L.A.) Moms is designed to nurture every mother. At our L.A. Moms group, you will have a chance to socialize with other moms, hear some great teaching, have discussion time and participate in creative activities. L.A. Moms is held the first and third Wednesday of each month throughout the school year from 9-11 a.m. at the Lakes Area Vineyard Church in Detroit Lakes. For more info, call 218-846-1199.
Senior Social: A Senior Social is held the first and third Thursday of the month at the Neighbor to Neighbor office in Frazee. The address is 501 W. Juniper Suite B. (the “blue building” on old Hwy. 10). Call 218-334-3559 for more information.
Community Alliance Church programs: Community Alliance Church, Detroit Lakes, hosts Quilting for Missions Mondays at 9:30 a.m.; The first Tuesday of every month is High Mileage (suggested ages 55 and up), which meets for “pot-blessing” meal at noon, followed by special music and a Bible nugget.
Foster homes needed: Foster homes are needed. If you or someone you know can help, call Becker County Children and Family Services 218-847-5628 and ask for Intake.
Bone Builders: An exercise class for seniors called “Bone Builders” is being held at 405 W. Maple Ave. in Frazee, Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m.; the Lake Park City Center every Tuesday and Friday at 10:15 a.m.; and also at the Vergas Event Center, Thursdays at 9:30.a.m. The group focuses on low-impact and balance exercises.
Alzheimer’s Support Group: Meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Yoga Studio at Ecumen Detroit Lakes.
Dunvilla Lions Club: The Dunvilla Lions Club will meet the third Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Dunn Township Hall.
Be a foster grandparent: For those 55 and older interested in being a foster grandparent through the Tri-Valley Opportunity Council program, call 800-584-7020 or visit www.tvoc.org.
The Caring Cup: Every second and last Wednesday of the month from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., community members who are dealing with the loss of a loved one meet at the David-Donehower Funeral Home for friendship, support and encouragement. The free program is open to the public, no registration necessary.
Women’s Domestic Violence Education Support Group: Lakes Crisis & Resource Center hosts a Women’s Domestic Violence Education Support Group every Wednesday from 5:30–6:30 p.m. in the crisis center. Call to pre-register at 218-847-8572 or 218-847-7446. child care is available upon request.
Rummikub, more games: Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., come to Holy Rosary fireplace room for coffee, desserts and a game of cards, board games or Rummikub. Everyone is welcome.
Parkinson’s Support Group: Emmanuel Nursing Home’s Forest Conference Center, 2 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month.
BC Senior Meals: Meals for persons 60 and older are served several times each week at nutrition sites in Detroit Lakes, Lake Park, Osage and Wolf Lake or can be delivered directly to homes in these communities, Frazee and Callaway, via the Meals on Wheels program. One-day advance notice of attendance is required at many sites. For more information, call Lake Park at 238-5336, Detroit Lakes at 847-5823, Osage/Wolf Lake at 573-3663, Frazee at 847-5823, Ogema at 877-498-2865, and Callaway (Meals on Wheels only) at 847-5823.
Lakes Area Quilt Guild: The Lakes Area Quilt Guild meets every fourth Thursday at 7 p.m. at Ecumen in Detroit Lakes, Emmanuel Nursing Home in the Forest Conference Center. All levels of quilters, new and experienced are welcome to attend.
Preschool screening: Preschool screening for 3-5 year olds for the Frazee-Vergas district is provided through Becker County Community Health Services. Call Annie at 218-847-5628 ext. 5419 to make an appointment. This one screening will provide your child the requirements for Early Childhood Screening. Minnesota law requires each child attend a health and developmental screening before kindergarten.
Senior Center Activities: The DL Senior Citizens Center has activities all month long. Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. is Pinochle; at 1 p.m. there will be 500 and other games. Whist is played on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. The third Wednesday of each month will be a celebration of birthdays for the month. The second Monday of each month there will be a Site Council meeting at 11 a.m. For more information, call 847-5823.
Bingo for DL Hockey: The DL Youth Hockey organization holds bingo every Sunday at Zorbaz in support of youth hockey in Detroit Lakes. All are welcome; bingo starts at 6 p.m.
Men’s lunch, bridge club: Men’s lunch and bridge club meets every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Holiday Inn. Call 701-388-4329 if you are interested in playing.
eReader help: Schedule a one-on-one appointment to address your eReader questions every Tuesday (10:30-11:30 a.m.) and Wednesday (4:30-5:30 p.m.) at Detroit Lakes Public Library, or call for an appointment that better fits your schedule. For more information, call Detroit Lakes Public Library at 218-847-2168.