Here’s Why You Can Thank Your Dog for Making You a Whole Lot Healthier – runnersworld.com
Here’s Why You Can Thank Your Dog for Making You a Whole Lot Healthier runnersworld.com
Taking your pup out for a walk or run is something that comes with dog ownership. And according to recent research, those walks with your furry friend are …

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- A study published in Scientific Reports found that dog owners in the U.K. were four times as likely to meet than those who did not have a canine companion.
- Dog owners were also found to be more likely to report running as part of their weekly exercise.
Taking your pup out for a walk or run is something that comes with dog ownership. And according to recent research, those walks with your furry friend are benefiting your fitness levels in a major way.
The , published in Scientific Reports, used self-reported physical activity from both dog owners and non-owners in the U.K. It found that dog owners were four times as likely to meet physical activity guidelines—150 minutes of physical activity per week—than those who did not have a dog.
What’s more, 64 percent of dog owners who walk their dogs hit at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity (at least 3.3 METs, or the equivalent walking pace of about 2.5 miles per hour) physical activity weekly through dog-walking alone. They averaged seven walks per week, amassing 228 total walking minutes.
Additionally, 67 percent of the weekly physical activity for dog owners came from walking, while only 31 percent of the physical activity for people who didn’t have dogs came from that activity.
“Proportionally, dog owners do a lot more walking for recreation as their physical activity,” Carri Westgarth, Ph.D., told Runner’s World.
Unfortunately, the picture may be a little different in the U.S. A previous , published in the Human Kinetics Journal, of dog owners in the U.S. found that just 27 percent walked their dog for at least 150 minutes per week—compared to 64 percent of U.K.-based dog owners in the current study. Westgarth thinks this may be due in part to the fact that people in the U.K. typically don’t have large yards, and have more of a culture of taking dogs out for a walk rather than letting them exercise in a yard.
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Though unsurprising—it has been known from other that dog owners are more physically active—this study adds that dog owners not only walk more frequently, but also for longer durations. And it doesn’t appear that they are substituting walks for other physical activity. In fact, dog owners are also more likely to report running as part of their exercise regimen than non-owners, either in addition to the walks or by bringing their pups along.
Watch: These are the best dogs for runners.
Plus, science proves that there are numerous benefits of hitting 150 minutes of exercise per week. A in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health says that the “benefits of exercise are unquestionable.”
The bottom line: Getting in at least the recommended 150 minutes per week can help prevent obesity, and your lower risk of a myriad of health problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. So, even if Fido has a yard to run around in, spending some quality time taking him for a walk is a great way to up your weekly exercise.