Holiday Gifts For Runners – 2019 Edition – seattlepi.com
Holiday Gifts For Runners – 2019 Edition seattlepi.com
Here we are again, so close to Christmas and Hanukkah. And so, we have to start thinking about what we are going to get our favorite runner friends—and what we want to ask for from our family.
So, here it is: 2019’s edition of gifts for runners!
I’ve decided that this is the year for fun and frivolity. We are heading into 2020 and we’ve all been a little too serious and cranky for too long. Let’s take a deep breath, let out the anger, and have some fun.
Here is everything the runner is going to need under the tree or Menorah this year:
Fun Compression Socks
What is more fun than colorful compression socks or sleeves for your favorite long-distance runner? Neon color polka dots? Rainbow stripes? Little whales or strawberries? They will all look fabulous running down the street.
Running Mugs
I’ve seen some hilarious coffee mugs out there that are related to running. There are plenty of places to pick one up like Etsy, Amazon, Café Press, and so on.
A Favorite Fuel Basket
Why not make a unique runner-friendly gift basket? You could fill it with the runner’s favorite fuel, maybe some Nuun hydration tablets, an anti-chafe stick, etc. You can get super creative with this.
Race Swag
Does your runner have a beloved big race they do as often as they can? Such as Hood to Coast, Portland Marathon, or Ragnar? These races keep apparel available all year long to purchase from their websites.
Fun Buffs
It’s a great time of year to pull out the buffs. Well, it’s always a great time, but now with the winter air, buffs are being utilized for more than pulling the hair up or keeping the sweat mopped up. They are now being used to keep faces and necks warm. And they have some amusing designs out there.
Maybe your runner loves bumper stickers of the races or distances they have run. Are they missing any? Fill in the gaps for them.
Race Entries to holiday races
Last, but not least, why not sign your runner buddy up for a holiday race? Is it one that costumes are highly encouraged? Even better. If you sign up and run in costume with them – that would be the best.
Whether you do your shopping on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or at the last minute, keep these gift ideas in mind, and make your runner’s holiday fun and hilarious.