‘Hood to Coast’ runners zigzag through Ardenwald, Sellwood – Pamplin Media Group
‘Hood to Coast’ runners zigzag through Ardenwald, Sellwood Pamplin Media Group
It starts at Mt Hood, runs through Inner Southeast, and winds up on the Oregon Coast…
This year, “Hood to Coast” members of 1,050 teams of 12 runners, making their way through inner Southeast Portland during their 199 mile-long truck from Mt. Hood to Seaside, took a detour through the Ardenwald-Johnson Creek neighborhood.
With a bridge out of commission to allow construction along the Springwater Corridor Trail just east of Johnson Creek Boulevard, runners were directed by guides to neighborhood streets, before their transfer point on the boulevard.
Throughout the afternoon and evening, runners met up with teammates during the 21st year of this annual relay race, swapped wrist bands, and headed toward downtown Portland through Sellwood along the Springwater Trail.
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