How to build the ultimate running body – Runner’s World (UK)
How to build the ultimate running body Runner’s World (UK)
You already know that regular strength training helps you optimise your training and reduce injuries. What you may not know is which of the 650+ muscles in the body you should be targeting. Here’s the lowdown on the 12 most important muscles you need to develop for a stronger and more balanced runner’s body:
1. Tibialis Posterior
What is it? A muscle stretching from the back of your shin, around your inner ankle bone and into your foot. It is responsible for inversion (turning your foot inwards) and plantar flexion (pointing your foot down) to provide stability and drive.
Why does it matter? ‘It stabilises the foot when you land, locks the ankle in place to prevent excessive pronation and helps decelerate impact,’ says sports physiotherapist Mark Buckingham. ‘With a strong tibialis posterior, your foot will become a more stable lever, so you get more power and speed when you push off.’
What if I ignore it? ‘If it is weak it can lead to stress fractures in the metatarsal and navicular bones in your feet,’ warns Buckingham. If it fails to support deceleration, your Achilles will also be overloaded, leading to shin splints or plantar fasciitis.
A / What’s the injury rehab?
Attach a resistance band around your knees, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and rise up and down on your tiptoes. Do 3 x 25 reps.
B / How do I strengthen it?
Perform single-leg hops, keeping the knee over the middle of the foot. ‘Try to push off and land on your tiptoes,’ advises Buckingham. Do 3 x 25 reps per foot.
2. Iliopsoas
What are they? Two hip flexor muscles (psoas major and iliacus) in the front of the hip that connect via the back and pelvis to the femur (thigh bone). They flex the hips in order to lift the leg up and forward when you walk or climb stairs.
Why do they matter? ‘They are important hip flexor muscles because that hip flexion is what powers your knee drive,’ says running coach James Dunne. As well as delivering power, they stabilise your pelvis and hip joint for smoother running biomechanics.
What if I ignore them? ‘Desk jobs can leave hip flexors tight or weak, which can cause postural issues in the lumbar and pelvic region,’ says Dunne. ‘If you tilt forward through the pelvis when you run, it can cause lower back and knee pain.’
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Do hip flexor stretches by raising one foot onto a chair. Staying static, thrust your pelvis up, draw in your core and tighten your buttocks, so you feel the stretch in the top of your standing leg. Contract and relax each second for 3 x 20-40 secs.
b / How do I strengthen them?
Perform a psoas march: lie on your back with a resistance band wrapped around both feet. Pull your knees up beyond 90 degrees, draw in your core and alternately drive each leg down until it is straight. Repeat for 3 x 30-60 secs
What is it? One of the three powerful gluteus muscles around your buttocks, it stretches from your hip bone to your thigh bone. Its key role is in the supporting leg, as it prevents the pelvis dropping when your other leg is in mid-air, balancing your body for a smoother gait.
Why does it matter? ‘Because it stabilises your pelvis when you are mid-stride, it keeps your entire running chain in alignment,’ says Buckingham. ‘It prevents your knee collapsing inwards and that benefits your efficiency, as you will not roll from side to side when you land.’
What if I ignore it? A weak gluteus medius will cause your hip or knee to drift in when you run, putting you at risk of hip pain or runner’s knee. ‘It will also pile extra load onto the inside of your shins, Achilles and feet, which can cause pain,’ says Buckingham.
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Attach a resistance band to a bannister, then around your ankle, and pull your leg out and back at 45 degrees. ‘That is the optimum angle to isolate the gluteus medius,’ says Buckingham. Repeat 3 x 25 times per leg.
b / How do I strengthen it?
Stand with your left shoulder by a wall and balance on your right leg. Lift and bend your left knee and turn it out so you are pushing against the wall. Keep your standing knee slightly bent. Push for 3-5 mins per leg.
4. Scalene Muscles
What are they? These three pairs of neck muscles (anterior, middle and posterior scalene) tilt, flex and rotate your neck. They also lift your upper ribs every time you breathe.
Why do they matter? ‘Strong neck muscles keep your head steady for better posture,’ says physio Paul Hobrough (physioandtherapyuk.co.uk). ‘They also help pump your arms so you can enjoy a faster leg turnover.’ By lifting your ribs, they boost your respiration during high exertion by increasing your oxygen uptake.
What if I ignore them? ‘Tight scalene muscles will pull your neck sideways or forward when you run, causing neck and shoulder pain,’ notes Hobrough. ‘You won’t move your arms with the same freedom, causing rotational force through your pelvis, knees and feet that will slow you down.’
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Do side flexion stretches at your desk. Tilt your head from side to side, using your hand for a helpful downward pull if needed. Do 3 x 30 secs each side.
b / How do I strengthen them?
Perform craniocervical flexions. Lie on your back, tuck your chin in and lift your head one inch off the ground. Keep your abs tight and your lower back flat to work the scalenes. Do 3 x 15-sec reps.
5. Flexor Digitorum Brevis
What is it? This muscle is responsible for the flexion of your four smaller outer toes each time you take a step. Not to be confused with your plantar fascia – a strip of fibrous tissue that primarily works to absorb shock.
Why does it matter? Effective toe flexion helps to control the transverse arch, which runs across your foot from the big toe to the little toe and aids your balance, weight distribution and forward momentum. ‘This helps you land and drive forward more efficiently,
but the transverse arch also makes space underneath your foot so all your tendons and nerves don’t get bashed every time you land,’ says Buckingham.
What if I ignore it? If this muscle is weak you will run with a flatter transverse arch, which can lead to metatarsal injuries and possible nerve problems, says Buckingham:
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Sit with both feet on the floor and practise lifting the ball of your foot by flexing your toes down and creating an arch. ‘Imagine there is a pin under your foot that you don’t want to step on,’ says Buckingham. Repeat 3 x 25 times per foot.
b / How do I strengthen it?
Take 15 steps forward while holding a light dumbbell in each hand. With each step, land on your heel then roll your foot forwards and lift up onto your toes to activate the muscle. Do 3 x 15 steps.
6. Hamstrings
What are they? Three powerful muscles (semi-membranosus, semi-tendinosus and biceps femoris) at the back of your thigh that pull your leg back and flex your knee whenever you walk, climb steps or jump.
Why do they matter? ‘They cross the hip and knee joints and so help transfer force down the leg and into the ground for efficient forward propulsion,’ explains Dunne. During the stance and swing phases, strong hamstrings power the knee bend, which helps drive you forward – especially when running up hills or in sprint finishes.
What if I ignore them? ‘Weak hamstrings and disproportionately strong quads can cause imbalances around the knee joint, leading to runner’s knee,’ says Dunne. Another risk is tendinopathy – inflammation of the tendons connecting the hamstrings to the ‘sit bones’ at the bottom of your pelvis.
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Hamstring bridges. Lie on your back, with your ankles below your knees. Push through your heels and lift your hips to create a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for 3 x 20-40 secs.
b / How do I strengthen them?
Do single-leg arabesques. Facing a wall (in case you stumble), stand on one leg with your knee slightly flexed and push backwards with your hanging leg while reaching forward with both arms, until your back and raised leg are horizontal. Do 3 x 10 reps per leg.
7. Latissimus Dorsi
What is it? A triangular slab of muscle running across your back from your shoulders to your pelvis. It powers arm movements, including extension (backward swing), adduction (downward pull) and internal rotation (movement towards your body).
Why does it matter? ‘It’s a key part of your “posterior oblique sling” – the muscle chain that fuels momentum,’ says Buckingham. When your left arm drives your upper back and shoulder to the left as you run, this helps drive the right hip and pelvis. ‘It produces the counter-tension in your upper-body that drives you forward.’
What if I ignore it? ‘As well as losing speed, if it is weak you will run with your shoulders scrunched forward and tight pectoral muscles in your chest, causing aches in your neck, shoulders and back,’ says Buckingham.’
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Attach a resistance band to the top of a door and grip it at shoulder height. With a slight bend in your elbow, lower the band to your sides. Repeat 3 x 12 times.
b / How do I strengthen them?
Adopt a press-up position and grip a light dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lift the dumbbell to your sides and slightly rotate your trunk as you lift. Do 3 x 8 reps each side.
8. Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)
What is it? A thigh muscle that connects the pelvis to the knee-stabilising iliotibial band (ITB), which runs down the outside of your leg, the tensor fasciae latae (TFL) is recruited whenever you raise your leg up or out during exercise.
Why does it matter? ‘A strong TFL will keep your knees aligned as you drive forward for a smoother and faster running motion,’ says Hobrough. It will also stabilise your hips and pelvis as you lift each leg to avoid wasted lateral energy.
What if I ignore it? ‘A weak or tight TFL will stress your ITB, which can lead to ITB friction syndrome (ITBFS), producing pain in the outside of the knee,’ warns Hobrough. ‘Foam rolling your ITB won’t help if your TFL is still tight.’
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Gently stretch a tight TFL with a standing side bend. Lean against a wall, cross your feet over and push against the resistance of
the wall. Do 3 x 45-60 secs each side.
b / How do I strengthen it?
Perform single-leg squats whenever you can. Stand on one leg and, holding your arms out for balance, lower yourself down. ‘Keep your knee over your middle toe and don’t go too deep,’ says Hobrough. Aim for 100 reps per leg each day.
9. Soleus
What is it? A muscle in your calf that runs from below your knee to the top of your heel. It is involved in plantar flexion (the flexing of your foot downward) whenever you walk, but unlike the peroneus longus (see 12), which is more of a balancing muscle, the soleus is mostly involved in propulsion.
Why does it matter? ‘It’s a forgotten muscle for runners,’ says Hobrough. ‘It produces most of the power when your knee is flexed as you run, boosting propulsion. It also provides ankle control for a better push-off – free speed with every stride.’
What if I ignore it? ‘A weak soleus will overload other calf muscles when you run, which can lead to a faster heel lift and an early knee bend, resulting in more steps and a shorter stride pattern so your pace and stamina will suffer,’ says Hobrough.
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Lengthen your soleus with bent-knee calf stretches. Lean against a wall with your right knee bent in front of you and your toes flat on the floor. Bend your left knee behind you and lean down into the stretch. Do 3 x 30 secs per foot.
b / How do I strengthen it?
Bent-knee heel lifts: stand on a step with the ball of your right foot. Wrap your left foot behind your ankle, bend down and press up onto your toes so your right heel lifts up. Do 3 x 15 reps each side.
10. Quadriceps Femoris
What are they? Four muscles (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris) that connect your hips and upper thigh bone to your patella (kneecap). The quads extend your knee when you walk, squat or kick.
Why do they matter? ‘The three vastus muscles help to straighten the knee,’ says Dunne. They help to push you forward and power your drive phase. ‘They also play a major role in knee shock absorption.’
What if I ignore them? Any weakness will make you vulnerable to runner’s knee. ‘Weak quads can also affect the tendons they’re attached to, causing patellar tendinitis,’ says Dunne. ‘Tight quads limit your knee drive, shortening your stride. They can pull the pelvis forward, putting the muscles of the lower back under pressure,’ he adds.
What’s the injury rehab?
Isometric wall squats. Stand with your back to a wall and, with ankles beneath your knees, squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Aim for 3 x 60-sec holds.
How do I strengthen them?
Split squats. Adopt a stance with one foot forward and one foot back, rear heel off the ground. Engage your abs and bend both knees until your rear knee is about to touch the ground, then drive up. Do 3 x 15 reps per leg.
11. Thoracic Diaphragm
What is it? A vital respiratory muscle between your chest and abdomen that contracts when you breathe to open up your chest cavity.
Why does it matter? Your diaphragm helps to expand your lungs and draw in more oxygen to enhance aerobic efficiency and stamina. ‘If the surface area of your lungs was spread out, it would cover a tennis court but if your diaphragm is weak you may only be accessing a fraction of that,’ notes Buckingham.
What if I ignore it? ‘It is a muscle few runners train, so it becomes easily fatigued,’ says Buckingham. Shallow breathing from your upper chest, not your belly, is common, so you never run at your full potential.
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Diaphragm injuries are usually caused by trauma and so are uncommon, but every runner can begin training their diaphragm with “dead bugs”. Lie on your back and lift your left knee and right arm while exhaling. Inhale using your belly as you lower them down, and repeat with the opposite limbs. Straightening your legs will make it even tougher. Do 3 x 20 reps each side.
b / How do I strengthen it?
Rotational lunges will train your diaphragm in a functional way by simulating running imbalances. Holding a light medicine ball in front of you, lunge forward with your right leg and twist your arms sideways, breathing out as you lunge. Do 3 x 12 reps per leg.
12. Peroneus Longus
What is it? Travelling along the calf bone to the ankle and feet, it controls your ankle when you stride. It is involved in plantar flexion, but unlike the soleus (see 9), which drives you forward, its main role is supportive, controlling eversion (turning your foot outwards) to keep your ankles balanced and aligned with each stride.
Why does it matter? ‘It is vital for ankle stability and foot control when you strike the floor,’ says Hobrough. ‘It stops you landing on the sides of your forefoot and helps you control your footstrike from heelstrike to toe-off.’
What if I neglect it? ‘You’ll develop an unstable ankle and poor foot mechanics as you land, twisting your foot inward,’ warns Hobrough. Ankle sprains are inevitable. ‘It can also pull hard on the cuboid bone in the foot, which can cause a sudden ankle pain.’
a / What’s the injury rehab?
Start with a side stretch. Sit on a chair, rest your right ankle on your left knee and gently twist your foot round and up with your hands. Do 3 x 10 secs per leg.
b / How can I strengthen it?
Try resisted ankle eversions. Sit on the floor and attach a resistance band to your left foot, then trail it beneath your right foot. Pulling the band with your right hand, bend your foot out against the resistance. Do 3 x 25 reps per leg.