How to run your own marathon (sensibly) if your event is cancelled because of coronavirus – Runner’s World (UK)

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If you’ve signed up for a spring marathon, you’re probably anxious about whether it will get the go-ahead. The Virgin Money London Marathon is still planned to take place on 26 April, but other big-city marathons, such as Paris and Rome, have been postponed as a result of the spread of coronavirus.
If the race you’ve been training for is cancelled, that doesn’t mean you can’t still cover the distance. You just have to do so in a smart and sensible way. Here’s how…
1.Don’t run the actual route
Two of the things that make marathons special are cheering crowds and the chance to run on closed roads. If your race has been cancelled and you insist on running the course, you will enjoy neither of these pleasures. Instead, you’ll be stopping and starting at road junctions – if you’re sensible – or endangering yourself and other road users if you’re not. Either way, it’s a bad idea.
2. Plot a lapped route
Without hydration stations to keep you topped up with water and energy drinks, you’ll have to think smart. One easy way to do this is to plot a lapped route and leave your bottles of water and/or sports drink at the start of each lap.
3. Record it
Marathons do exist even if they’re not uploaded onto Strava, but having a digital record of your achievement will undoubtedly make it feel more official. If you’ve been sponsored, it also acts as proof that you’ve run 26.2 miles. Not that you’d lie about a thing like that, would you?
4. Make it runner-friendly
Think large parks, trails and quiet roads. Limit road crossings so you don’t have to stop and start. Avoid busy pavements. Set off early (but not in the dark). Picking a runner-friendly route is safer, more considerate, quicker and, ultimately, more enjoyable.
5. Get dressed up
If you had your heart set on wearing that penguin costume, don’t let a race cancellation prevent you from doing so. As long as you’ve plotted a car-free route and your costume doesn’t impair your vision, there’s no reason you can’t wear fancy dress for your DIY marathon. Get ready for some funny looks, though.
6. Keep it small-scale
One of the main reasons some big races have been cancelled is the fear that having large numbers of people in the same confined space will increase the spread of coronavirus. So if you do run your own marathon, don’t invite everyone you know to join you; one or two similarly minded friends is plenty.
7. Celebrate at the end
Running 26.2 miles, officially or unofficially, is a cause for celebration. Be sure to meet a few of your nearest and dearest at a pub or back at home. There are few things more satisfying in the world than a post-marathon pint.
If you run your own marathon, take a picture of yourself at the start or end and tag us in @runnersworlduk. Be safe, run well and enjoy.
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