January events in Queen Creek include yarn fun, San Tan Scramble Trail Runs – Your Valley
Independent Newsmedia
From yarn fun (Jan. 3) at the Queen Creek Library to the San Tan Scramble Trail Runs (Jan. 4) at San Tan Mountain Regional Park, The Marvelous Wonderettes (Jan. 24-27) at Queen Creek Performing Arts Center and a water-smart workshop (Jan. 25) at Historic Town Hall, there’s a lot going on in Queen Creek. Events include:
- YARN FUN: 9 a.m.-noon, Jan. 3 at Queen Creek Library, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. Join Busy Hands Knit and Crochet Group to stitch for charities such as Wounded Warrior and Cardon’s Children’s Hospital. In addition to working on personal projects, the group helps others build basic skills. Contact Gwen Hayes at 480-720-5359 for more information.
- AFTER HOURS: 7-9 p.m., Jan 3 at Queen Creek Branch Library, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road, Mary Lou Fulton Story Time Room. After the doors are locked for the evening, professional organizer Pam Fitzgibbons will share organizational skills and techniques on how to decide what to keep, dealing with emotional attachment to sentimental items, and the physical and emotional benefits of simplifying lives to get organized. Arrive before doors are locked on the first Friday of each month for a different fun activity. Bring a date or come alone. Must be 18 or older to attend. See: queencreek.org.
- EVAHA MINI CIRCUIT: 8 a.m., Jan. 4 at Horseshoe Park and Equestrian Centre, 20464 E Riggs Road. East Valley Arabian Horse Association is entering its 31st year of sponsoring the minicircuit series of open All Breed shows, promoting the small time Arabian horse enthusiast with showing, trail rides and educational clinics in a friendly and helpful group to help horsemen and horsewomen grow. Free for spectators. Events held throughout the day. See: queencreek.org.
- SAN TAN SCRAMBLETRAIL RUNS: From 5 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 4. A large, permitted running race event will take place at San Tan Regional Park, 6533 W. Phillips Road in Queen Cree,. All trails will be used by runners. The start/finish line and related set-up will be at the Main Trailhead. Five races start between 7 and 8:30 a.m. Expect entry delays in the early morning and heavy parking lot and trail traffic throughout afternoon. Trails are open to the pubic during the race. This is a permitted event and not a park sponsored event. For more information: www.aravaiparunning.com/san-tan-scramble.
- RECYCLING EVENT: 8 a.m-noon Saturdays, Jan. 4 and 11 at the Queen Creek Field Operations Facility, 19715 S. 220th St. The QC Recycles event allows drop offs of live, used Christmas trees, electronics, appliances, latex and acrylic paints, and documents to shred. Residents with a current Town trash and recycling account must bring a copy of water bill. Tires, household hazardous waste not accepted. Go to: queencreek.org.
- SENIOR EXPO: 9 a.m.-noon Jan. 7 at Central Arizona College’s Superstition Mountain Campus, 805 S. Idaho Road in Apache Junction. The Second Annual Apache Junction/Gold Canyon Senior Expo, hosted by Independent Newsmedia, features businesses with information on healthcare/wellness, home improvement, financial services, insurance, retirement living and more for Apache Junction, Gold Canyon and neighboring communities. Vendors sought. For booth reservations contact Barb at 623-208-7866 or bwandling@newszap.com.
- TODDLER TIME: 9:15 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m., Jan. 7, 14, 21 and 28 at the Queen Creek Library Mary Lou Fulton Story Time Room, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. Storytime for ages 18-36 months and caregivers who come to sing, move, listen and play in the program geared toward developmental stages. Tickets available in the library beginning at 11 a.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. Limited to 50 participants.
- PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: 9:15 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m., Jan. 8 at the Queen Creek Library Mary Lou Fulton Story Time Room, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. Children ages 3-6 enjoy storytelling, story stretches, puppets, songs, rhymes, games, dancing, finger plays, and crafts. Tickets will be available in the library beginning at 9 a.m. on a first-come, first-served basis, and will be limited to 50 total participants.
- SPECIAL NEEDS LEGO CLUB: 6-7:30 p.m., Jan. 8 at Queen Creek Branch Library, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. The Autism Society of Greater Phoenix presents Special Needs Lego Club. Come and play as Legos are provided for kids while parents supervise. This Lego Club is for special needs kids of all ages and their families. All ages are welcome. Meetings are free. See: queencreek.org.
- AZCHA JUMP START YOUR YEAR: Jan. 8-12, at Horseshoe Park & Equestrian Centre, 20464 E Riggs Road. Arizona Cutting Horse Association — “Jump Start Your Year” hosts six different five-day events showcasing the best NCHA sanctioning cutting in the western U.S. Cutting is an equestrian event in the western riding style where a horse and rider are judged on their ability to separate a single animal away from a cattle herd and keep it away for a short period of time. Events held throughout the day.F ree for spectators. See: www.qcbra.com.
- SASI GIRLS: 6 p.m., Jan. 8 at Horseshoe Park and Equestrian Centre, 20464 E Riggs Road. Southwest Arizona Sisters Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization comprised of cowgirls performing equestrian drill routines with sponsor presentations at rodeos and other events, plus host community service events and fundraisers year-round. The SASi Girls are the official Equestrian Drill Team of the Grand Canyon Pro Rodeo Association attending rodeos and events locally and abroad. See: sasiattitude.org.
- COLOR GARDENS: 6:30-7:30 p.m., Jan. 9 at Queen Creek Branch Library Mary Lou Fulton Story Time Room, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. Living in the desert Southwest means enjoying color in the garden all year long, even in winter. Learn how to incorporate color in your garden using plants and other elements for year-round beauty. Go to: queencreek.org.
- TEEN ADVISORY GROUP: 4-5 p.m., Jan 9 at Queen Creek Branch Library, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. Teens interested in making new friends, being part of the library team and gaining leadership experience can join the library’s Teen Advisory Group and earn volunteer hours for planning and executing community service and teen programs. T.A.G meets every second and fourth Thursday when school is in session. Snacks served. Go to: queencreek.org.
- DICK CLARK’S COUNTDOWN TO THE 1950s: 7:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 10 at Queen Creek Performing Arts Center, 22149 Ocotillo Road, As part of the 2019-2020 Centerstage Series, The Rave-Ons perform their brand-new show of 1950s hits including “Who’s Sorry Now,” “That’ll Be the Day,” “Donna,” “At the Hop,” “Rock Around the Clock,” “Hound Dog” and more. Call 480-987-7469. See: www.qcpac.com.
- TINY HERO OF FERNY CREEK: 4-5 p.m., Jan. 13 at the Queen Creek Library, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road, Mary Lou Fulton Story Time Room. Title Wave–The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library features Eddie, an insect living in a fourth grade classroom, reading the books he loves, and staying alert for bug-squishing humans. Braving more humans, he ventures to the school library to save his aunt, facing danger. Hear more and make a minimalist poster for the library. For 8-12-year-olds. Registration: queencreek.org.
- SAN TAN ARTISTS GUILD: The San Tan Artists Guild meets at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month (Jan. 14) at Gangplank, 22240 S Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek. The Guild has a mission is to support, encourage and promote the works of members by providing networking, training, workshops, lectures and show opportunities while building community with the arts. New members of all art experience levels from student to professional plus art enthusiasts and supporters are welcome to attend. Visit: santanartistsguild.com for more information.
- RUNNIN GUNS: 1-9 P.M., Jan. 15 at Horseshoe Park and Equestrian Centre, 20464 E Riggs Road, Queen Creek. Runnin Guns Mounted Shooting, Mounted shooting competitions and exhibitions fostering a public awareness of the sport while producing a few independent shoots per year with changing formats geared for audiences and participants. Free for spectators. For more information: runningunsevents.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/Running-Guns-Productions-101718287878296.
- DOLLY PARTON STARRING KAREN HESTER: 7:30 p.m., Jan. 17 at Queen Creek Performing Arts Center, 22149 Ocotillo Road. Karen Hester embodies Dolly Parton as a Dolly Parton Tribute artist showcasing greatest hits including “I Will Always Love You,” “Jolene,” and “9 to 5” along with a live country band. Fee: $22, $24.50, $27. Go to: https://qcpac.com/centerstage-series.
- ACMSA ARIZONA STATE SHOOT: Jan. 17-19 at Horseshoe Park & Equestrian Centre, 20464 E Riggs Road. Arizona Cowboy Mounted Shooters Association – Arizona State Shoot highlights one of the fastest growing equestrian sportsas riders shoot blanks from single action 45-caliber weapons while riding their horse at full run for the fastest time. Free for spectators. Competitions held throughout the day. Go to: queencreek.org.
- FAMILY THEATRE SERIES: 7 p.m., Jan. 24-27 at Queen Creek Performing Arts Center, 22149 Ocotillo Road. The smash off-Broadway hit The Marvelous Wonderettes takes audiences to the 1958 Springfield High School, showing the lives and loves of Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy, and Suzy as the girls serenade with classic ‘50s hits including “Lollipop,” “Dream Lover,” “Stupid Cupid,” and “Lipstick on Your Collar” as part of the Family Theatre Series. Fee $12.50. Call 480-987-7469. See: www.qcpac.com.
- WATER-SMART WORKSHOP: 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, Jan. 25 at Historic Town Hall, 22350 S. Ellsworth Road, Queen Creek. A free smart controller water-smart workshop on new products that can automatically adjust an irrigation schedule based on actual site and weather conditions teaches how the technology can help save on landscape watering. Register: queencreek.org/departments/utilities/water/water-conservation/water-smart-workshop-series.
- WRITERS STUDIO: 6-7 p.m., Jan. 28 at Queen Creek Branch Library. Writers Studio for children’s authors and illustrators aspiring to be a published picture book or juvenile author or illustrator are invited to monthly meetings offering visits from published authors, illustrators and publishing professionals sharing insights on the writing process and publishing world; peer critiques and workshops. The studio is open on the fourth Tuesday of each month. For January, picture and board book author Lori Alexander addresses what to do once your manuscript is written. For adults only. Registration: queencreek.org.
- TEEN TECH EXPERTS: 3:30-5 p.m., Jan. 29 at Queen Creek Branch Library Conference Room, 21802 S. Ellsworth Road. Teen tech experts help answer your tech questions; help with library downloadable materials, e-mail accounts, smart phones and tablets, social network accounts and MS Office applications. Bring your questions and/or device. See: queencreek.org.
Coming in February:
- LOVE BUG DANCE: 6-8 p.m., Friday, Feb. 7, Queen Creek Recreation Annex. Dress in your best and dance the night away with your little Love Bug at this fun community event filled with music, games, crafts, and dancing. A light dinner will be served. Space is limited and pre-registration is required with a fee.