‘Just Stick With It:’ Maryland Runner is Ready for Her First Marathon – NBC4 Washington

Jennifer Smith will be competing in the Marine Corps Marathon for the first time this year, but she wasn’t always this active.
“I started a little over a year ago sitting on my couch,” Smith said. “Got a little wild and crazy and signed up for the marathon.”
Smith first got motivated when she realized she was far behind her more active friends, who liked to do things like hike and bike.
“It just wasn’t fun to do that anymore because I couldn’t keep up,” Smith said. “Now they gotta keep up with me.”
Smith started small, joining a running club in Montgomery County, but she rapidly improved. She’s run several races this year as months of training have paid off.
Now, Smith exercises six days a week and has lost over 60 pounds.
“When you see results you want to keep going,” Smith said.
Smith said she’s never run a marathon distance before, but she’s ready to give it a shot.
“I can’t even imagine, I might cry,” Smith said. “Even if I’m hobbling or crawling in, I’m gonna make it.”
Although she’s faced obstacles in her training, including leg problems, Smith said the people around her keep her motivated.
“It’s been a journey,” Smith said. “I’m really happy that I’ve done it and I’m really happy to inspire other people along the way.”
And what about her advice for new runners?
“Just get out and start out with whatever makes you feel comfortable.”