Kyrgyz long distance runners win 86 medals in 2019 – AKIpress
Kyrgyzstan|sport|January 14, 2020 / 04:30 PM
Kyrgyz long distance runners win 86 medals in 2019

AKIPRESS.COM – Kyrgyz athletes won 86 medals at the international tournaments in 2019.
30 gold medals, 25 silver and 31 bronze medals were won by Kyrgyz athletes, the State Sports Agency reports.
Musulman Jolamanov and Nursultan Keneshbekov updated the records of Kyrgyzstan, which were set over 40 years ago. Jolamanov run 1,500 meters with the result of 03:44.19 and became the bronze medalist. Keneshbekov set new record at the distance of 1,500 meters with the result of 03:49.94.
Long sdistance runner won 5 medals at the international tournaments in 2019.