Melody is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!
I signed up to run my first marathon in 2008 as a bucket list thing, and I have never looked back. Running for me not only has helped with balance in my life, but has enabled me to achieve goals I never thought would have been within reach—11 BQs, and completing a 50-miler. Working to accomplish the World Marathon Majors has brought me to travel new cities and countries, and I’m so excited to be traveling to Tokyo in less than six weeks to run my 5th of 6 majors. The best part? The running tribe that comes with it all! I love getting up crazy early Saturday mornings during training season as a coach in a local running group to help others achieve their running goals.
I’m still always looking for ways to improve my performance whether that’s through nutrition, cross-training, or tips that I haven’t come across before. Runner’s World has so much great information out there that can benefit me and the runners I help coach. I also love reading the articles about other runners’ success stories!
I love setting a goal or having an upcoming race planned and working hard to hit that goal through training. Let’s face it: running marathons are hard–physically and mentally. My favorite part of a marathon is right before you cross that finish line. So elated that whether or not you hit your goal time, you rocked it by finishing. As a parent, setting a good example for my 8 year old fraternal twin girls is also extremely important to me. Lastly, going back to those early Saturday morning runs, sharing in your running friends’ PRs and Boston qualifying times is priceless. Huge motivation right there.
I am definitely a morning runner! It gets done before work or picking up kiddos or homework. I love starting off the day with a great speed or tempo workout. I’m one of those crazies that actually loves running on the treadmill. I get to catch up on TV shows and it keeps me from having to constantly check my Garmin to make sure I’m hitting my paces. However, I really love the routes our running group runs on Saturdays—a totally different way to explore the city—and usually before the hustle and bustle of city traffic. Watching the sunrise in the middle of a run is the best.
I really love my amphipod and I’m a little attached to it! I have never run a race without it and I’m a little anxious about running the Tokyo marathon without carrying my own water (their rules). It’s very ergonomic and limits the times I have to slow down during a race for water.
I have a few! I would love to best my PR from the Houston Marathon in 2019 of 3:15:07. Every marathon I have takeaways that I hope help me improve, whether it’s tweaks in training or holding back at the beginning of a race. I also want to race some shorter distances–5Ks, 10Ks, and half-marathons. I’ve focused on the full distance so much, and the shorter distances bring all new challenges (but with a lot less recovery!). The 6-star World Marathon Majors medal will be just one London marathon away after I complete Tokyo on March 1st–this has been a dream for me ever since I learned it existed before running Boston in 2015. Tokyo will be marathon/ultra-marathon #19, and I’m excited to see how many more marathons these legs will bless me with in the future!