Phil is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!
I’ve been running most of my life, both competitively and recreationally. It allows me time to myself (if I want it) or quality time with friends and family. Running has changed me in many ways. It allows me to deal with anxiety and stress and allows me to positively connect with friends and family. It’s solitary therapy and can be group therapy depending on what challenges life throws at me. I’ve been a track and cross country coach for many years and I want to impart the benefits of running to the younger generations as a way to personally challenge yourself and learn that running is a true metaphor for life—you get out of it, what you put in to it.
I enjoy up to date content and having 24 hour access to articles, reviews and interviews. It’s like having every issue of Runner’s World on you at all times.
I’m a very competitive person and running allows me to compete with others, but mostly it allows me to compete with myself. The spark that gets me going is I always sign up for a race to make sure I have a goal and I always think about the fact that I feel better mentally and physically after a run. I also try to think about the fact that I get to run—I don’t have to run.
I try to run whenever I can. As a track coach and cross country coach, I try to run during practices after school. If that’s not possible, I get a run in in the early morning before school or later at night using lights. I try to run outside whenever I can. Only lightning and ice will keep me inside. Weekends are for the long runs and runs with friends.
I love running along the trail in Easton by the canal and the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers. It’s been a fun place to run and my friends and I meet there almost every week to do our long runs. I associate that trail with why I love running.
I really like any new gear. As any runner knows, the thrill of opening the new sneakers box is awesome! Even a new shirt, shorts, hat or gloves can rekindle the motivation to get out the door.
Continue to qualify for Boston as long as I can and keep running and racing every chance I get. I have a magnet on the back of my car that says, “There will come a day when I can no longer do this. Today is NOT that day.” I try to live by that and realize that life will throw you challenges and nothing is permanent. Enjoy it while you can.