Sheri is a Runner’s World+ member. Join her and thousands of others chasing their goals with day-by-day training plans, expert advice from editors and coaches, and unlimited digital access. We regularly feature members online and in print!
I ran a few years in high school, then in my young adult life it’s what I did for exercise, but it wasn’t until my 30’s that running became a part of me. It expanded my personal life and running life.
It is through connecting into the running world that I met my dearest friends, embraced racing, discovered trail running, ran longer, and took risks. Through a divorce, it was my constant, my social outlet, and my drive. I have learned lessons, such as how to set a goal and work a plan (thank you marathon training), working through life’s ups and downs, or being determined and working hard. I have become a deeper, more confident person.
My friends and I would joke that running is our therapy–solving all the world problems, including our own. Out of the many topics and thoughts discussed, it motivated me to create a Facebook page, “Running Therapy Minis”, in which I blog life lessons learned from running or that came into my head during a run.
Whatever my running might mean to someone else, above all, I hope I am an inspiration.
For all the things RW+ offers. I like being on the outside looking in: I enjoy reading about other runners, whether pros or amateurs, about successes or hardships. I can learn tidbits through other’s opinions and experiences. I have used your gear/shoe reviews for making personal purchasing choices. It’s a way to connect into the running world. It’s motivating. I find out about races. There’s learning to be found on articles about food, cross-training, stretching, etc. The more you connect, the more you realize we all face some of the same struggles, injuries, joy, etc.
Running connects me! It is the one thing that makes me feel like I had a solid workout. It is something I can continue throughout my life. It is something I can do with others and be social. It is a catalyst to explore–when searching out new running paths or signing up for out-of-state races. It will let you know if you are in or out of shape. I can do it wherever I go.
During the week, I do gym workouts in the morning but run in the evening after work. Weekends, I like to do a long run on Saturday mornings. In Redding, my favorite is probably Flanagan to Chamise Peak Trail. It’s 4.8 miles out and back, 2.4 miles all uphill and then 2.4 miles all downhill, with about 650’ elevation gain and somewhat tricky footing. At the top you get treated with a view of the Sacramento River, Shasta Dam, Shasta Lake and Mt. Shasta. It is short enough to get it done under an hour, yet long enough and hard enough to get a solid workout. The run never feels like a drag and I always feel good after running it.
My Garmin Forerunner 15. Basic and simple, sometimes I don’t even use it, yet it’s like my steady companion. I like it on my arm, and once I put it on it keeps me accountable to get out the door and do my run.
Since we are traveling full-time, my current goal is to run a race in every state we visit. The race length and type of race can vary; I’m mixing up my training. I just ran a 5k in Southern Californian and plan to run a half marathon in Arizona in March.
Caroline’s enthusiasm for enriching the run community originates from engaging with her local run specialty store customers, where she still works part-time.