Michel brothers run toward every challenge – Zanesville Times Recorder
Michel brothers run toward every challenge Zanesville Times Recorder
ZANESVILLE – Bob and Herb Michel have experienced the hazards of running.
Cramps, blisters, fatigue – to name a few.
But it was another ailment nearly kept the brothers from competing together in an ultramarathon in November.
Herb fell sick four days before the two were scheduled to run the JFK 50 mile, America’s Oldest Ultramarathon, in Boonesboro, Maryland.
The 66-year-old remained determined to give the race a go. Despite feeling the affects about one-third of the way into it, he finished 26th for his age bracket (60-69 years old), completing the course in 12 hours, 13.5 seconds.
Herb, a retired Zanesville firefighter, credited the support of his brother and others in pushing him through the finish line.
“It was bad timing. The race was on Saturday, and my brother was supposed to come from Indiana on Thursday, but I told him to wait another day so he didn’t catch what I had,” Herb said. “I felt good enough to run that day then about 20, 30 miles in, I didn’t fell well again. Having my brother there and talking to me was a big help.
“My oldest daughter teaches in Columbus City Schools and told her students we were running 50 miles,” he added. “Several students wrote letters to me, and I thought of that during the race. That also helped me get to the finish line.”
The event’s historic nature was another reason Bob wanted to participate. The JFK 50 mile started in 1963, as part of President John F. Kennedy’s push to bring the country back to physical fitness. Numerous races were held around the country that year, but after Kennedy’s assassination, most were never held again or lasted a short time.
This race is the only one remaining of its kind.
Bob, who currently lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana, noted ‘it’s kinda cool’ to win, but it wasn’t his goal. The 71-year-old made it a memorable experience, winning his age group (70-79) with a time of 11 hours, 52 minutes, 13 seconds.
“I’ve been running for a long time so I like to try something new. I wanted to run a famous or historic race, and this fit the bill,” he said. “You start in this small town and run up a steep hill to get on the Appalachian Trail. You run that for about 16 miles before going through the C&O Canal, which is long enough to be a marathon on its own.
“I stayed with Herb for the first part. I did the mental math to make sure he could finish under the cutoff (13 hours). Once I knew he could, I took off,” he added. “There are not many people my age competing in these events, but I’m blessed I can still do this.”
The path to running started differently for the Michel brothers. Bob joined the Rosecrans track team and ran the mile until he graduated in 1966. Running went with Bob after high school and besides a 15-year hiatus, it remains a part of his daily routine.
Bob is retired from GTE/Verizon after 39 years with the company and currently owns an antique shop and restores old homes.
“I could not play any traditional sports, but Rosecrans had track and that’s when it started,” he said. “I took that break, but when I got the bug, I started running again. It began with 5Ks and 10Ks then half marathons before running the Columbus marathon. I’ve just built up from there.”
Herb, a 1972 Rosecrans alum, took up running with his neighbors, including Jim Grubb, in the early 1990s. His first race was a 5K in Newark, and he competed in the Columbus Marathon, his first one, in the mid-1990s.
Herb has been tracking his miles since 1994 and has run more than 25,000. He has participated in the Boston and Chicago marathons as well as the Bigfoot 50K in 2018 at Salt Fork State Park.
He has taken part in 18 marathons and three ultramarathons so far.
“My neighbors got me into it, and I’ve met many local runners and run with some of them now,” Herb said. “I run pretty much every day and average around 5 miles. “My wife, Teddy, helps with my training. She rides her bicycle while I run, a lot of times starting before daylight. She also carries the water and gives me someone to talk to for 15 to 20 miles. She’s done it many times, and I appreciate her doing that.”
The brothers have their next event circled, as they will compete in the Eagle Up Ultra in June at Canal Fulton. The event is a 24-hour run where runners try to complete 100 miles, 100 kilometers or a split of 50 miles and 50 kilometers.
Herb said his training begins about six months in advance so his body is ready.
“I take about a week off after the long distance races and slowly build myself back up,” Herb said. “I focus on pacing myself, but as I get closer to the race, I will put in 50 to 60 miles per week.”
Bob has completed nearly every type of running event and finishing 100 miles in under 24 hours is his focus.
His approach will have him ready for the latest challenge.
“Any race is pretty much all mental,” Bob said. “I’ve done this for so long that even if I fail, I figure out what I did and try to do better. It’s mental since your brain is telling you that you shouldn’t be doing this. No matter the conditions or if you’re running alone or with someone, you have to overcome the brain. I’m looking forward to completing my next goal.”
Twitter, @brandonhannahs
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