Neighbors briefs: Pancakes, bus trip, YMCA schedule, Bone Run – Vineland Daily Journal
Neighbors briefs: Pancakes, bus trip, YMCA schedule, Bone Run Vineland Daily Journal
VINELAND – The 34th annual Aaron Ploch and Kristen Freeman Pancake Breakfast and Distance Swim will be held from 8 to 11:30 a.m. July 4 at the Dolphin …
Pancake breakfast at Dolphin Swim Club
VINELAND – The 34th annual Aaron Ploch and Kristen Freeman Pancake Breakfast and Distance Swim will be held from 8 to 11:30 a.m. July 4 at the Dolphin Swim Club at 1267 E. Elmer Road.
This event honors the memory of Dolphin swim team members Aaron Ploch and Kristen Freeman who both suddenly passed away, in 1999 and 2006 respectively. “The pancake breakfast and distance swim began in 1985 with the goal of the event being to have our swimmers challenge themselves to swim longer distances than they swam in the summer dual meets. Additionally, team scholarships were generated,” said Coach John Casadia. Team members, who range in age from 5 to 18, volunteer their time to participate in this special event.
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Community members are invited to attend. Cost is $5 for breakfast and guests are encouraged to spend the day at the club and enjoy the facilities. Proceeds from the event will benefit the team’s scholarship program.
For information, call Jenn Neri-Masucci at (856) 498-6687.
Join the Master Gardeners for a trip to the Hudson River Valley
Rutgers Master Gardeners of Cumberland County will sponsor an overnight coach tour to the Hudson River Valley on Sept. 11 and 12. The trip will include a meal at the New York Culinary Institute of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Hyde Park Home, Presidential Library and Rose Garden plus Eleanor Roosevelt’s Val-Kill Cottage, Beatrix Farrand’s Walled Garden and the Walkway Over the Hudson and an overnight stay at the Best Western in Kingston.
Space is limited. Reservations are required by July 19.
For information, call (856) 455-5632.
YMCA announces summer schedule
VINELAND – The Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA, 1159 E. Landis Ave., has announced its schedule for group exercise classes to be held this summer. These programs will begin during the week of June 24 and run for six or eight weeks. The roster includes 39 different sections of yoga, group cycling, Zumba, strength training, kickboxing, bootcamp and more. The earliest class starts at 5:45 a.m., and the latest begins at 7:05 p.m. Community members age 15 and older are welcome to enroll.
New programs include:
- Family Fitness, for youths age 11 to 14 and their parents; it will cover a variety of exercises.
- Tabata, which will focus on heart rate pumping plyometric and total body exercise.
- Beginner Basic Yoga, for people who are new to yoga or who want to get back to basics.
Classes are free for YMCA facility members.
For information, call (856) 691-0030 or visit www.ccaymca.org.
Planning in progress for ‘bone run’
PITTSGROVE – The Halloween Bone Run & Walk will be held at 9 a.m. Oct. 19, rain or shine, at Parvin State Park. Recently, the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey “passed the baton” to the CompleteCare Family Health Foundation, the fundraising arm of the CompleteCare Health Network, who will now organize the event.
Runners and walkers are invited to participate in the event and are encouraged to wear fun costumes. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers, and medals will be given to the top finishers in each age category. Also, schools, businesses and clubs are encouraged to recruit teams of 10 or more to participate, with prizes being awarded to the members of the top team. Prizes will also be awarded for best costumes.
Entry fee is $30 for runners and $25 for walkers by Sept. 29. The fee for all entrants after that date will be $35. Race amenities include T-shirts and post-race refreshments.
Sponsors and volunteers are needed.
To register for the team challenge or for information on how to get involved, call (856) 391-1127 or email bonerun@chcinj.org.
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