Ridgefield happenings: Audobon exhibit, Jesse Lee tag sale – The Ridgefield Press
Ridgefield happenings: Audobon exhibit, Jesse Lee tag sale The Ridgefield Press
SAT prep classes. Lentz & Lentz SAT Prep is offering PSAT, SAT, and ACT Prep classes Saturdays, Sept. 7, 21, 28; oct. 19 and 26, from 1-4 p.m.; and Sundays, …
Scott Jurek.
Scott Jurek.
Photo: Contributed Photo.
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Scott Jurek.
Scott Jurek.
Photo: Contributed Photo.
SAT prep classes
Lentz & Lentz SAT Prep is offering PSAT, SAT, and ACT Prep classes Saturdays, Sept. 7, 21, 28; oct. 19 and 26, from 1-4 p.m.; and Sundays, Sept. 8, 22; Oct. 27, from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Annex, 66 Prospect St. Participants will develop the strategies, test-taking tips and short cuts needed to do well.
SAT Prep students (only) may opt to take an additional ACT Supplement on Sundays, Nov. 3 and 17, from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 16 from 1 to 4 p.m. for a total of $640. The ACT Prep is not sold separately.
For more information, visit lentzsatprep.com or call Ridgefield Continuing Education at 203-431-2812 or Lentz & Lentz at 1-800-866-SATS.
Tag sale
Jesse Lee Memorial United Methodist Church, 207 Main Street, Ridgefield will hold their 5th annual Community Tag Sale on Saturday, Sept. 7, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine.
There’s one table left for interested vendors. For details, call the church office, 203-438-8791.
Audubon exhibit talk/reception
Joel Third will be at the Ridgefield Library on Sunday, Sept. 8, at 2 p.m., to discuss his exhibit called Audubon, His Supporters and Predecessors. A reception will follow from 3 to 5 p.m. The exhibit runs through Monday, Sept. 30.
Joel Third has been a hobbyist collector of antiquarian bird prints for about 40 years, which coincided with his longtime interest in birds of North America. He enjoys preparing and exhibiting the prints of birds and maps and Currier and Ives as well. He has given numerous presentations to various groups in Ridgefield, Danbury, Weston and Wilton. He is past-president of Keeler Tavern Museum, the Ridgefield Rotary Club, and the Ridgefield Men’s Club and currently is on their boards and the RSO board.
This program is co-sponsored by the library and Keeler Tavern Museum and Visitors Center. To register, visit ridgefieldlibrary.org or call 203-438-2282.
Community bible study co-ed class
Community Bible Study begins a year-long study of the book of Genesis Monday, Sept. 9, at 7:30 p.m., at the Ridgefield Baptist Church, 325 Danbury Road.
This co-ed group meets each Monday at the church from 7:30-9 p.m. through April.
CBS is an international, interdenominational Bible study ministry headquartered in Colorado Springs. For more information, or to register, visit RidgefieldEve.cbsclass.org.
Women’s networking group hosts luncheon
The women’s networking group, Believe Inspire Grow (BIG) will host a luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 11, from noon to 2 p.m., at Gallo Restaurant in Ridgefield that will feature Lisa Lieberman-Wang.
A strategist, international speaker and best selling author, Lisa has worked with Tony Robbins for more than 25 years. She has personally generated more than 60 million in sales and appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, The CW, TEDx and more.
Believe Inspire Grow is a regional networking/ empowerment group for women that provides members the connections and tools to grow their businesses and/ or achieve their life goals. Members of B.I.G. will get a complimentary consult with Lisa post luncheon.
To register, or to learn more about BIG, email marydougherty22@icloud.com.
Poetry program
Poet and educator Barb Jennes will lead an ongoing series of workshops called Poetry on the Path at the Ridgefield Library starting Thursday, Sept. 12, at 10:30 a.m.
“Divorce, empty nesting, career change, illness, loss… when life deals you a tough transition, turn to the proven, healing power of poetry,” said Jennes. “In each session of this bi-monthly workshop, participants will read and discuss a series of specially selected poems, then reflect/respond in poem or prose pieces of their own. Attendees will give and get support from a compassionate community of others facing change.”
This ongoing workshop will take place on the second and fourth Thursday of the month (excluding Thanksgiving). The series is made possible thanks to the Noreen L. Papa — Mother: Live Your Life Fund.
To register, visit ridgefieldlibrary.org or call 203-4380-2282.
Observing the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn
The Discovery Center at Ridgefield and New Pond Farm Education Center, 101 Marchant Rd., West Redding, are offering a public astronomy program on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 8:30 p.m.
Through the farm’s telescopes, visitors will view the mountains, craters and mare of the Moon, Jupiter with its moons and giant red spot and Saturn’s beautiful rings. We will also observe a couple of carbon and double stars. The summer constellations will be pointed out and discussed.
Participants should park near the Education Center and bring bug repellant and a flashlight for the walk to the observatory. The program is $4 per Discovery Center member, with a maximum of $16 per family. For nonmembers, the charge is $6, with a maximum of $24 per family. Registration is required and can be done at newpondfarm.org or by calling 203-938-2117. If the skies appear cloudy, check the website after 4 p.m. for program status.
Cardio classes
Ridgefield Continuing Education offers Cardio, Core, Zumba, Pilates, Barre and Stretch classes starting in September.
Cardio, Core and More, an endurance and strength program, starts Monday, Sept. 16, at 5:45 p.m.
Pure Strength, a strength and bone density program using free weights and resistance methods, starts Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 5:45 p.m.
Zumba Gold and Core Toning, low impact cardio dance exercise, starts Monday, Sept. 16 and Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m.
Line Dance starts Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m.
60-Minute Calorie Burner starts Thursday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m.
Stretch class, focuses on lengthening muscles and releasing tension, Monday, Sept. 16.
Pilates Fusion, core flexibility and toning incorporating light weights (optional) and bands starts Monday, Sept. 16, at 6:40 p.m.
Barre — Lates, a fusion of Barre work and classical Pilates starts Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 6:40 p.m.
Pilates on the Mat, a focus on core strength, balance, and alignment starts Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 6:30 p.m.
Ballroom Dance, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Yoga also begin soon. Wear comfortable clothing, and aerobic style shoes, with good support but little tread on the sole. Bring a towel, water bottle, and mat for stretching (mat not needed for Line Dance and Zumba). Small weights optional for many classes.
Cost is $62 for five sessions to $96 for eight sessions. Follow up classes are available. A discount is offered to Ridgefield seniors, age 62 and over. Advance registration is required. Visit ridgefieldschools.org or call Peggy Bruno at 203-431-2812.
Ultramarathon runner to speak at library
Athlete and author Scott Jurek will be at the Ridgefield Library on Saturday, Sept. 21, at 2 p.m. to discuss some of his most memorable athletic and life achievements.
Named one of the greatest runners of all time, Jurek has claimed victories in nearly all of ultrarunning’s elite trail and road events including the historic 153-mile Spartathlon, the Hardrock 100, the Badwater 135-Mile Ultramarathon, and — his signature race — the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run, which he won a record seven straight times. Scott has also taken the running world by storm with his 2015 Appalachian Trail speed record — and the United States all-surface record in the 24-Hour Run with 165.7 miles: 6.5 marathons in one day.
A passionate advocate for vegetarianism, he follows a 100% plant-based diet, which he credits for his endurance, recovery and consistent 20-year racing career. He believes that everyone can run an ultra and everyone can access their body’s innate capacity to heal. Scott inspires people of all fitness levels to take the next step toward vibrant health.
Copies of his memoirs Eat and Run and his latest North will be available for sale and signing at the event. This program is part of the Noreen L. Papa — Mothers: Live Your Life series and is co-sponsored with Ridgefield Library, Ridgefield Running Company and Books on the Common.
Tickets are $5, which can be used that night as a credit off the purchase price of a copy of one of Scott’s books. For information and to register visit ridgefieldlibrary.org or call 203-438-2282.
iPhone and Microsoft Office classes
iPhone and Microsoft Office 2016 classes through Ridgefield Continuing Education available in September include:
Internet and Gmail Basics for Beginners Thursday, Sept. 26, 1-3 p.m., $39. iPhone Quick Start for Beginners Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m., $39.
Word and File Management Tuesday, Sept 17, 9:30 a.m-noon, $49.
PowerPoint Tuesday, Sept. 24 and Oct. 1, 10 a.m.-noon, $79.
Excel Intro Wednesday and Friday, Sept. 18 and 20, from 3-5 p.m. or Saturdays, Sept. 28 and Oct. 5, from 9:30-11:30 a.m., $79.
Excel Intermediate Fridays, Sept. 27 and Oct. 4, from 3 to 5:30 p.m., $99.
More sections, plus eBay, Social Networks (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn), iPad, Website with Wix Web Design, Outlook, Windows 10, Cyber Security, Google Docs, Word Intermediate, Advanced Excel, Access, and software tutorials are available in October.
There is a small materials fee in some classes. A discount is available to Ridgefield seniors age 62 and older. For more information, visit ridgefieldschools.org or call Peggy Bruno at 203-431-2812.
Crafts and Drafts
Housatonic Habitat for Humanity hosts Crafts and Drafts on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 6 to 9 p.m., at Danbury Elks Lodge, 36 Sugar Hollow Rd., Danbury.
The event features a casual fall dinner catered by local restaurants, craft demos, craft beers from Nod Hill Brewery, drafts on tap, wine, two free drinks, and local artist demonstrations.
Crafts and Drafts will benefit Habitat’s Brush with Kindness, a low-cost home improvement program for seniors. Proceeds will keep the fix-it inventory supplied with paint, tools, hardware and numerous toolbox contents.
For tickets, at $35, visit eventbrite.com.
NAMI offers free class
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Southwest CT offers a free six-session educational program for parents and caregivers of children and teens, under the age of 18, with emotional or behavioral difficulties beginning Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 6:30 p.m., at First Congregational Church, 103 Main St., Ridgefield. The class is taught by a trained team of volunteers with lived experience.
Attendees will learn facts about mental health conditions and how best to support their child at home, school, and when getting medical care.
Registration is required. Contact Karen at namisouthwestct@gmail.com or 203-984-8329.
Writing course
Writer’s Spark, a writing course with Kim Kovach will be held Wednesdays, Oct. 2, 16, 23, 30; Nov. 6 and 13, from 10:30 a.m.-noon, at the Town Hall Annex, 66 Prospect St.
The course is for both new and experienced writers to write short stories and personal essays. Participants should bring a notebook and pen.
Instructor Kim Kovach teaches fiction and nonfiction writing for adults in CT and NY. The author of six fiction books, Kim writes a weekly column for Halston Media and lifestyles articles for Westchester Senior Voice and Westchester Wellness.
Cost is $104. Advance registration is required. Ridgefielders age 62 and over pay $83. To register, visit ridgefieldschools.org or call Peggy Bruno at 203-431-2812.