Runner’s Notes: Things I found — 1.16.20 – Sports – GoErie.com

Jan 16, 2020 at 6:00 AM
A random collection of running-related articles, information, and funny stuff I found while surfing around.
Worth Reading
Regional runner and owner of Runner’s High Timing, Mark Courtney was recently profiled on Lifetime Running and he has quite the running streak going. This is something I’m working on myself and it’s hard to “unlearn” this behavior: Why you should disconnect calories from exercise. Good Boy Adopted By Runner After Jumping Into Race Go ahead….dream big.
Race Results
*whistles* So….not much going on this time of year. No results (from Erie) to share this week.
Upcoming races
Feb. 9 — Valentine’s Prediction Run — Presque Isle, Rotary pavilion March 14— St. Patrick’s Day Distance Festival — Presque Isle, Rotary Pavilion April 18 — ERC Spring Into Fitness — Presque Isle
Worth making (Recipes for runners)
Did you pledge to eat healthier this year? Lunches are a great place to start. Here are 30 health lunch ideas.
Group runs
Achille’s Running Shop has free weekly group runs from the store in the West Erie Plaza on Saturdays at 8 a.m. Join their Facebook group to stay up to date on group run info.
Heather Cass is an Erie-area freelance writer, runner, and active member of the Erie Runners Club for 20-plus years. She is immersed in the local fitness culture, and she’s taking your questions at zipdang22 at aol.com.