Seasonal runs, charity walks on Long Island – Newsday
Seasonal runs, charity walks on Long Island Newsday
Most events include short-distance fun runs for youngsters. See race websites for ages, distances and any fees that aren’t listed. HERCULES ON THE HARBOR …
Most events include short-distance fun runs for youngsters. See race websites for ages, distances and any fees that aren’t listed.
HERCULES ON THE HARBOR 10K RUN. Stony Brook Village Center, Main Street, Stony Brook, 631-751-2244, wmho.org/wfb. Fee $40, $45 race day. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 6.
MANHASSET WOMEN’S COALITION AGAINST BREAST CANCER 5K. Mary Jane Davies Park, Plandome Road, Manhasset, 516-627-2410, manhassetbreastcancer.org. Benefits breast cancer treatment, research. Fee $25, $30 race day; $15 age 12 and younger, $20 race day. Date 9:30 a.m. Oct. 6.
PANCREATIC CANCER RESEARCH WALK. Field 5, Jones Beach State Park, Wantagh, 516-737-1561, lustgarten.org. 1- and 3-mile walks, handicap and stroller accessible. Fee $50, $60 event day; $15 age 15 and younger. Date 10 a.m. Oct. 6.
SHANA KAY MEMORIAL 5K RUN/WALK. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack, 631-462-9800, x118, elitefeats.com. Benefits day care scholarship fund. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 6.
STEPPING STONES LIGHTHOUSE 5K. Steppingstone Park, Kings Point, eventpowerli.com/stepping_stone_5k. Benefits lighthouse. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 6
HOT CIDER HUSTLE 5K. Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow, 224-757-5425, tristateruns.com/longislandhotciderhustle. Fee $60. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 12.
INWOOD 5K RUN. Inwood Park, Bayview Avenue, Inwood, 516-239-5405, inwood5k.com. Fun run 9:45 a.m. Benefits college scholarships. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 13.
MILES FOR MARK BRAIN TUMOR AWARENESS 5K. 31 Research Way, East Setauket, elitefeats.com. Benefits brain tumor research. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 13.
SID JACOBSON JCC STRONGER THAN CANCER 5K. Jacobson JCC, 300 Forest Dr., East Hills, 516-484-1545, sjjcc.org/5K. Benefits wellness center. Fee $20, $25 after Oct. 2. Date 9:30 a.m. Oct. 13.
EAST END 5K WALK FOR ALZHEIMER’S. Long Island Aquarium, 431 E. Main St., Riverhead, 631-580-5100, x317, adrcinc.org/eastendwalk. Benefits Alzheimer’s resource center. Fee $40, $15 ages 3-18, $100 family of 2 parents and 2 children. Date 11 a.m. Oct. 19.
GREENLAWN FIRE DEPT. HALLOWEEN 5K. Middle School, 2 Oldfield Rd., Greenlawn, 631-754-5310, runsignup.com. Costumes welcome. Fee $25, $30 race day; $18 age 17 and younger, $25 race day. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 19.
HUDSY 5K. Elementary school, 10 Edgewood Rd., Quogue, 631-653-4285, elitefeats.com. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 19.
LIGHT THE NIGHT 1.3-MILE WALK. Field 6A, Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow, 631-370-7540, lightthenight.org/long-island. Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Fee Donation. Date 7:15 p.m. Oct. 19.
OYSTER BAY SUPERVISOR’S 5K. Townsend Square, Oyster Bay, 516-349-7646, glirc.org. Fee $25 ($22 Oyster Bay residents), $30 race day. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 19.
POST OFFICE CAFE 5K RUN. 130 W. Main St., Babylon, 631-669-9224, glirc.org. Benefits National MPS Society. Fee $25, 30 race day. Date 10 a.m. Oct. 19.
PROTECT THE BLUFFS FAMILY COLOR WALK/RUN. Rogers Middle School, 97 Old Dock Rd., Kings Park, commackrotary.org. 3- or 1.5-mile event to benefit shoreline maintenance. Fee $20, $10 ages 13 and younger, $50 family of 4 ($10 per additional). Date 9:30 a.m. Oct. 19.
RECOVERY AWARENESS AND PREVENTION WEEK 1.5-MILE COLOR RUN. Elementary school, 1157 Fifth Ave., East Northport, 516-351-6540, ndaft.org. Untimed. Bag pickup at Youth Directions & Alternatives, 108 Vernon Valley Rd., 7-9 p.m. Oct. 18. Finishes at Walsh Park, 190 Larkfield Rd. Benefits drug and alcohol task force. Fee $15, $8 ages 3-11, $35 for 2-5 family members. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 19.
SHELTER ISLAND FALL 5K RUN/WALK. Crescent Beach, Shore Road off West Neck Road, Shelter Island, 631-774-9499, shelterislandfall5k.com. Benefits breast health organizations. Free shuttle bus from North Ferry. Fee $35, $40 event day; $15 ages 6-14, $20 event day. Date 11 a.m. Oct. 19.
6-HOUR 60TH BIRTHDAY RUN. Sunken Meadow State Park, Park, 516-349-7646, glirc.org. 2.1-mile trail loop, honors those born in 1959, all ages welcome. Fee $45, $50 race day. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 20.
THEISSEN CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION FREAKY 5K. 1881 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh, 516-679-5098, jtcf.org. Halloween costumes welcome. Fee $20, $25 after Oct. 15. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 20.
MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER 5-MILE WALK. Field 5, Jones Beach State Park, Wantagh, 631-300-3212, makingstrideswalk.org/longisland. Benefits breast cancer research, services. Fee Donation. Date 7 a.m. Oct. 20.
MALVERNE 5K RUN/WALK FOR EDUCATION. Middle school, 75 Ocean Ave., Malverne, 516-887-6445, malvernerun.org. Fee $20, $25 race day; $10 age 18 and younger. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 20.
McVEY 5K AND 1-MILE FUN RUN. Elementary school, 2201 Devon St., East Meadow, elitefeats.com. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 20.
MICHAEL MICHELINI 5K. Town Hall, 655 Main St., Islip, cancersucks5k.com. Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Fee $30, $40 race day; $15 ages 16 and younger, $25 race day. Date 1 p.m. Oct. 20.
SALUTE OUR VETERANS 5K RUN/WALK. Elementary school, 200 Timber Point Rd., East Islip, 631-581-1887, elitefeats.com. Benefits 9/11 veterans. Fee $25, $30 event day; $15 age 12 and younger, $20 event day; free for active service personnel. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 20.
SCOTT J. BEIGEL MEMORIAL FUND 5K RUN 4 BEIGEL. Field 1, Heckscher State Park, East Islip, 631-581-2100, scottjbeigelmemorialfund.com. Honors 2018 Florida school shooting victim. Fee $30, $35 race day. Date 1 p.m. Oct. 20.
TAKE STEPS GOLD COAST WALK FOR CROHN’S AND COLITIS. Beach Park, 175 West Shore Rd., Port Washington, 516-222-5530, cctakesteps.org/longisland2019. Fee See website. Date 1 p.m. Oct. 20.
5K RUN FOR THE RIDLEY. New York Marine Rescue Center, 467 E. Main St., Riverhead, 631-369-9840, nymarinerescue.org. Benefits marine rescue center. Fee $30, $35 Oct. 1-19, $40 race day. Date 8 a.m. Oct. 26.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL CHURCH TOM ZANGAS MEMORIAL 5K. Beach park, 175 West Shore Road, Port Washington, 516-944-3180, elitefeats.com. Benefits Archangel Michael Church and Tom Zangas Memorial Lung Cancer Foundation. Fee $35, free youngr than 12. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 26.
END OPIOID ADDICTION 5K WALK/RUN IN MEMORY OF TONY STONE. East of Lindell Blvd. on boardwalk, Long Beach, 516-860-7893, runsignup.com. Benefits addiction and drug abuse services. Fee $30, $35 race day. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 26.
RHATIGAN’S 5K RUN. 33 S. Tyson Ave, Floral Park, 516-509-4581, elitefeats.com. Benefits Knights of Columbus charitable fund and Rock Steady boxing program at NYIT. Costumes welcome. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 26.
VILLAGE OF BRIGHTWATERS 5K PUMPKIN RUN. Walker Beach, West Shore Rd., Brightwaters, 631-665-1280, active.com. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9:30 a.m. Oct. 26.
MAKING STRIDES AGAINST BREAST CANCER WALK. Suffolk County Community College, 121 Speonk-Riverhead Rd., Riverhead, 631-300-3212, makingstrideswalk.org/easternlongisland. Benefits breast cancer research, services. Fee Donation. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 27.
MERCY CENTER MINISTRIES HALLOWEEN COSTUME 5K RUN/WALK. Veterans Memorial Park, 5789 Route 25, Calverton, runsignup.com. Benefits shelters for homeless teens and mothers. Fee $25, $30 event day. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 27.
MICHAEL SENA’S 5K RUN FOR HOPE. High school, 1 Falcon Pl., Deer Park, michaelsenamemorialfund.org. Benefits anti-drug-use efforts. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Oct. 27.
SLEEPY HOLLOW 5K CHARITY RUN/WALK. Brady Park, Lake Shore Drive, Front Street, Massapequa Park, littlevillage.org. Benefits Hagedorn Little Village School. Fee See website. Date 9:30 a.m. Oct. 27.
SUFFOLK COUNTY 10K, 5K, MARATHON AND HALF-MARATHON FOR VETERANS. 255 W. Main St., Patchogue, 516-349-7646, suffolkmarathon.com. Packet pick-up 3-8 p.m. Oct. 25 and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 26 at St. Joseph’s College, 155 W. Roe Blvd. Fee See website. Date 8 a.m. Oct. 27.
WALK FOR BEAUTY. Village center, Main Street on the harbor, Stony Brook, 631-751-2244, stonybrookvillage.com. 4K, 6K walks and 10K Hercules on the Harbor run. Benefits breast cancer research and Unique Boutique for wigs. Date 8:30 a.m. Oct. 27.
MATTHEW’S TURKEY TROT 5K AND BONE MARROW DRIVE. Centre Island Beach, off Bayville-Centre Island Road, Bayville, 516-695-5137, elitefeats.com. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9:45 a.m. Nov. 2.
RUNNING DEAD 5K RUN/WALK. Shorefront Park, Rider Avenue and Smith Street, Patchogue, elitefeats.com. Register as a zombie or human. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 2.
VETERANS CROSS-COUNTRY 4K RUN. Northport VA Medical Center, 79 Middleville Rd., Northport, 631-922-5405, nrcrun.org. Benefits hospitalized veterans. Fee See website. Date 10 a.m. Nov. 2.
CANCERCARE LUNG CANCER WALK FOR HOPE. Golf course, 1 Southwoods Rd., Woodbury, 212-712-6165, community.cancercare.org/lungcancerwalk. Fee $35, $20 ages 13-22, $10 ages 12 and younger. Date 9:30 a.m. Nov. 3.
EVELYN KNAPP 5K RUN TO REMEMBER/3K WELLNESS WALK. Sunken Meadow State Park, Kings Park, 631-675-6513, strengthforlifeny.org. Benefits exercise program for cancer patients. Fee $25, $15 ages 14 and younger, $30 event day. Date 8:30 a.m. Nov. 3.
MULTI-CHARITY 5K RUN/WALK/ROLL/STROLL. Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow, 516-378-2000, x355, cpnassau5k.greatfeats.com. Benefits Cerebral Palsy Association and other charities. Fee $25 and pledges. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 3.
ISF THE EXCEPTIONAL RACE 10K RUN, 5K WALK/RUN, KIDS FUN RUN. Common Ground at Rotary Park, between Candee and Gillette Avenue, Sayville, 631-664-4230, strongislandrunningclub.com. Benefits Inclusive Sports and Fitness. Fee $25 5k, $30 10k, $35 5k and 10k on race day. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 9.
LONG ISLAND RUN FOR THE WARRIORS. Cedar Beach, Ocean Parkway, Babylon, 910-381-8272, runforthewarriors.org. 5k, 10-mile, 1-mile run. Fee $25 for 5k and 1-mile, $40 for 10-mile. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 9.
PINE BARRENS MARATHON, HALF MARATHON. Sarnoff Pine Barrens Preserve, Route 104, Riverhead, 631-369-1557, jayasports.com. 4- and 2-loop runs. Park Suffolk County Center, 310 Center Drive South; take shuttle bus 6:45-8:15 a.m. Fee $70 half marathon, $90 marathon, $120 relay. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 9.
REDMEN 5K RUN/WALK. Field 1, Heckscher State Park, East Islip, 631-581-2100, elitefeats.com. Benefits college scholarships. Fee $25, $30 after Oct. 27; $15 students, $20 alumni. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 9.
FAIRWAY MARKET 5K TURKEY TROT. Field 6, Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow, 516-442-0117, runsignup.com. Bring food donations. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 10.
INTEGRATED MEDICAL FOUNDATION BLUE RIBBON 5K FOR PROSTATE CANCER. Community park, 7800 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury, 516-349-7646, imfcares.org. Benefits health and prostate cancer causes, free PSA screenings for ages 40 and older 8-10 a.m. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9:30 a.m. Nov. 10.
SEEDS OF HOPE 5K, 10K. Neville Park, Canal Street, Center Moriches, elitefeats.com. Benefits Seeds of Hope Tanzania. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 10.
BROOKHAVEN TRAIL HALF MARATHON, 5 MILE. Brookhaven State Park, 2500 William Floyd Pkwy., Ridge, 631-806-4649, strongislandrunningclub.com. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 17.
SPARTAN LONG ISLAND 5K SPRINT. Old Bethpage Village Restoration, Round Swamp Rd., Old Bethpage, 857-274-5467, spartan.com/en/race/detail/5080/overview. Obstacle course run. Fee $119.99-$169.99 adults, $25.99-$47.99 children. Date 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 23.
EMO TURKEY TROT. Middle school, 9 Adelaide Ave., East Moriches, elitefeats.com. Bring food donation. Benefits student wellness. Fee $20. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 28.
GARDEN CITY 5-MILE TURKEY TROT. St. Paul’s School, 285 Stewart Ave., Garden City, 516-515-1598, gcturkeytrot.com. Special-needs run 8:30 a.m. Benefits Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Interfaith Nutrition Network. Fee See website. Date 10 a.m. Nov. 28.
GAVIN’S GOT HEART TURKEY TROT 5K. Town Hall, 655 Main St., Islip, elitefeats.com. Fee $20, $10 ages 12 and younger. Date 8 a.m. Nov. 28.
MASSAPEQUA 5K TURKEY TROT. Burns Park, 4990 Merrick Rd., Massapequa, elitefeats.com. Fee $25, $28 Sept. 28-Nov. 27, $35 race day. Date 9:15 a.m. Nov. 28.
MONTAUK RUN FOR FUN TURKEY TROT AROUND FORT POND. Village Green, Main Street, Main Street, Montauk, 631-324-2417, montaukchamber.com. 3- or 6-mile race. Fee $10, $15 race day. Date 10 a.m. Nov. 28.
NISSEQUOGUE RIVER STATE PARK FOUNDATION 5K FOR THE PARK. Nissequogue River State Park, 799 St. Johnland Rd., Kings Park, 516-437-4000, ourstatepark.com. Fee $24, $30 race day. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 28.
OYSTER BAY 5K TURKEY TROT. South Street and Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, runsignup.com. Check in at Roosevelt Elementary School, 150 W. Main St. Fee $25, $30 after Nov. 18, $35 race day. Date 9:30 a.m. Nov. 28.
PORT WASHINGTON THANKSGIVING DAY 5-MILE RUN. Beach Park, Manorhaven Boulevard, Manorhaven, 516-767-2121, portchest.org. Benefits Community Chest, register. Fee See website. Date 8:30 a.m. Nov. 28.
SHOREHAM-WADING RIVER THANKSGIVING DAY FOOT RACES. School, 3 Miller Ave., Shoreham, 631-821-8116, swrschools.org. 5k and 1-mile runs for various ages. Benefits scholarships. Fee $15, $20 race day. Date 8 a.m. Nov. 28.
SMILES 5K TURKEY TROT, WALK. Corey Beach, Corey Avenue, Blue Point, 631-552-5754, kidsrunlongisland.org. Benefits Smiles Change Lives. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 28.
TOWNWIDE FUND OF HUNTINGTON 4-MILE THANKSGIVING DAY RUN. American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Rd., Halesite, 631-271-3349, elitefeats.com. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 28.
CONQUER THE HILLS 5K TRAIL RUN AND HIKE. Farmingville Hills County Park, 503 Horseblock Rd., Farmingville, conquerthehills.com. Fee See website. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 29.
MOUNT SINAI TURKEY TROT 5K. High school, 110 N. Country Rd., Mount Sinai, 631-870-2500, strongislandrunningclub.com. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 30.
ST. BRIGID-OUR LADY OF HOPE 5K. St. Brigid-Our Lady of Hope Regional School, 101 Maple Ave., Westbury, 516-333-0580, elitefeats.com. Fee $25, $15 ages 13 and younger, free for clergy/religious and military. Date 9 a.m. Nov. 30.
LYNN GARTNER DUNNE ROB’S RUN 5K. Stillwell Woods, 72 South Woods Rd., Syosset, 516-349-7646, glirc.org. Individuals and teams. Women race 9 a.m., men 9:30. Fee $26, $30 race day, half off high school students and younger. Date 9 a.m. Dec. 1.
SANTACON 5K. Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow, 631-278-6385, leagueofyes.org. Holiday costumes welcome. Benefits baseball for special-needs players. Fee $25. Date 9 a.m. Dec. 1.
INDIAN ISLAND TRAIL 5K AND 15K. Indian Island County Park, County Road 105, Riverhead, 631-369-1557, jayasports.com. Fee 5k $30-$40, 15k $40-$50, 15k relay of 3 $90-$105. Date 9 a.m. Dec. 7.
JINGLE BELL 5K. Grand Blvd. and boardwalk, Long Beach, 516-431-3890, longbeachny.gov/rec. Check in at VFW, 675 W. Park Ave. Holiday costumes, wearable lights encouraged. Donate unwrapped toy. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 6 p.m. Dec. 7.
JINGLE BELL 5K RUN/WALK. USA Building, North Campus, Hofstra University, Hempstead Tpke., Hempstead, 929-436-3865, jbr.org/longisland. Benefits Arthritis Foundation. Fee $40. Date 10 a.m. Dec. 7.
SEAFORD WELLNESS 5K HOT CHOCOLATE RUN/WALK. High school, 1575 Seamans Neck Rd., Seaford, 516-384-8536, seafordwellness.com. Benefits health, substance abuse programs. Fee $25, $35 race day. Date 9 a.m. Dec. 7.
JINGLE ALL THE WAY 5K. Cedar Creek Park, 3340 Merrick Rd., Seaford, 516-442-0117, raceawesome.com. Donate unwrapped toy. Fee $35, $40 race day. Date 9 a.m. Dec. 8.
SANTA’S 5K TOY TROT, MRS. CLAUS 1-MILER AND RUDOLPH’S FUN RUN. Shorefront Park, Rider Avenue and Smith Street, Patchogue, 516-220-8574, santas5ktoytrot.com. Donate unwrapped toy. Benefits Kiwanis Foundation. Fee $30, $35 race day. Date 11 a.m. Dec. 8.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 5K. High School, 190 Seventh St., Bohemia, 631-244-2228, elitefeats.com. Benefits Habitat for Humanity. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 9:30 a.m. Dec. 14.
SNOWBALL RUN 5-MILER. Mulcahy’s Pub, 3232 Railroad Ave., Wantagh, 516-557-2325, x3, wantaghchamber.com. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 8 a.m. Dec. 14.
TOUGH COOKIE 8K TRAIL RACE. Field 1, Sunken Meadow State Park, Kings Park, 917-603-6535, nrcrun.org. Fee $25, $30 race day. Date 10 a.m. Dec. 15.
HO HO HO 5K. Middle school, 500 Broadway, Bethpage, 516-349-7646, glirc.org. Costumes welcome. Fee $25, $30 race day; $12.50 younger than 16. Date 9:30 a.m. Dec. 21.
SANTA 5K. Field 2, Eisenhower Park, 1899 Hempstead Tpke., East Meadow, 516-797-2685, lirrc.org. Costumes welcome. Fee $12. Date 9 a.m. Dec. 21.
GLIRC HECKSCHER TO CONNETQUOT TRAIL 9.3-MILE RUN. Field 5, Heckscher State Park, East Islip, 516-349-7646, glirc.org. No registration. Fee Free. Date 8 a.m. Dec. 22.
MAGGIE’S MILE NEW YEAR’S DAY RUN. Sunken Meadow State Park golf course, Kings Park, 631-269-5351, elitefeats.com. Benefits Maggie’s Mission pediatric cancer fund. Fee $25, $30 after Dec. 1. Date 10 a.m. Jan. 1.
STATE PARKS WINTER RUN SERIES. Long Island State Parks, 631-321-3510. Four races: Jan. 12 Heckscher State Park, Jan. 19 Robert Moses, Jan. 26 Sunken Meadow, Feb. 2 Jones Beach. Fee $40 in advance for series; $15 race days. Dates 11 a.m. Sundays.
By Newsday Staff