Senator Square: Carson High School seniors rise with the sun – Carson Now
Senator Square: Carson High School seniors rise with the sun Carson Now
Watching them gather, wearing pajamas, wrapped in blankets, and celebrating the beginning of their senior year, the Class of 2019-2020 gathered together at …
By Phil Brady
Watching them gather, wearing pajamas, wrapped in blankets, and celebrating the beginning of their senior year, the Class of 2019-2020 gathered together at 6:00 a.m. Aug. 30 on the bleachers of the Carson High School football field to watch the sun rise; it is the beginning of their last year at CHS, and, for some of them, their last year as students who were raised within the Carson City School District, students who went from kindergarten at Mark Twain Elementary to Carson Middle School and have spent the last three years at CHS.
For these students, the seasons of their public schooling are in the final stage, and their discussions about schooling are now very simple: What are they doing after high school, and which college will they be attending?
The sun has risen on their final year of school, and they are filled with emotion, hope, and excitement about the future. It was also time for seniors to decide on a school song, quote, and t-shirt which represents who they are as students, individuals, and upper classmen. Fall is in the air, and the beginning of every school year at CHS offers the current class of seniors the opportunity to get together in the morning, have some baked goods, hot chocolate, and coffee, and make a few personal decisions. All in all, today was a new beginning, the beginning of an exciting last year of high school.
They noticed those who go unnoticed, they see the brokenhearted, and they offer gratitude to the ones who get little or no attention; CHS Future Business Leaders of America noticed it was time to thank the CHS custodians for all they do for the administrators, teachers, staff, and…of course…the students. Teacher and adviser Angila Golik, and members of FBLA, created a poster and asked everyone at CHS to come and sign the poster to thank the custodial staff for all they do every day. The FBLA officers were happy to serve up cake and pie to those who attended. According to Golik, “We are grateful for a wonderful staff; for those who do not know, we have 14 custodial staff people who take care of this school with over 2,400 students and staff, so kudos to them all.”
CHS District Work-Based Learning Coordinator Yetti De Luca is currently visiting all senior English classes to discuss career, employment, and apprenticeship opportunities as well as assist with helping seniors find a suitable topic for their Senior Projects, a CHS graduation requirement for over 20 years now. How many high schools have a full-time staff member available to help students make positive choices about their future educational and career pursuits.
Parents, guardians, please have students stop by the CHS Career Center to visit for one-on-one student services. Students, parents, and guardians may also make appointments to visit and receive assistance with career exploration, resume building, career advising, job shadowing, internships, and post-graduation opportunities.
Please email Yetti De Luca at ydeluca@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
CHS teacher and FCA adviser Ty McMillen has some great ideas this school year, not to mention the other FCA groups in the area. In fact, he and the FCA members met Thursday throughout the summer at Starbucks to read the Bible, and make plans for the upcoming school year. Currently, there are FCA groups at Dayton High School with adviser Melaynia Wick, Douglas High School with adviser Ginny Thomas, Carson Middle School with adviser Justin Clark, and Carson Valley Middle School. The goal of FCA is to foster unity and support between the groups as they follow their faith through word, deed, and by sharing with students and encouraging students to share as well. FCA meets every Tuesday at lunch in lead adviser Ty McMillen’s room. Pastors in the area, as well as CHS graduates, will be sharing their testimonies and returning to their alma mater to share their Christian experiences as current college students and as former CHS FCA members.
The event, scheduled for Sept. 9 from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m., takes the traditional back-to-school night to a whole new level. Open House, Open Hearts highlights Carson City based activities, family friendly events, and provides information and screenings for a variety of local services. The purpose of Open House, Open Hearts is to build bridges to local services for teens and their families, increase parent and guardian engagement with CHS staff, students, and activities, and celebrate the community, creativity and diverse talents of Carson City. There will be entertainment along with food and beverages. Questions? Call CHS at 283-1910.
Safe Grad is always looking for volunteers for this important event which could not take place without the wonderful and needed support of the parents and community. This year they are using a new signup program for volunteer coordination. Safe Grad occurs June 6-7, and they really need support for all portions of the program. There are always multiple times and options available.
It is particularly difficult to fill the midnight and later shifts. Safe Grad is using SignUp.com (the leading online SignUp and reminder tool) with 3 easy steps: Click signup.com/go/acPsyOg, review the options listed, and choose the spot(s) liked; Sign up; easy. Volunteers will not need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.com. Note: SignUp.com does not share email addresses with anyone. Prefer not to use an email address, contact the Safegrad volunteer Coordinator at 741-3918 or emailchsgbvolunteer@gmail.com.
Staff from the Western Nevada College Latino cohort are available with important steps to attend college. Recently, in the CHS Library, students were fortunate to hear stories from former CHS students at WNC share how they learned to obtain free money for a college degree. They were also able to meet faculty and counselors to ask questions. One student won a $500 scholarship and free admission to a class. For more information, contact Lupe Ramirez at 445-3215 or follow the Latino Cohort on WNC’s Facebook page.
CHS teacher Cheryl Macy is teaching the UNR EDU 110 class to students earning UNR and CHS credit. Mrs. Macy, UNR’s education department, and the EDU 110 students have joined together to facilitate a successful internship experience for CHS’ potential future educators. The EDU 110 class is taking a field trip to UNR this fall in order to tour the campus and specifically the UNR School of Education. Call CHS teacher Cheryl Macy at 283-1660 or email her at cmacy@carson.k12.nv.us
Going to college? Joining the workforce? Doing both? Whatever the direction, College Connections is available every day at lunch in room 257 to help students apply for college and scholarships. Also, Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at carsonhigh.com: Click on Academics, Counseling Department, and The Scoop on the left. The CHS Guidance Office is also there to help students. Applied to WNC yet? Call the Guidance Office at 283-1915, or email counselor Amanda Chambers at achambers@carson.k12.nv.us. Additionally, a Multnomah College representative is coming Sept. 3 at 1:00 p.m. to the Tech Center Conference Room. Multnomah University is a private, non-profit, accredited, Christian University located in Reno, Nevada.
Their focus is to equip students to become academically proficient, grounded in Christian values and culturally engaged leaders. With campus’ in Reno and Portland, they offer a variety of degrees, both onsite and online. Sign up in the Guidance Office and get a pass to attend this presentation.
ACT/SAT Weekend Boot Camps will take place throughout the school year, and students need to contact the Guidance Office to learn more about upcoming ACT/SAT weekend Boot Camps. Students who attend these camps see between 3 to 7 points improvement. Sign up now and receive a special Carson Senator price. These classes start soon, so sign up now. A reminder to all AP students, AP exam fees are due in the Finance Office now.
Hey gamers. CHS has a new club, the E-Sports Gamer’s Club. Like to play Overwatch, Fortnite, Smash Bros, C.S. GO, or Rainbow Six, then head over to Mr. Houk’s room 304 at lunch. The club is looking for students interested in a competitive league for these games.
Missed buying last year’s Carneta yearbook? Because of an overrun, CHS has some of last year’s Carnetas for sale at the incredible price of $50. This sale is available to everyone, so do not forget the 2019 Carneta yearbook, another award winner, is still available. See CHS Journalism teacher and yearbook adviser Patt Quinn-Davis in room 136, order one from Student Finance, email her at pquinn-davis@carson.k12.nv.us.
The CHS Student of the Week is Carlos Torres Span. According to CHS Spanish teacher Marisa Morrow, who nominated him, “Carlos is in Advanced Placement classes and is a very good student; he does a fantastic job in class, is always ready and prepared, had a perfect 5 on the AP Spanish Exam; he helps fellow classmates to be successful and has a fun personality with an also fun sense of humor.” Morrow went on to say “His participation is excellent, and he tried his best in class, always knew his material, had a 100 percent most of the time, and came to class on time every time.” Carlos Torres Span is an amazing student, a positive influence at CHS.
This week’s outstanding senior in the spotlight is Hannah Kaiser. Hannah, who will have successfully completed 6 AP classes and numerous Honors classes when she graduates, is an exceptional student with a 4.75 GPA. In addition to exceling academically, Hannah’s cheerful nature and genuine personality are assets that will serve her well in the future. Although Hannah prioritizes her academics, she is also very involved at CHS as well as in the Carson community. Hannah has been an integral part of CHS leadership during her four years here and is the 2019-2020 Student Body President finding ways to get her leaders involved in getting students involved in the school’s multiple events.
She is a member of the CHS chapter of the National Honor Society and through these organizations has organized and participated in numerous community service activities and fundraising events. Hannah served as team captain on both the CHS Freshman and JV Girls’ Volleyball Team her first two years of high school and has earned three varsity letters in track. Hannah joined the CHS Cross Country Team her junior year and was able to compete as one of the top distance runners in northern Nevada at the State Cross Country Championships. Hannah will be applying to several colleges including Pepperdine, Colorado State University, and UNR.
She is considering pursuing studies in kinesiology or a specialized degree which would lead to law school. CHS is very proud of the contributions Hannah has made to the school and community and knows she will be successful in whatever path she chooses. Best of luck, Hannah.
— Senator Square columnist Phil Brady is an English teacher at Carson High School in Carson City, Nevada.