Sports Calendar – Ledger Independent
Sports Calendar Ledger Independent
BRYAN CONWAY JUNIOR MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT The Bryan Conway Junior Memorial Golf Tournament sponsored by Schumacher Insurance will …

The Bryan Conway Junior Memorial Golf Tournament sponsored by Schumacher Insurance will take place July 22 at Kenton Station. The tournament is open to all boys’ and girls’ between the ages of 9-16. Entry fee is $5. Call (606)759-7154 to sign up.
Anyone girl going into grades 7-12 who would like to tryout for the Mason County High School Girls Golf Team please be at Laurel Oaks Golf Course July 24, at 4:30 p.m. Each kid who wishes to tryout must have an updated physical or they won’t be able to tryout. Please contact head coach Jason Butler with any questions at 606-407-1280 or email at: [email protected]
St. Patrick basketball camp will be held July 29-August 1 at St Patrick Gym from 8-11:30 a.m. each day. Cost is $50 for the first child and $25 for the second. Checks can be made to: St. Patrick Athletic Club and received by July 29 at the school. Application can be emailed to [email protected] and checks can be mailed to: St. Patrick School, 318 Limestone Street, Maysville, KY, 41056. The camp is for grades K-8 (2019-20 school year) for boys and girls. Format of camp will consist of individual and group stations and also 3-on-3 league and tournament with trophies awarded, shooting contests for spot shot, free throw, and 3 point shots. High School coaches will run the camp along with current and past high school players. Eight-foot goals will be used for younger grades. Call or text Aaron Rigdon at 606-584-1495 or Chris Bauer at 606-584-0146 or email [email protected] if questions or need additional applications.
The Manchester River Days 5K run/walk will take place August 3 at 8:30 a.m. at the Riverfront. The 5k run is flat to gently rolling hills that begins along the riverfront. The walk is 2.2 miles around town. Entry fee is $15 for advance registration which guarantees a T-shirt, $20 the day of the race. Medals go to the top overall male/female runners and top three for each division. Divisions for runners are 14 and under, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70 and over. Walkers divisions are under 40 and 40 and over. For more information, call Vic Bowman at (937)549-3691 or email: [email protected] Mail entries and checks to: Manchester River Days 5K, c/o Vic Bowman, 3258 Cabin Creek Rd., Manchester, OH, 45144. Entries should include name, age, sex, run or walk, address, city, state, email and t-shirt size and a consent acknowledging liability.
The Project Malaria 5K run/walk will take place August 10 downtown Maysville at Limestone Landing. Registration is at 7 a.m. and the race starts at 8 a.m. The race is in conjuction with the Oktoberfest events. Entry fee is $15 before August 2, $20 after August 2. A family fee is available for $60 for families of four or more. Awards will also be presented to the top male and female runners/walkers in each division. All funds raised will go to Kabingo and Bethlehem, Uganda through Comboni Missionaries. Handmade baskets, made by the women of Kabingo, will be available for sale at the race through the Hope for Kabingo Foundation. Basket sales are cash only. If you have any questions or comments please contact Keri Teegarden at (606) 759-7141 ext. 66118. For more information go to: www.maysville.kctcs.edu/community/project-malaria.