Summerguide calendar – Illinois Times
Summerguide calendar Illinois Times
May Museum After Hours – Prohibition May 24, 5-8pm Fri. The museum is turned into a speakeasy to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the ratification of the …

Museum After Hours – Prohibition
May 24, 5-8pm Fri. The museum is turned into a speakeasy to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the ratification of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition). Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. Ages. 21+. $10 members, $15 non. 782-0979. museum.state.il.us.
Clay Date Night
May 25, 6:30-9pm Sat. Bring your other half and join us for an evening of ceramics activity for couples. All skill levels. Ages 21+. $60 per couple. Springfield Art Association, 700 N. Fourth St., 217-523-2631. springfieldart.org.
Flags at Camp Butler
May 25, 7-9am Sat. Area scouts and veterans will place flags on the graves of veterans. Rain or shine. Camp Butler National Cemetery, 5063 Camp Butler Road, 217-492-4070.
Passavant-Gatorade 5K and 10K
May 25, 7:30am Sat. Runners and walkers are welcome to participate. $25 advance, $30 race day. Passavant Area Hospital, 1600 W. Walnut St., Jacksonville, 217-245-9541.
Old Capitol Farmers Market
May 25-Oct 26, 8am-12:30pm, every Wed and Sat. Farmers and artisans accept cash for products. If you prefer to pay by credit card, visit the Market Booth to purchase cash tokens. There is an ATM on the Market St. Old Capitol Farmers Market, Fourth and Adams streets, 217-544-1723.
Sacred Heart Convent Chapel Tour
May 26, 1:30pm Sun. Enjoy an up-close encounter with this mid-century modern architectural gem. Accessible facility. Free, but preregistration required. Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe St., 217-787-0481. springfieldop.org.
Spring Fest
May 26, 3-7pm Sun. Games for kids, socializing and a cookout. Grand opening of the Early African American Pioneer Family exhibit from 5-7 pm. Donations appreciated. Springfield and Central Illinois African American History Museum, 1440 Monument Ave., 217-391-6323.
Harley-Davidson Springfield Mile
May 26, 1-8pm Sun. The world’s fastest mile. $35 advance; $45 race week. Illinois State Fair Grandstand, 801 E. Sangamon Ave., 217-782-6661. springfieldmile.org.
Portrait Painters Club
May 27- Jun 24, 6:30-9:30pm every Mon. Practice portrait painting or work on other projects. Must be willing to sit as a model occasionally (clothed). The Pharmacy Gallery and Art Space, 623 E. Adams St., 801-810-9278. All skill levels. $5 donation.
Horse Camp
May 27-Aug 5, 8am-4pm every Mon. Activities include horse care, riding lessons, games, crafts, hay rack rides, nature hikes and daily trail rides. Learn to groom, saddle, and ride. Fees. Riverside Stables Horse Camp, 2310 Chinchilla Lane, 217-522-7702. riversidestable.com.
May 30, 6:30pm Thu. Discussion about the most momentous days of World War II. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, 212 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
May 31, 6-9pm Fri. Explore installations, paintings, drawings, sculptures, music and videos that evoke dreams and bring artistic dreams to life. Free. The Pharmacy Gallery and Art Space, 623 E. Adams St., 801-810-9278. pharmacygallery.com.
Little Flower Parish 14th Annual Heritage Days Summer Fest
May 31-Jun 2, 5-11pm Fri, 12-11pm Sat, 12-3pm Sun. Kids’ area, bags tournament, good food, cold beer and carnival rides. Church of the Little Flower, 800 Stevenson Dr., 217-529-1606. little-flower.org.
Iles House Spring Fundraiser
Jun 1, 5-7:30pm Sat. Hors d’oeuvres, drinks and live music by Tom Irwin and Theresa O’Hare. Elijah Iles House, 628 S. Seventh St., 217-492-5929. Reservations. $50. 553-0055. iles-house.blogspot.com.
Happy Camper Trail Race
Jun 1, 7:15-11am Sat. 2.5 mile $25, 5 mile $45. Kids 12 and under fun run for free (no registration). Lewis Memorial Acres, 399 S. Koke Mill Road, 217-529-2625.
Summer Reading 2019 Kickoff
Jun 1, 11am-12pm Sat. Martika will be performing her one-woman stunt show, thrilling readers both young and old. Get the chance to win door prizes and get your picture taken in the photo booth. Free. Lincoln Library, 326 S. Seventh St., 217-753-4900. lincolnlibrary.info.
Summer Passport Series
May 27-Aug 4. A series of five search activities will enable families to take a closer look at the exhibits that they love. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Gaming – Museum Super Saturday
Jun 1, 11am-3pm Sat. Discover the history of your favorite game and get the chance to create your own. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Rees International Carillon Festival
Jun 2-4, 6-7, 6pm Sun-Tue andThu-Fri. Annual festival features nightly carillon concerts by renowned carillonneurs. Fireworks on Friday at dusk. Free. Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-3853. carillon-rees.org.
Objects of the Lincoln Era
June 4-Aug 6, 2-2:30pm every Tue. Handle Lincoln-era objects as you learn about how they were used and what they meant to the people of Lincoln’s time. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Something’s Brewing in Boston
Jun 4, 6-9:30pm Tue. Travel back to the Green Dragon Tavern in 1775 where Paul Revere, General Joseph Warren and other Freemasons debate the new tax King George has placed on tea. $15 dinner, $10 play. Reservations are required by May 29. Springfield Masonic Center, 1020 Rickard Road, 217-793-7728. aasr-spi.org.
Architectural Walking Tour
Jun 5, 5:30-7pm Wed. Old State Capitol Plaza, between Sixth and Fifth streets at Adams, 217-544-1723.
Moonlight Market
Jun 5, 19, Jul 3, 17, Aug 7, 21, 6-9pm Wed. Highlighting local artists, artisans, crafters and vendors from around the Springfield and central Illinois area. All vendors fees are donated to selected charities. Free. Obed and Isaacs, 500 S. Sixth St., 217-670-0627. 217-522-3123.
Mickey Learning Series: 1920s ‘Immigrant’ Springfield
Jun 5, 7-8:30pm Wed. Learn about Springfield tavern life, Prohibition, the Mine Wars, backyard farming and more through the eyes of our 2,000 Lithuanian coal-mining immigrants. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-558-6696. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
In This Great Struggle
Jun 6, 9am-5pm Thu. The Greatest Generation Remembers World War II lets those who experienced the war tell their amazing stories through oral history, artifacts and original poster art. Museum admission. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, 212 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Pawnee Prairie Days
Jun 6-9, 5pm Thu-Fri, 10am Sat-Sun. Bands, carnival rides, pageants, parade, car and tractor shows and food. Pawnee town square, 217-825-8878.
At Home in the Heartland Walk and Talk
June 7-28, 2-2:30pm every Fri. Take a journey through 200 years of Illinois history on this curator-led gallery walk-through. Appropriate for all ages. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Camp COCO Golf Outing
Jun 7, 12:30-7pm Fri. Nearly 100 children with cancer and blood related disorder will attend the camp this year. Help raise funds to send them to camp by participating as a sponsor, donor and/or golfer. The Rail Golf Course, 1400 South Club House Dr., 525-0365. 217-545-2819. siumed.edu.
Aqua Fest
Jun 7-8, Fri-Sat. Featuring Robert Sampson on Friday and JukeRox on Saturday. Open to the public. Aqua Sports Club, 1 Club Area, 217-529-2431.
Artist-in-Residence Reception
Jun 8, 6-8pm Sat. Featuring Jeff Williams. Free. Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, 603 S. Fifth St., 217-524-0901. vachellindsay.org.
Summer Frolic
Jun 8, 10am-4pm Sat. Period-clothed interpreters celebrate frontier heritage, plus World Wide Knit in Public Day. Bring your own chair and knit. Lincoln’s New Salem State Historic Site, 15588 History Lane, Petersburg, 217-632-4000. lincolnsnewsalem.com.
Wild Paws Fest
Jun 8, 9am-8pm Sat. K9 Krew Disc Dog Team, bounce house, magician, demonstrations and evening entertainment by the Brat Pack. $5, kids 5 and under are free. Orr Building, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 217-725-8047.
Race for Life – BMX Race
Jun 9, 3-8pm Sun. Riverside Park, 4105 Sand Hill Road. 544-1751.
Baseball Camp
Jun 10, 9am-2pm Mon. Fundamental skills camp for boys age 7-18. $150. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. 217-786-2426. llcc.edu.
PAVE 2019 – Looking for Lincoln
Jun 10, 9am-4pm Mon. Kids entering 3rd-9th grades will experience what it takes to stage a live production. Finale is a free performance. Doors open 7:30-5:00 daily. $335 per session. Springfield Theatre Centre, 420 S. Sixth St., 217-523-2787. 217-414-8905.
Campus Visit Day
Jun 11, 10am-12pm Tue. Free event for prospective students and families. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. 217-786-2577. llcc.edu.
Bugs! Story Time
Jun 11, 9:30-10am Tue. Discover these amazing little creatures with fun, entertaining stories. Ages 3-5. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Summer Film Fest: Butterflies
Jun 11, 10-10:30am Tue. These colorful insects go through a remarkable process from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly. Each step in the process has its own unique properties. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Sangamon County Fair
Jun 11-16, Tue-Sun. Carnival, food, Miss Sangamon County pageant, livestock shows, tractor pulls, live entertainment and more. 316 W. Birch St., New Berlin. 217-488-2685. sangcofair.com.
Curators of In This Great Struggle
Jun 12, 5:30pm Wed. Team that created the World War II exhibit will discuss the photographs, audio, video and amazing artifacts. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Barnes PRCA Rodeo
Jun 12, 7pm Wed. Grandstand entertainment. Admission. Sangamon County Fairgrounds, 316 W. Birch St., New Berlin, 488-2685 sangcofair.com.
Fine Craft Fair
Jun 13, 9am-5pm Thu. Dozens of local and regional artisans showcase their finest jewelry, sculpture, glass art, painting, wood crafts, handbags and apparel. The Gables, 2800 Plaza Dr., 793-3344. thegablesofspringfield.com.
Tales from the Vault
Jun 13, 12pm Thu. Unique items from WWII will be displayed and a historian will be on hand to fill you in on all the facts. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Truck and Tractor Pulls
Jun 13, 6pm Thu. Grandstand entertainment. Admission. Sangamon County Fairgrounds, 316 W. Birch St., New Berlin, 488-2685. sangcofair.com.
Movies in the Park – A Wrinkle in Time
Jun 14, 8pm Fri. Bring a lawn chair, sleeping bag or blankets to sit on. Movie begins at sunset, approximately 8pm. Free. Comer Cox Park, Capitol Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, 544-1751. springfieldparks.org.
Movies in the Park – Bohemian Rhapsody
Jun 14, 8-10:30pm Fri. Free. The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater, 620 E. Riverside Dr., Decatur, 217-619-8025. devonamphitheater.com.
Stovepipe Sprint, Railsplitter Olympic and Illinois Half Distance Triathlons
Jun 15, 8am Sat. Lake Petersburg Peach Street Boat Ramp, Petersburg, triharderpromotions.com. 217-341-1309.
Tractor and Gas Engine Show and Ice Cream Social
Jun 15, 9am-3pm Sat. No registration fee to display antique equipment. Food and ice cream, kiddie tractor pull and museum exhibits. Free admission. DeWitt County Museum, 219 E. Woodlawn St., Clinton, 935-6066. 217-621-8478. chmoorehomestead.org.
Virden Car Show/Fred Britenstine Memorial Car Show
Jun 15, 8am-12pm Sat. Registration $20 for first standard class. $10 for additional standard classes or for 2019 Specialty Class “Public Service Vehicles.” Vendors, drawings, food. Virden square, Virden.
Superheroes Boot Camp Day
Jun 15, 10am-1pm Sat. Climbing and racing activities, map reading, a bounce house obstacle course, and much more. Participants are encouraged to wear their favorite superhero costume. Admission. Union Square Park, 212 N. Sixth St. 217-558-9014.
The Outlaws and
Renegades Tour
Jun 15, 7pm Sat. Featuring Travis Tritt, Charlie Daniels and The Cadillac Three. Sangamon County Fair, 316 W. Birch St., New Berlin. 217-488-2685. sangcofair.com.
Demolition Derby
Jun 16, 4pm Sun. Grandstand entertainment. Admission. Sangamon County Fairgrounds, 316 W. Birch St., New Berlin, 488-2685. sangcofair.com.
British Soccer Camp
Jun 17, 8am Mon. Individual foot skills, technical drills, tactical practices, small-sided games and scrimmages. Ages 3-5. $87. Lincoln Park, Fifth Street and Sangamon Avenue, 217-544-1751. springfieldparks.org.
Basketball Camp
Jun 17-20, 8:30-11am Mon-Thu. Fundamentals camp for boys age 8-15. $80. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. llcc.edu llcc.edu.
Basketball Camp
Jun 17-20, 12-2pm Mon-Thu. Shooting and ball handling camp for boys age 8-15. $70. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. llcc.edu. llcc.edu.
Jun 17-20, 8:15am-12:15pm Mon-Thu. Interactive games, physical activity, art, crafts and storytelling. Incoming 3rd-5th grade girls. $135. LLCC Trutter Center, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. gotrcentralillinois.org. llcc.edu.
Summer Film Fest: Volcanoes
Jun 18, 10-10:30am Tue. Discover how Earth creates islands with a trip to an active volcano. Ages 3-8. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Oh Freedom! Songs of the Civil Rights Movement
Jun 19, 7pm Wed. Chris Vallillo is joined by Springfield’s Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Choir. $8 members, $10 non. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Brown Bag Lecture: Peggy Guggenheim During World War II
Jun 19, 12-1pm Wed. The Jewish-American art collector collected many modern artworks that are now considered foundational to the mid-nineteenth century avant-garde art movement. Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center, 1011 E. Ash St., 217-785-0037. 217-558-6696. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Sci-Art Studio Summer Camp
Jun 20-21, 8:30am-3:30pm Thu-Fri. Hands-on science and amazing art. Activities include cool kitchen chemistry and one-of-a-kind sculpture projects. Register by June 7. Ages 11-14. $60 members, $70 non. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Springfield Municipal Band
Jun 22, 10:30am Sat. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, 212 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Paint the Street
Jun 22, 11am-10pm Sat. Purchase a 6×6 foot square of street to paint solo or with your family and friends. Free admission. To paint: $35 advance, $40 at door and $45 professional. All supplies included. Downtown Springfield, Inc., 3 W. Old State Capitol Plaza, 217-544-1723. springfieldart.org.
Cars, Crafts and Kids
Jun 22, 10am-4pm Sat. Car show and art fair, plus a music festival from 9am-12pm. $3 adults, $1 ages 6-12 and free to ages 5 and under. Clayville, Route 125, Pleasant Plains, 217-572-4984. clayville.org.
Antique Show and Farm Fest
Jun 22-23, 9am-5pm Sat, 9am-3pm Sun. Antiques on Saturday, steam and gas engines, and tractor parade on Sunday. Period craftsmen, demonstrations, entertainment, food, Civil War group, flea market and tours. $5. Historic Marbold Farmstead, 21722 State Hwy 29, Greenview. historic-marbold-farmstead.org.
Poets in the Parlor
Jun 23, 2-4pm Sun. Jessica Suchon. Free. Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, 603 S. Fifth St., 217-524-0901. vachellindsay.org.
Princess Tea
Jun 23, 1pm Sun. Learn all about princess etiquette and even meet a princess in person. Museum admission. Kidzeum of Health and Science Children’s Museum, 412 E. Adams St., 217-971-4435. kidzeum.org.
Art + Science + Play Summer Camp
Jun 24, 8:30-11:30am Mon. Projects will include learning about the power of the sun with sun prints, getting messy with tie-dye and more. Register by June 14. Ages 4-5. $90 members, $115 non. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Softball Camp
Jun 25, 8:30am-12pm Tue. Fundamental skills camp for girls age 9-14. $75. llcc.edu Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. llcc.edu.
Elijah Iles House Summer Porch Chats
Jun 26, 5:30-6:30pm Wed. Growing Up in Springfield. Speaker will be Tony Leone. Free. Elijah Iles House, 628 S. Seventh St., 217-492-5929. 217-481-4397. iles-house.blogspot.com.
The Legacy of World War I
Jun 27, 6:30pm Thu. President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, 212 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
General W.H.L. Wallace
Jun 27, 6:30-7:45pm Thu. Speakers Dan Schott and Ron Slack. Free. Books on the Square Springfield, 427 E. Washington St., 217-965-5443. booksonthesquare.com.
Paranormal Cirque
Jun 27, Thu. A combination theater, circus and cabaret with European-style flare. Mature audiences. $10+. White Oaks Mall, 2501 Wabash Ave., 217-787-0110. 941-704-8572. paranormalcirque.com.
Chatham American Legion Homecoming
Jun 27-29, 5pm-11pm Thu, 5pm-12am Fri, 12pm-12am Sat. An old-fashioned street festival with good food, cold beverages, great bands, carnival rides and fun for the whole family. Chatham Town Square, 101 W. Mulberry, Chatham, 217-483-4804. chathamlegion.com.
Assumption Fest
Jun 27-29, Thu-Sat. Food, beer tent, parade, bags tournament, kiddie and adult tractor pulls, the Majestik Spectacular stunt show and featuring Tennessee Borderline on Saturday evening. Chestnut St., Assumption.
Movies in the Park – Ralph Breaks the Internet
Jun 28, 8-10:30pm Fri. Free The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater, 620 E. Riverside Dr., Decatur, 217-619-8025. devonamphitheater.com.
Adult Summer Camp Weekend
Jun 28-29, 5-10pm Fri, 7am-7pm Sat. Relive some of your favorite summer camp memories. $80 includes four meals and dorm housing. Lake Springfield Christian Assembly, 1674 Lick Creek Lane, Chatham, 217-529-2625. lscacamp.org.
Daylily Society Plant Show
Jun 29, 12-3pm Sat. All ages. Free. Washington Park Botanical Garden, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-4116. springfieldparks.org.
Independence Party
Jun 29, Sat. Sangamo Surf Club, 405 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1712.
Olympic Race Day – BMX
Jun 30, 2-7pm Sun. Riverside Park, 4105 Sand Hill Road, All ages. Free.
Springfield Civic Garden Club
Jul 1, 9am Mon. Make Every Drop Count-Xeriscaping, presented by Christopher Enroth. Free. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 533 S. Walnut St., 217-522-4415. 563-940-5735. scgc-il.org.
Jul 2, 10-10:30am Tue. In this school bus series film, the students take a field trip to a dinosaur dig and travel back to the time of the dinosaurs. Ages 3-8. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Architectural Walking Tour
Jul 3, 5:30-7pm Wed. Anthony Rubano will lead a tour of the state capitol campus. The tour will conclude with a complimentary reception. Free. Illinois State Capitol, Capitol and Second St., 217-544-1723.
Curator’s Choice: Five Favorite Objects
Jul 3, 12-1pm Wed. Join curator Erika Holst as she shares the fascinating story behind her top five favorite objects. Free. Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center, 1011 E. Ash St., 217-785-0037. 217-558-6696. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Ocean-front property in Colorado
Jul 3, 7-8:30pm Wed. Mosasaurs from the Western Interior Seaway as a system for understanding evolution during greenhouse climates. Presented by Joshua Lively of UIS. Free. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. museum.state.il.us.
4th of July Bash
Jul 4, 10am-10pm Thu. Military and emergency vehicles, ceremony, live music and fireworks. Free. The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater, 620 E. Riverside Dr., Decatur, 217-619-8025. devonamphitheater.com.
Exhibit Walk and Talk
July 5-Aug 16, 2-2:30pm every Fri. Join a museum curator for a guided walk and talk. Explore different topics and galleries. Appropriate for all ages. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
The Sandlot
Jul 5, 8-10:30pm Fri. Free. The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater, 620 E. Riverside Dr., Decatur, 217-619-8025. devonamphitheater.com.
Jul 6, 6-8pm Sat. Jen Santarelli. Free. Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, 603 S. Fifth St., 217-524-0901. vachellindsay.org.
APL’s Christmas in July
Jul 6, 12-4pm Sat. Games, shelter tours, a visit from Santa himself (who is very hard to get in the off-season) celebrity dunk tank, doggy costume contest and vendors. Animal Protective League, 1001 Taintor Road, 217-544-7387. apl-shelter.org.
Flex Your Mussels Super Saturday
Jul 6, 11am-3pm Sat. Learn to identify different mussel species and about their history and their different uses. Discover what makes mussels so special with crafts, games and more. Ages 5+. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Extreme Explorers Summer Camp
Jul 8-12, 8:30am-3:30pm Mon-Fri. Explore art and science this summer from designing sculptures to discovering glaciers. Ages 8-11. Register by June 24. $150 members, $180 non. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
LLCC Volleyball Camp
Jul 8-10, 8:30 and 12:30 Mon-Wed. Fundamentals Camp. Ages 8-14. $70. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. 217-786-2426. llcc.edu.
College for Kids
Jul 8-11, 8:30am-12:30pm Mon-Thu. For students who have completed grades K-8. $145 or $195 for the culinary session for grades 4-7. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. 217-786-2432. llcc.edu.
Learn from the Past – Create Your Own Future
Jul 8, 9am-3pm Mon. Grades 4-6. Outdoor games, costumes and characters, arts and crafts. $25 registration. Springfield and Central Illinois African American History Museum, 1440 Monument Ave., 217-391-6323.
PAVE 2019 – Underwater Adventure
Jul 8-20, 9am-4pm Mon-Sat. Kids entering 3rd-9th grades will experience what it takes to stage a live production. Finale is a free performance. Doors open 7:30-5:00 daily. $335 per session. 217-414-8905. Springfield Theatre Centre, 420 S. Sixth St., 217-523-2787.
Junior Police Academy
Jul 8, 8am-3pm Mon. This program gives children ages 8-12 an opportunity to learn about the Springfield Police Department by providing activities at the police academy. Apply by June 28. Free. Springfield Police Academy, 3501 Color Plant Road, springfield.il.us.
Morgan County Fair
Jul 9-14, 8am Tue-Sun. Carnival, food, talent show, pageant, livestock, tractor pulls, live entertainment and more. $4 adults, $2 kids 8-12, free for kids under 8, half-price admission for all and free to seniors on Sunday. Morgan County Fairgrounds, 110 N. Westgate, Jacksonville, 217-245-6800. themorgancountyfair.com.
Jul 9-10, 10-10:30am Tue-Wed. Discover different ocean wildlife from octopus to seahorses. Ages 3-8. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Illinois History Forum
Jul 11, 12pm Thu. Discussion about Illinois in World War I with curator William Lear. Free. Illinois State Military Museum, 1301 N. MacArthur Blvd., 217-761-3910.
Illinois in World War I
Jul 12, 12pm Fri. Illinois History Forum session moderated by Chris McDonald, Lincoln Land Community College. Free. presidentlincoln.illinois.gov. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Lincoln, Gettysburg and Smallpox
Jul 12, 6:30pm Fri. Dr. Donald Graham will discuss the smallpox case of President Lincoln. Part of the Summer 2019 Civil War series offered by the Civil War Round Tables of Macoupin County and Springfield. Free. Books on the Square Springfield, 427 E. Washington St., 217-965-5443.
Movies in the Park – Mary Poppins Returns
Jul 12, 8pm Fri. Bring a lawn chair, sleeping bag or blankets to sit on. Movie begins at sunset. springfieldparks.org. Free. Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-3853. carillon-rees.org.
Illinois Aquathlon
Jul 13, 12am Sat. The longest distance aquathlon in Illinois. Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish & Wildlife Area, 10149 County Hwy. 11, Chandlerville, triharderpromotions.com. 217-341-1309.
Mid-Summer Blast
Jul 13, Sat. Prop Club, 264 Maple Grove Lane, 529-4901.
Victory Gardens
Jul 13, 10am-12pm Sat. Discover the importance of Victory Gardens during World War II and create a mini-victory garden to take home with you. Ages 8-12. $12.50 members, $15 non. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
LLCC College for Kids
Jul 15, 8:30am-pm Mon. For students who have completed grades K-8. $145 or $195 for the culinary session for grades 4-7. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. 217-786-2432. llcc.edu.
Jul 16, 10-10:30am Tue. In this school bus series film, the class takes a field trip to space to learn about asteroids, comets and meteoroids. Ages 3-8. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Chatham Jaycees Sweet Corn Festival
Jul 19-20, 4pm Fri, 8am Sat. Food, drinks, music, sports and the Illinois Championship Cow Chip Throw. Free. Chatham Community Park, 731 S. Main St., Chatham.
Summer Fest
Jul 20, Sat. Lake Press Club, 13 Club Area, 217-529-1221.
Taking Shape Family Event
Jul 20, 11am-3pm Sat. Discover what amazing shapes can be found in art and science. Make art on museum porch walls, take part in a collaborative art piece and learn about 3D printing. Ages 5+. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Kidzeum’s One Year Birthday Celebration
Jul 20, 10am-5pm Sat. Celebrate with us at our summer birthday bash featuring all types of fun events. The party will last all day. Museum admission. Kidzeum of Health and Science Children’s Museum, 412 E. Adams St., 217-971-4435. kidzeum.org.
Casting a Historic Vote: Suffrage in Illinois
Jul 21, 2-3:30pm Sun. Jeanne Schulz Angel will explain the paths walked by female leaders in our state. Part of the Standing on Her Shoulders series. Free. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-558-6696. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Poets in the Parlor
Jul 21, 2-4pm Sun. Nate Logan. Free. Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, 603 S. Fifth St., 217-524-0901. vachellindsay.org.
LLCC College for Kids
Jul 22-25, 8:30am-12:30pm Mon-Thu. For students who have completed grades K-8. $145 or $195 for the culinary session for grades 4-7. Lincoln Land Community College, 5250 Shepherd Road, 217-786-2200. 217-786-2432. llcc.edu llcc.edu/.
PAVE on Broadway
Jul 22, 9am-4pm Mon. Kids entering 3rd-9th grades will experience what it takes to stage a live production. Finale is a free performance. Doors open 7:30-5:00 daily. $335 per session. Springfield Theatre Centre, 420 S. Sixth St., 217-523-2787. 217-414-8905.
St. Louis Cardinals’ Kids Clinic
Jul 23, 12:30-5:30pm Tue. Learn baseball fundamentals from former St. Louis Cardinals players. Ages 7-13. $85. Rotary Park, Iles Avenue and Archer Elevator Road. 217-544-1751.
Jul 23-24, 10-10:30am Tue-Wed. From the Arctic to the Plains discover the different types of flightless birds, like penguins. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
The Unknown Role of Agriculture in the Civil War
Jul 25, 6:30-7:45pm Thu. ALPLM acquisitions archivist Ian Hunt will offer a perspective on the impact of agriculture for both the North and the South. Free. Books on the Square Springfield, 427 E. Washington St., 217-965-5443. booksonthesquare.com.
Stoneman Sprint, Abe’s Olympic and Route 66 Half Distant Triathlons
Jul 27, 8am Sat. Lake Springfield Beach House, 100 Long Bay Dr., 757-8660. triharderpromotions.com. 217-341-1309.
Summer Bash
Jul 27, Sat. Springfield Ski and Boat Club, 268 Maple Grove Lane, 217-529-9090.
Iris Society Plant Sale
Jul 27, 1-4pm Sat. Beautiful iris varieties from the members’ collections. Washington Park Botanical Garden, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-4116. Free. springfieldparks.org.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Jul 27, 8-10:30pm Sat. Free. The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater, 620 E. Riverside Dr., Decatur, (217)-619-8025. devonamphitheater.com.
Jul 30-31, 10-10:30am Tue-Wed. In this school bus series film, the class journeys inside Ralphie to find out what is making him sick. Ages 3-8. Museum admission. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Rumble Around the Lake
Aug 1, 6-9pm Thu. Sangamo Surf Club, 405 E. Lake Shore Dr, 217-529-1712.
Stealing Lincoln’s Body
Aug 1, 5:30pm Thu. Hear a little known and surprisingly humorous American tale of desperation carried out by bumbling criminals. With speaker Kevin Burke. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Museum Yoga
Aug 1, 6-7pm Thu. Bring a friend, yoga mat and water bottle. No registration required. All abilities welcome. Free. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-782-6044. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Movies in the Park – Incredibles 2
Aug 2, 8pm Fri. Bring a lawn chair, sleeping bag or blankets to sit on. Movie begins at sunset, approximately 8pm. springfieldparks.org. Free. Henson Robinson Zoo, 1100 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-585-1821. hensonrobinsonzoo.org.
Aug 3, 6-8pm Sat. Carol Weems. Free. Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, 603 S. Fifth St., 217-524-0901. vachellindsay.org.
8th Annual Run United 5K and Kids Fun Run
Aug 3, 6:30am Sat. All proceeds benefit the United Way of Central Illinois. 5k runner $30, virtual runner $20 and kids’ runner $15. $5 price increase for all after July 26. 217-585-7069. Washington Park, 1501 S. Grand Ave. W., 217-544-1751. springfieldparks.org.
St. Jude Runs Springfield
Aug 3, 5am-8pm Sat. Relay race from Springfield to Peoria. The local legs of the race are one to three miles. All levels of runners are welcome, as are volunteers. Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport, 1200 Capital Airport Dr., 217-788-9200. 217-414-6708. stjuderuns.org.
Daylily Society Plant Sale
Aug 3, 12-3pm Sat. Free. Washington Park Botanical Garden, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-4116. springfieldparks.org.
Chicken Fry
Aug 3, 12:30am Sat. Anchor Boat Club, 407 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1174.
Back to School Bash
Aug 3, 10am-1pm Sat. Celebrate the summer with hands-on activities that make you wish you could have class every day at Abe’s museum. Ages 8-12. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Architectural Walking Tour
Aug 7, 5:30-7pm Wed. Anthony Rubano will lead a tour of the Old State Capitol Plaza. The tour will conclude with a complimentary reception. Free. Old State Capitol Plaza, between Sixth and Fifth streets at Adams, 217-544-1723.
Stephen Hawking and Black Holes
Aug 7, 7-8:30pm Wed. Paul Mickey Learning Series. Charles Schweighauser presents Hawking’s new insights into the nature and evolution of black holes. Free. Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St., 217-782-7386. 217-558-6696. illinoisstatemuseum.org.
Tales from the Vault
Aug 8, 12pm Thu. Lincoln’s foreign policy with moderator executive director Alan Lowe. Free. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, 112 N. Sixth St., 217-558-8844. alplm.org.
Global Leadership Summit
Aug 8-9, 8:30am-5pm Thu-Fri. A broadcast featuring world-renowned faculty members who deliver a unique blend of vision, inspiration and practical leadership skills. Springfield First United Methodist Church, 2941 S. Koke Mill Road, 217-793-9760. springfieldfirst.org.
Illinois State Fair
Aug 8-18, Thu-Sun. Livestock shows, grandstand concerts, carnival, food and racing. 801 E. Sangamon Ave., 217-782-6661.
Looking for Lincoln at the Illinois State Fair
Aug 9, 8am Fri. Visitors can build with Lincoln Logs, watch period demonstrations such as blacksmithing or broom making and enjoy period music, and, of course, look for Lincoln. Illinois Building, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 S. Sangamon Ave., 217-782-6661 217-782-6817. lookingforlincoln.com.
Iris Society Plant Sale
Aug 10, 9am-12pm Sat. Free. Washington Park Botanical Garden, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-4116. springfieldparks.org.
Fish Fry
Aug 10, Sat. Sangamo Surf Club, 405 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1712.
The Greatest Poem
Aug 11, 2-4pm Sun. Walt Whitman turns 200 years old. Free. Vachel Lindsay Home State Historic Site, 603 S. Fifth St., 217-524-0901. vachellindsay.org.
Kitten Circus
Aug 13, 12-5pm Tue. Fun activities, popcorn, snow cones and other snacks while you meet the kittens. A friendly clown will be there from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. with free balloons. Free. Animal Protective League, 1001 Taintor Road, 217-544-7387. apl-shelter.org.
Movies in the Park – Sweet Home Alabama
Aug 16, 8-10:30pm Fri. Free. The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater, 620 E. Riverside Dr., Decatur, (217)-619-8025. 217-619-8025. devonamphitheater.com.
Washington Park Historic Photography Display
Aug 17, 12-4 pm Mon-Fri;.12-5 pm Sun. View photographs of Washington Park dating back to its creation in 1902. Free. Washington Park Botanical Garden, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-546-4116. springfieldparks.org.
Brown Bag Lecture: A Slightly Misremembered Past
Aug 21, 12-1pm Wed. Presented by Joe Wheeler, prairie archaeologist and tribal liaison with the Forest Service, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center, 1011 E. Ash St., 217-785-0037. 217-558-6696. illinoisstatemuseum.org.