The 9 ideal foods to eat before your marathon – Canadian Running Magazine
The 9 ideal foods to eat before your marathon Canadian Running Magazine
Planning your evening-before and day-of nutrition is crucial for a strong marathon performance. You want to know exactly what you’re going to eat and be …
Planning your evening-before and day-of nutrition is crucial for a strong marathon performance. You want to know exactly what you’re going to eat and be confident that it will sit well in your stomach.
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The IAAF has released several open access research articles that detail nutrition tips for every kind of runner. For long distance runners, they recommend experimenting with low-fibre foods ahead of race day. Low-fibre foods are typically easier to digest and sit well in a runner’s stomach. Below are nine examples of low-fibre foods that are also carbohydrate-rich.
Try a few of these before a long run or key workout to see how they sit in your stomach. If they serve you well, consider implementing them into your race-day nutrition plan. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t give up high-fibre foods throughout your entire build, just the evening before or morning of a key workout or race.
Nine foods to eat before your marathon (low fibre)
- White bread
- White breakfast cereals – Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes
- Sweetened dairy products – yogurt, kefir, chocolate milk
- Rice, pasta, potato – cook these foods and consume them hot to avoid resistant starches (which are created when the foods cool)
- Jam and honey
- Dessert – cake or Jell-O
- Sports products – gels, electrolytes
- Pureed fruit – apple sauce
- Meat, milk, cheese, poultry, fish, eggs, and other protein-rich foods
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Foods to avoid (high fibre)
- Dried and fresh fruit
- Raw vegetables
- Foods with pulp or skin