The Best Running Gear for 2019: Shoes, Clothes, Accessories – WIRED
The Best Running Gear for 2019: Shoes, Clothes, Accessories WIRED
Whether you’re pounding the pavement or cheering your friends on, we have the gear for you, including fitness watches, running shoes, socks, shorts, jackets, …
Shuck off your shirts! Summer is almost here, and we’ve got the gear you’ll need to hit the pavement or the trail.
The time has come. All winter you’ve been slogging through the damp, cold miles, wrapped in fleeces, hoodies, and headbands. Now your persistence is paying off, your perpetual ice cream headache is finally fading, and summer is almost here! Time to enjoy the cool breezes on bare arms and a post-run patio beer. You also stand a passing chance of persuading someone else to join you on a run. This spring, we’ve updated our fall running gear guide to reflect some of our latest greatest finds. Go forth and rack up mileage. Be sure to also check out our Best Fitness Trackers and Best Running Shoes guides—and all the gear that helped WIRED’s editor in chief run faster marathons in his forties.
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