The ‘Gratitude Mile’ Might Be the Trick You Need to Power Through Your Long Runs – Runner’s World

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No matter how dedicated you are, there are times when the long run gets the best of you. Whether that feeling hits when you are on mile 2 or mile 12, you may find yourself questioning whether you should keep going or just pack it in.
When we asked runners for tips they use to get through a tough long run via Instagram, one of the most popular was the concept of the “gratitude mile.” Runners explained that taking a mile to think about what they are thankful for helps them shift their mindset and get them past a midrun slump.
Runner Melissa Emery started if off, with her comment that garnered over 600 likes—and undoubtedly sparked some thinking.
“THE GRATITUDE MILE! Once I hit a wall, I spend the next mile focusing on the things I am grateful for. ‘I am grateful for this beautiful view, I am grateful for the sidewalk, I am grateful for the sun, I am grateful for my legs, and even though they hurt, I know I can do this, etc.’ By the time the mile ends, the wall has been lifted and I continue on,” she wrote.
We connected with Emery to dig a little deeper and find out what the concept of the “gratitude mile” means to her.
“It’s easy to focus too much on pace, times, and chasing the next PR. The Gratitude Mile helps you find yourself again and appreciate the fact that you are able to run at all,” says Emery. “I begin by simply taking notice and appreciating the simple things along my run.”
Sometimes, it’s easier said than done, but Emery finds that one simple step can help turn her attitude around. It keeps her focused on the enjoyment she gets from running rather than the discomfort that often accompanies it.
This mental shift helps Emery get a mental boost and distract from the monotony of putting one foot in front of the other.
“By the time the mile ends, the wall has been lifted, my spirits are higher, and I am more focused on the wonderful opportunity I have to run rather than a finish time on a clock,” she says.
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While this seems to work for Emery, is this something other runners can put into practice, too?
We also tapped an expert to see if she’s onto something that could help the rest of us.
“Psychologists will tell you that positive thoughts lead to positive emotions and that often leads to positive outcomes,” running coach Janet Hamilton, C.S.C.S., owner of Atlanta-based company explains. “I often tell my athletes to practice having a positive mantra during long runs.”
Science backs her up: In a study published by Clinical Psychological Science, those who engaged in positive self-talk felt more energized than those with a negative mindset. They also had a lower heart rate and sweat response (how much you sweat in response to distress), which triggered a feeling of relaxation.
Inevitably, at some point in training or racing, it’s going to get hard—really hard—to hold on to that effort. That’s when that positive mantra is even more important.
“If you have a plan in place that you’ve practiced before—a positive mantra or an idea for ways to bring positive thoughts to mind—you may find that you can get through those ‘down phases‘ or ‘tough times,’” she says.
In the midst of a tough long run, it’s easy to forget how much you love to run. But when you are slogging through those miserable miles, it can help to take a step back and remember what it it that keeps you coming back.
While it may seem easy enough, Hamilton suggests that holding onto a positive mantra can be just as difficult as holding onto a speedy pace. But both, she says, will come with practice.