The Key to Running Success? Rally Your Squad – runnersworld.com
The Key to Running Success? Rally Your Squad runnersworld.com

Ryan Taylor/Redbull Content Pool
The time is 2 a.m, and I’m running alone on a closed-down service road. The night is cool, but I still feel the Nevada desert heat radiating off the pavement. The only signs of life are the faint yellow and red blurs of infrequent traffic humming along I-15 far in the distance. I am hyperaware of every sound, every footstep, and every breath. Part of me feels completely terrified as my mind races through uncertainties and what-ifs. I keep asking myself questions. Why am I out here? Can I finish?
But another part of me—a bigger part—feels confident. Strong. That’s because of the five women waiting in an RV just a few miles ahead. I may be loping by myself in the middle of the desert, but I’m not truly alone. I know that if I can just finish this stretch, if I can just make it back to them, I’ll have all the support I need. Every March, a few hundred runners compete in a 340-mile, semi-legal, unofficial, and definitely bonkers, around-the-clock relay race from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. The event is known as The Speed Project. Last year, I completed the trek with five other runners, trading off sections of the route on foot as we all headed toward the Vegas Strip in a support RV.
Running is inherently an individual sport. It’s beautiful in that way, because it can be one of the few times in your day where you can truly challenge yourself to be better. But, it can also feel lonely at times. And as I realized on that remote, dark road, getting better is much easier when surrounded by others.
The strength I have by myself is not nearly as great as the strength I can muster as a member of a team. Joining a squad—others with shared values, passions, and goals—opens the door to a network of meaningful relationships that grow our skill set. Working with others pushes us out of our comfort zone, creates accountability, exposes vulnerability, and gives us a support system to celebrate the highs and work through the lows. Which is why I tell every runner I coach to go find a squad. Flip to the next page for more reasons why.
A Squad Teaches You to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.
The power of the mind is an undeniable force, and while we strive for improvement and success, stepping out of our comfort zone is extremely difficult. It is human nature to crave comfort, but staying within a warm safety bubble that we can easily (and often subconsciously) create for ourselves doesn’t lead to improvement. Stepping out of comfort zones is much easier for some than others, but it is undoubtedly harder for anybody to go at it alone. Connecting to a squad, team, or even one running buddy forces us out of our own head. With the strength of others, we develop a tolerance for discomfort. Having the support of friends and knowing that our team believes in us builds our ability to push into new levels of strength physically, mentally, and emotionally.
A Squad Provides Accountability.
Letting yourself down is just easier than letting others down. Neither feels good, but this demonstrates the power of having a team. They depend on us, and we depend on them, which means that extra rep, mile, or early morning workout isn’t nearly as easy to skip. Showing up for others creates purpose, self-worth, and confidence, and eventually, helps us show up for ourselves.
The #RWRunStreak is a perfect example of a high level of accountability and the power that comes with support from others. Runners from all over the world come together twice a year (in the summer and winter) as a squad with a common goal—run one mile a day, every day, for just over a month. With the help of social media, the support and sense of togetherness is undeniable, inspiring, and effective. Experiencing accountability teaches us to become more disciplined and to understand the incentive of staying focused and goal-oriented. The only way to get it? Finding others who care.
A Squad Embraces Vulnerability.
Asking for help can be intimidating. And most of the time, social media doesn’t help. The large amount of shared data can easily become something that provokes self-doubt, negativity, and comparison. These damaging thought patterns can take a downward spiral and severely impact our mindset. Continuing down this path will only lead to frustration and poor performances. However, with the safety and support from a team, we start to learn that being vulnerable is not a negative trait but is instead a brave one. It’s important to realize that talking about uncertainties and fears doesn’t mean we are weak, it means we are human. Goals that challenge us come with hardships and moments of growth. When we face them and push through the thin layer of doubt, we have a chance to really tap into our full running potential.
A Squad Has Your Back.
The sweet taste of victory is that much sweeter when we have others with us to share it. The support of teammates during the hard moments creates strong relationships and provides a new layer of enrichment in our running, especially when training gets tough. Knowing that others believe in us instills motivation to continue moving forward physically and mentally and makes working hard more fun.
Chances are, there might be like-minded individuals in your day-to-day environments that believe in you and motivate you. Tap into these relationships. Trust the people who support you, and lean on them. Be a resource to help them get stronger, and benefit from that strength in return. Use these support systems as a way to stay accountable in your training and focus on improvement. Most importantly, enjoy the support and fun that comes with having a squad. Life is short, so let’s work hard and celebrate it—with each other.
Coach Jess Movold advises and motivates Runner’s World+ members every week. Want access to her training advice? Learn more about Runner’s World+ here.
A running veteran for more than a decade, Movold is a licensed strength and running coach for Runner’s World+ members and at the Mile High Run Club in New York City.