The Trend Sport Trail Running – View – The KXAN 36 News
The Trend Sport Trail Running – View The KXAN 36 News
just over half of the race is behind me, as I doubt for the first time: Will I make it to the finish? It is exactly noon, when I leave the main road in Foresthill and in the …
just over half of the race is behind me, as I doubt for the first time: Will I make it to the finish? It is exactly noon, when I leave the main road in Foresthill and in the Canyon diving. A rocky, dusty Trail that drops times steep, and then steeper again ascend. This is the day of the race at the end of April it is unusually hot. At midday the Thermometer rises to over 30 degrees – it feels as if I would run into an open oven. The watch on my wrist will tell me later that it was about 40 degrees. But the heat is not the only Problem. Doubt my tired legs will let me. You need to rinse even more than a Marathon and over 1000 meters of altitude, set …
helpers-rich food and drinks
Six hours earlier, with Nearly 400 runners started at 5.30 a.m. on the 100 kilometers to the Canyons Endurance Runs to 2019. Of Foresthill, a small town at the foot of the Northern California Sierra, along the route continues along a footpath in the Wilderness by canyons and the American River. On the same path and is discharged at the end of June, the Western States Endurance Run, the oldest 100-mile race in the USA. Today’s race, with its 100 kilometres and approximately 4300 meters of height, a qualification is, therefore, the race for the Western States. But the starting place must be earned. The route profile and the heat demand at the end of your tribute: One quarter will not finish the race in the allotted time of 18 hours, or have to abandon it entirely.
Back on the Trail: On the first kilometers, it is still dark, the head torch lit the way, only diffuse. After two kilometres it flows in a narrow path that leads steeply down into the first Canyon and to the first river crossing. The water reaches up to the knees, and the feet are soaking wet, when it goes up for the first food item. Helpers enough food and beverages – in an ultra-running is almost as important as the previous Training. Ultra runs are called routes, which are longer than 42 kilometers. On the way to the first turning point, the elite runners coming towards me. After 30 kilometers, you have about a half hour ahead of us. On the gently sloping way back I can go on the run with a little more pace, enjoy the view and talk to the runners who accompany me on this section. As Luanne is. The 58-Year-old has already completed hundreds of ultra runs and several won. Everyone here knows the small stocky woman with short, gray hair. What advice can you give me? “Just run your own race”, she says to me before she passes me. My own race to run? The don’t want to work with me today, so right …
When Training a tick bite
As I sign up in December for the race of 100 kilometers is only an abstract number. The more I read about Ultras and their preparation, I realize how much preparation time a project calls for. First, I need to increase my around 40 kilometers of Training per week. I come up with a 10-week training program, graduates now between 60 and 100 kilometres per week – mainly on Trails with lots of altitude meters. However, through my training program, I can’t get blows without a return. After an interval workout, my right knee hurts so much that I have to pause for several days. After two weeks, with training on the bike and with a lot of Stretching, the pain disappears as suddenly as he appeared. Later, I’m stung on a training run by a tick and show symptoms of Lyme disease. A Doctor prescribe me ten days of antibiotics. To compete my preparation for the marathon, I still – and will of a third party. On race day I am confident.
lunch, mid-term. The other runners have all your family as a supervisor at the roadside. They are like a towel with ice-cold neck, fresh Sandwiches and Coke nursed him back to health. And to speak to the runners of courage. I need to know now. On the first kilometres down into the next Canyon, I can feel the fatigue in the legs. The heat sucked all the strength out of my body. The narrow path that should lead to a river, to rise, to my Surprise the steep. Here’s overtaken me, the 45-year-old Jeff. “What have you to the Aid Station given epinephrine?”, I witzle. The heat is now unbearable. The runners take advantage of every opportunity to cool off. On the roadside is a stream accumulates to a swimming Pool. Although the water only a few degrees, not more out of I want to there, actually …
If the legs don’t want to
At km 75, I am on the meals items for a longer Stop and go for a run then. After the first step, I know: not going to race I think. The legs feel as if they were made of lead. Also, Jeff goes to the squat and trying to uncramp his legs: “you don’t want to run.” It is a vicious cycle: The longer I’m down here in the heat am exposed to, the slower I’m going. In addition, The legs of pain now so that I’m afraid they might cramp at any Moment. Each step costs a lot of effort. The electrolyte drink at the aid stations I felt sick, my metabolism I think now, with waffles, gummy bears and water-melons in motion. “Sufferfest”, sorry fixed, the Americans call this Phase of the race. Here, the body releases hormones. That’s why I’m left out towards the end of the track, always cheerful, Yes. At the end I will reach the finish in Foresthill after 14 hours and 27 minutes. As I trot to the last steep kilometers on the Cal Street to the finish in Foresthill, comes to me an Interview with ultra-runner Ann Trason in mind. The multiple world record holder and Western States winner saw a ultra run always as a whole life, shortened to a day. UPS and Downs alternate. And at the end you’re just glad it’s over.
race in the mountains is becoming more and more popular. Thus, the number of running events is increasing as well as the number of participants is steadily increasing. World’s most famous Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc. 2003 conducted for the first time, rose is already three years later the number of interested parties, many times over. The run takes about 172 kilometers and 10’000 meters in altitude around the Mont-Blanc. The most famous Swiss mountain running Sierre–Zinal, was conducted in 1974 for the first time. Last 3500 runners ran indoor and runner, the 31-kilometre-long route with 2200 meters of altitude. Meanwhile, the Swiss tourism destinations and trail running have discovered and offer special deals.