On your marks, get set, go! Long Sutton is hosting its first half marathon in the spring.
As well as organising its fourth 10K in the town, Sublime Racing is also planning to put on a simultaneous event and double the distance so runners can aim for a personal best on the flat fenland course.
Competitors who sign up for the event planned for Sunday, March 15, 2020 are promised a high-class race with chip timing, water stations, results shared with England Athletics and Power of 10 as well as medals and T-shirts.

Race director Martin Jennings said the idea for putting on a 13.1-mile event came about due to the popularity of previous runs.
He said: “We’ve held three 10K races in Long Sutton before and they have always been very successful – the last one in November attracted around 600 entrants and our spring race in March is popular too.
“With that in mind we asked the runners on our Facebook community if there’d be any interest in a spring half marathon – as many people are preparing for full marathons at this time – and from the responses which came back it was quite apparent there was!
“It’s a great course – very flat, with few twists or turns; our half marathon distance will be twice round the usual 10K course, starting from the University Academy Long Sutton, with a little bit more added on the end to complete the distance.”
Sublime Racing was launched a couple of years ago by runners from Fenland Running Club who wanted to put on a series of high-class events in the area, catering to the needs of all runners from beginners to pros.
As well as runs and wheelchair races in Long Sutton they also host events in Peterborough and Cambridge.
“There’s about 25 to 30 of us who have come together to put these events on.
“Our vision was to look at what’s important to runners, whatever their ability – those who put in fast times who are interested in chip timing, having their results shared with English Athletics and whether the water available to them on the course is in bottles,” added Martin.
“While for those coming up from Park Run to completing their first 10k – it’s a big step and that medal is everything to them.”
Sublime Racing also offers an early start wave for those who think they will finish outside a designated time so they can be back in time for the prize giving and enjoy the race atmosphere too.
* For more information about Sublime Racing, its events and entry visit www.sublimeracing.com
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