Virgin Money London Marathon announces new plans for back-of-the-pack runners – Runner’s World (UK)
Virgin Money London Marathon announces new plans for back-of-the-pack runners Runner’s World (UK)

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The Virgin Money London Marathon has announced ambitious plans to improve the back-of-the-pack experience at this year’s event. Hugh Brasher, Event Director for the race, says: ‘We have worked very hard over the past months to put in place these plans that ensure that runners at the back of the pack have the best possible experience on the day.’
An earlier start time
The mass race will begin half an hour earlier than usual, at 9:30am. Wave starts will continue as usual. However, participants who think they will take more than 7hrs 45mins to cover the distance have been offered the opportunity to start at the back of either the second or third wave to give them more time (8hrs 35 mins and 8hrs 20mins, respectively) to finish.
A group of tailwalkers
Fifty tailwalkers will be in attendance to walk the entire route at 8hr pace, acting as a mobile cheer squad for those at the back of the pack. The tailwalkers will start at the back of the final wave at 10:30am, and the 8hr time will only begin once these tailwalkers have crossed the start line. In addition, there will be a bus with a DJ playing music, while will join the route at mile 3 and drive behind the tailwalkers.
Heavenly support
A team of 80 ‘Virgin Money Angles’ will be on hand from mile 16 to 26 to support anyone who is struggling and needs help. They will work in pairs and be positioned about 400m apart and remain in place until the tailwalkers have passed.
Same experience for all
Timing mats, event photographers and drink stations will stay in place until the back of the pack has passed. Similarly, the convoy of clear-up vehicles will follow the DJ busy and organisers will ensure this convoy does not impinge upon the back of the pack.
Roads open longer
There will later road reopening times from mile 23 onwards (Tower of London). This mean the 8hr pace participants will be able to stay on the road throughout, rather than having to move to the pavement. The tailwalkers will assist anyone who falls behind the 8hr pace and guide them on to the pavement, staying with them to the finish. The ambition is to assist everyone to reach the finish line on The Mall.
Staff support
A senior London Marathon Events staff member will be at the back of the pack throughout the event to ensure there is no repeat of contractors overlapping with the back of the pack participants and tailwalkers.
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