Wanting to Hide Under a Cardigan in Texas Heat, She Knew She Needed to Make a Change – runnersworld.com
Wanting to Hide Under a Cardigan in Texas Heat, She Knew She Needed to Make a Change runnersworld.com
Amanda Brooks wanted to wear a cardigan in Texas heat to hide her weight. So she decided to start running and ended up losing 100 pounds.

Courtesy of Amanda Brooks
Name: Amanda Brooks
Age: 27
Occupation: Behavioral health supervisor
Hometown: Waterville, Maine
Start Weight: 265 pounds
End Weight: 164 pounds
Time Running: 2.5 years
My husband and I had the opportunity to move to Houston from Maine after he graduated with his MBA. When we got there, I was not ready for the heat. Yet, I still debated putting on a cardigan when it was 118 degrees outside.
I knew it sounded ridiculous, but I wanted to hide myself because I hated the way I looked. Covering up was easier than the constant fear that people would make comments about my weight, which was around 265 at the time.
That made wanting to change much easier. The problem at first was I just moved, and didn’t have much money to spend. Luckily, running was free. I already had running shoes, and uploaded the MapMyRun app—also free—to track my pace and distance.
So I signed up for a 5K with an awesome finisher’s medal. It wasn’t my first, but it would be the first time I trained for one.
Training was hard. I felt sluggish, hot, and slow, but the feeling of accomplishing the planned distance was worth it. I had about a month until the race, so I started running three to four times a week to prepare. I even did a 5K distance before I got to the race.
When I got to the starting line though, I was still nervous. Having signed up alone, I waited with all of the other runners, trying to get pumped up with my music. The main thought on my mind was I had done this before, but this time, I was trained.
Also, most of the races in Maine were fairly small. But Texas loves going big, more than I could have ever imagined. During my first race in Texas, I was blown away by the amount of runners, and I felt a part of something great. Even if I had started this journey alone, I was able to cross the line with so many amazing runners.
From there, I added miles slowly. I was planning on doing another 5K, but the one I wanted to do filled up. Then I noticed that spots were still open for the half marathon. I kept hearing the same sentence in my head, “Suck it up and do the half.” Well, I signed up.
Again, training got tougher, but I was able to conquer the distance before the race. On race day, I was overcome with emotions as I crossed the finish line. Running a half was something I never imagined I could do or want to do.
It honestly started a fire within me, believing I could do every single thing that I set my mind too.
When I moved back to Maine, I continued running. I began exploring the state, where I had spent nearly my entire life, but had never seen with this type of focus. I was 100 pounds lighter. I was able to climb mountains, paddle board, kayaked, and enjoy every single thing Maine had to offer.
[Discover how to run 10, 50, or even 100 pounds off with Run to Lose.]
I even volunteered at the Boston Marathon last year. I took in the electrifying and inspiring atmosphere, and watched Des Linden come through mile 26 in first on her way to the women’s marathon crown. I cried because I knew that I wanted nothing more than to run a marathon.
A month later, I did just that. It was hard, and the wall at mile 18 was so real, but I pushed through. I whole-heartedly believe the saying, “Everything you ever wanted to know about yourself, you can learn in 26.2 miles.”
I pushed through something that at one time was something impossible. There is no feeling that can compare to crossing the finish line of a marathon, which I plan to do again at the Maine Marathon in October.
Changing my diet was also a huge part of my journey. I started tracked my food in My Fitness Pal, and counted calories to know exactly what I was eating. I changed my mindset, turning food into fuel so I could run as much as I wanted to.
There were a few days that I didn’t eat as well, and I felt it in my running, so it became trial and error. I believe in eating things in moderation, and I love pasta and tacos, so I plan accordingly in my tracking to still be able to have those things.
To anyone who wants to start their journey, I know the unknown is really scary. There’s a lot you’re going to learn, but it’ll be so worth it in the end. For me, I knew I couldn’t continue to live my life the way I was, so I was willing to put myself out there no matter what happened.
It’s one meal, one workout, and one day at a time. Make the best choice that moves you closer to your goals.
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